adj.启发式的; 探试的,探索的adj.(教学)启发式的, 探索的 n.启发式教学
副词: heuristically |
Noun1. a commonsense rule (or set of rules) intended to increase the probability of solving some problem
名词 heuristic:
a commonsense rule (or set of rules) intended to increase the probability of solving some problem
同义词:heuristic rule, heuristic program
形容词 heuristic:
of or relating to or using a general formulation that serves to guide investigationheuristic[ hjuə'ristik ]n.a commonsense rule (or set of rules) intended to increase the probability of solving some problem
同义词:heuristic ruleheuristic program
adj.of or relating to or using a general formulation that serves to guide investigationheuristic中文词源:
heuristic 启发式的 来自希腊语heuriskein,发现,找到,来自PIE*were,找到,词源同eureka.引申词义启发,启发式教育。heuristic用法和例句:
The paper offer a new heuristic attribute reduction algorithm based on conditional granularity entropy , thou.
The ventilation index system is deduced by using heuristic algorithm on basis of rough set theory.
Search strategy has largely blind search and heuristic search two categories.
Ant colony algorithm is a new heuristic optimization method and it has many merits.
We propose a novel heuristic approximation algorithm and our algorithm is constant approximation algorithm.
Studies leads the type to have a more widespreadserviceability compared to the heuristic teaching.
A heuristic strategy is presented to solve the point location problem in spherical triangulation mesh.
This paper discusses how to use the heuristic method of teaching in real variable function.
The fold distance of the heuristic function was used instead of its direct distance.
This article reviews applications of heuristic didactics to pharmacology teaching.
This article reviews the applications of heuristic didactics to pharmacology teaching.
This paper will introduce a detailed method of heuristic scanning for macro virus.
A new combinatorial dispatching rule, RAN ( FCFS, ODD ), and a heuristic method are designed.
设计了一种组合式调度规则RAN ( FCFS, ODD ), 并提出了基于规则的启发式算法以及该类动态Jobshop 调度问题的算例生成方法.
The number of segments is automatically computed due to the inherent heuristic searching.
A heuristic method at functional unit allocation is also presented to improve the clique partition algorithm.
At the end, it the design of heuristic teaching from a angle of teaching mathematics.
A heuristic solution algorithm based on sensitivity analysis is designed for the model proposed.
Lagrangian relaxation heuristic algorithm is designed to solve the model by equivalent transformation.
The results are as follows: 1. Feedback can promote the inner process of heuristic probability estimate.
实验得到了以下几个结果: 一、反馈能够改善启发式概率估计的内部过程.
A heuristic method combined genetic algorithm and parameter linear programming is proposed to the FCLSP.
Accuracy in heuristic analysis depends on how aggressively the scoring criteria are set.
It belongs to heuristic optimization methods.
Genetic Heuristic Engine combines advanced algorithms to detect new variants of the most dangerous malware families.
And we choose a heuristic algorithm to ensure the effectiveness and speed of the reduction.
EFT was used in search heuristic, which attained fine convergence speed and shortest scheduling length.
搜索启发采用最早完成时间, 可以获得了较快的收敛速度和最短的任务调度长度.
This paper emphasizes the heuristic method and process _ oriented approach to the teaching of translation.
Heuristic knowledge reduction approach based on discernibility matrix and strong compressible set is proposed.
With the advantage of parallel calculation, heuristic algorithm has been used in the research.
To complete the autofocus course soon, a set of heuristic search method was applied.
Is "Puzzled Feeling" Really the Result of Confucious'Heuristic Teaching?
Packed.Generic.244 is a heuristic detection for files that may have been obfuscated or encrypted in order to conceal them from antivirus software.Packed.Generic.
The heuristic initializtion groups, it, in which QoS metrics are considered, can speeds up the algorithm convergence and deliver the good characteristics to the offspring.
The general reduct algorithm was improved and a new heuristic one was introduced. 5.
Then EDF heuristic algorithm, which has good performance than other real-time algorithms is given. ?
The HEWC problem was formulated as an integer linear program, and an approximation solution was obtained by using LP-relation and rounding heuristic.
The scan speed of NOD32 on malware collections with enabled adv. heuristic is horrible, like 100 times slower than AntiVir.
