prednisone是什么意思   prednisone怎么读

英式:['prednɪzəʊn]    美式:['prednɪzəʊn]


n. 泼尼松, 强的松
[化] 泼尼松; 强的松

n. a dehydrogenated analogue of cortisol (trade names Orasone or Deltasone or Liquid Pred or Meticorten); used as an anti-inflammatory drug in the treatment of arthritis and as an immunosuppressant




prednisone acetate [化] 醋酸泼尼松


That woman has been poisoning her hu and with prednisone.


prednisone. It's a steroid to help with the inflammation.

强的松 类固醇类药物可以消除炎症反应

There hasn't even been a doubleblind ysis of prednisone's effect.

“普瑞尼松”的功效甚至 还没做过双盲分析

He's in adrenal crisis, but that would only happen if he'd stopped taking his prednisone.

他出现了肾上腺危象 但那只有在 停止服用肾上腺皮质激素时才会发生

Patient's 40, history of lupus, treated with prednisone.

病人四十岁 有过狼疮病史 在用肾上腺皮质激素治疗

...and medication called prednisone, so you fill this thing out tonight.

还要准备一种药 叫强的松 你今晚就把药装入吸入器

We'll taper off the prednisone, and your system will purge it over the next few days.

我们会逐渐停用肾上腺皮质激素 过几天你的身体就会把它都净化掉了

I read on the Internet that if I gave him some prednisone, it would look like diabetes.

我在网上看到如果给他用点肾上腺皮质激素 就会出现糖尿病的症状

Take the prednisone every day and you visit the clinic first in the morning.

强的松每天都要用 你们明天一早都到门诊部来

Uh, you know, he's got some edema in his right hand, and you might wanna lower his prednisone to five milligrams.

他右手有点浮肿 强的松的剂量最好给他减五毫克