VRP is a typical NP hard problem, and the genetic algorithm (GA) is an adaptive heuristic search method which is considered as the way to solve the NP problems.
Some scholar-bureaucrats began to search for the heuristic experience from the western countries to transfer to Chinese contextualization.
The experiment result shows that the heuristic WSPTS is the best one and the SPTS is the most stable one among all the algorithms.
For solving the problem, a heuristic scheduling algorithm named double complex priority algorithm (DCPA) was presented and validated by an example lastly.
A heuristic algorithm for multiple alignment was developed to more effectively study alternative splicing patterns of eukaryotic genes.
This paper deseribes the computer realization of a heuristic method to solve the bottleneck transportation problem with resources constrained.
From now on, all homepages, which were detected by the new heuristic are reported with a ?HTML/" prefix.
From forced-feeding method of teaching to heuristic education.
He also introduced the use of optimal and heuristic algorithms to stay away from for example the location of equipment.
When the devices become more complicated, the simulations usually need huge computations and then the analytical or conventional heuristic methods will not be practicable.
As an important heuristic optimization algorithm, genetic algorithm (GA) has been widely applied in computer aided drug design (CADD).
Applications of rule chaining, heuristic search, logic, constraint propagation, constrained search, and other problem-solving paradigms.
The learning approach leads to a hard mixed integer program that can be solved iteratively in a heuristic optimization.
Make full use of the researching results already achieved on heuristic algorithm is an effective method for solving some difficult problems of practical engineering issues.
Sixthly, to adapt the increment of traffic demand, this article proposes urban traffic network capacity multi-stage expansion model and its heuristic algorithm.
Kernighan B W, Lin S. An efficient heuristic procedure for partitioning graphs. Bell System Technical Journal, 1970, 49:291-307.
Gillett B. E. and Miller L R. . A Heuristic Algorithm for the Vehicle Dispatch Problem[J]. Opns. Res.,1974,22.
In addition,it uses the heuristic mutation to optimize tours,generate disarrangement effect and avoid precocity.
Simultaneously,the heuristic information is adopted in the algorithm and a minimum reduct can be found according to the attribute of fuzzy dependence increasing quickly.
A corresponding solution was thus given methodologically to the model combing Lagrangian relaxation, algorithm of ordinal introduction of constraints with heuristic algorithms.
And a heuristic evolution-enhanced genetic algorithm is presented to resolve the large-scale combinatorial optimization problem.
The Heuristic will be similar to CIMA and on similar lines to Kaspersky and Avira.
The heuristic module performs a thorough investigation of every e-mail message and watches for suspicious signs, that might announce virus presence.
By the use of some special information related to problems to be solved,the heuristic algorithm controls the process of searching state space.
Kurtulus,I.,and E.W.Davis, Multi-Project Scheduling: Categorization of Heuristic Rules Performance, Management Science,February 1982.
It is difficult to get good severity estimates from the evaluators during a heuristic evaluation session when they are more focused on finding new usability problems.
The BUIO sequence is presented for protocol conformance test based on UIO sequence,which is optimized with Rural Chinese Postman algorithm and Heuristic algorithm.
Based on population-based incremental learning (PBIL) algorithm, a fast algorithm is presented with heuristic feasible operator (HFO) to solve some binary code covering problems.
A heuristic factor based on the most pheromone in a moving direction range and a goal guiding function were used during the searching process.
The is the need to produce an addition heuristic to handle the occurrence of repeated sequences of characters which is common in both plain text and binary files.
This paper proposes a new rough set-based heuristic function called parameterized weighted average support heuristic(PWASH) which is based on maxmium support heuristic(MSH).
In a sense, the opposite of heuristic analysis in AV is not signature scanning, but algorithmic scanning, of which signature scanning is a special case.
To solve the problem,a heuristic algorithm is designed,which customers are clustered firstly and then clusters are adjusted by insertion algorithm based on TSP.
In economy and the classroom education that run course, should extend associated schoolteaching pattern, promote heuristic education, do work of good case education.
Basing on the combination of heuristic algorithm for assigning tasks and scheduling algorithms for uniprocessor, a novel scheduling algorithm for DCS is proposed in this paper.
在结合启发式任务分配算法和单处理器任务调度算法的基础上 ,提出了一种分布式控制系统的调度算法 .
Taking into account many restrict condition, found the math model of planning, design of the heuristic optimize method which was based on the minimal tree.
In this research, a Self-Organising Migration Algorithm (SOMA), a heuristic optimisation algorithm, has been used to find optimum profiles for a simulated rolling mill.
在这项研究中,一个自组织迁移算法(索马) ,一种启发式优化算法,已被用来寻找最佳配置的模拟轧机。
Adhere to heuristic teaching, ideological and political importance of teaching the lessons of history.
It can be achieved by heuristic information after attribute reduction.A method for calculating decision rules core based on binary discernibility matrix is presented directly.
Based on the so-called corner-occupying and largest cave degree first placement policy, a heuristic algorithm was presented to solve the problem.
A motion planning framework for virtual human arm manipulation was proposed based on bidirectional heuristic Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT).
Making trading decisions more complicated than the simple heuristic of “price” has always been problematic.
It absorbs the strong points of the heuristic method and dynamic programming method in solving such problems,and overcomes the tediousness of the above methods.
The mm-conflicts heuristic repair local search procedure will ensure GENET convergence to some states, which could be solutions or local minimum.
It furthers to analyze whether or not Chinese investors are prone to heuristic bias.
Experimental results show that this algorithm is of better performance than other heuristic methods.
An experiment proves this heuristic algorithm is efficient for solving this kind of problem.
For different optimization phases, different heuristic algorithms were adopted to determine the processor number of each task in a parallel system.
The input(s), the output(s) and reinforcement function were analyzed, and adaptive heuristic critic (AHC) algorithms were adopted for continuous problem.
Integrating analogical reasoning into the state space search, a new heuristic search method, named an analogy based heuristic search(AHS) is presented in this paper.
将类比推理技术引入状态空间的搜索 ,提出了一种基于类比的启发式搜索方法 AHS.
Take the availability heuristic: people predict the likelihood of an event based on how easily they can come up with an example.
At first, the author discusses the nature of metaphors and three functions for metaphors in science: rhetorical, heuristic, and cognitive function.
A new approach to solve the problem by combining the heuristic algorithm with simulated annealing approach is presented.
Presented an efficient hybrid heuristic SGS-EM-PACOB algorithm for learning Bayesian network with mi-ssing values.
A model was built for the flexible choice of vehicle routes with a certain departure time, and a heuristic algorithm was proposed.
While coalescing via boundary tags and best-fit via binning represent the main ideas of the algorithm, further considerations lead to a number of heuristic improvements.
Malware authors have developed a wide range of approaches to minimizing the susceptibility of their product to heuristic detection.
Nevertheless, traditionally optical engineers usually find the optimal parameters of the devices by their experiences or the heuristic tests.
Instead of applying heuristic rules of photo composition, we propose to imitate good -composition presented in the artworks of professional photographers.
Blink testing" represents an oracle heuristic I find quite helpful, quite often.
HeuristicMixedException - Thrown to indicate that a heuristic decision was made and that some relevant updates have been committed while others have been rolled back.
Thrown to indicate that a heuristic decision was made and that some relevant updates have been committed while others have been rolled back.
According to the orthodoxy, metaphors only play a secondary, heuristic role in the context of discovery.
A heuristic method or process.
The study and application of heuristic methods and processes.
Charpter 2 studies QoS constrained Steiner tree Problem. introducing serval mainly heuristic algorithms, discussing multicast theory that supporting QoS.
A heuristic activity-on-arrow network autogeneration algorithm was proposed.It generated the optimized activity-on-arrow network for simplifying without a second scan.
A new method of defect detection X-ray images of weld using optimized heuristic search based on image information fusion was introduced.
A heuristic algorithm for the task decomposition and distribution was proposed, and analysis and evaluation of the algorithm was made as well.
A new dynamic heuristic binary decision diagram(BDD) minimization algorithm is proposed.
The multi-start 2-nearest neighbor searcher is presented for the construction of the initial population and a new adaptive heuristic mutation is adopted.
All those will be heuristic and instructive for the further renovation of drawworks and disk brakes structures and improvement of rig performance and quality.
EFT was used in search heuristic, which attained fine convergence speed and shortest scheduling length.
用作形容词(adj.)Neuristic methods of teaching have been carried out in many schools.
The historian discovers the past by the judicious use of such a heuristic device as the 'ideal type'.