dowager是什么意思   dowager怎么读

英式:[ˈdaʊədʒə(r)]    美式:[ˈdaʊədʒə(r)]



n.(继承亡夫爵位或遗产的)遗孀, 老年贵妇






1. a widow holding property received from her deceased husband

名词 dowager:

a widow holding property received from her deceased husbanddowager[ 'dauədʒə ]n.a widow holding property received from her deceased husband



Nobody was allowed to eat in the Empress Dowager's presence.



the dowager Duchess of Norfolk



Even the Dowager had not been as incompetent.



Here was still a lofty self - regard in her bearing the dignity of a dowager empress.

她那派头仍然带有高傲的 自尊,具有皇太后一般的尊严.


Appearance of the United States , like beauty, like the Dowager Concubine Yang?

外貌美, 想西施, 杨贵妃那样的倾国倾城?


Masanori Qing Empress Dowager ( Qianlong's mother ) and the other concubines living here.

清圣宪皇太后 ( 乾隆母 ) 和嫔妃居此.


Where did Empress Dowager Cixi give audience behind a screen?



And was she an adventuress like the Empress Dowager Yehonala?



In Jinuoweiya palace she and the Dowager Clarissa severe clashes.



Dowager had the prominent position on the Chinese ModernHistory.



The prowess and endowment are the prowler's wager to the dowdy dowager.



He used to be a servant of the Empress Dowager Cixi.



The summmer residence of the Empress Dowager?

慈禧太后的夏季行宫 吗 ?


The decree of the empress dowager asks you to enter the palace and discuss issues immediately.



The Kunming Lake in the Summer Palace was built for the Empress Dowager's birthday.




Soon Baoyu was tired and wanted to have a nap. The Lady Dowager ordered his attendants to take good care of him and bring him back after a rest.


Because he and Daivu both lived in the Lady Dowager's quarters he was closer to her than to the other girls


Recently the Lady Dowager had found it inconvenient to have all her grand-daughters crowded together in her compound.


"And thanks to the Lady Dowager's partiality, Qin Zhong often stayed for a few days with the Jia family. "


It so happened that Baoyu had just arrived in the garden. For he was still grieving so much over Qin Zhong's death that the Lad Dowager often told his servants to take him there to distract him.


"As the plum blossom was now in full bloom in the Ning Mansion's garden, Jia Zhen's wife Madam You invited the Lady Dowager, Lady Xing, Lady Wang and the others to a party to enjoy the flowers."


"The Lady Dowager is so attached to these grand-daughters that she makes them study in the Rong Mansion near her, and I hear good reports of them all."


"Since her coming to the Rong Mansion, the Lady Dowager had been lavishing affection on her, treating her in every respect just like Baoyu so that Yingchun, Tanchun and Xichun, the Jia girls, all had to take a back seat."


"Baoyu told the Lady Dowager of Qin Zhong's eagerness to attend their clan school, and the incentive it would be for him to have a friend and companion in his studies. "


"He hastened to greet his new friend and presented him to the Lady Dowager, who was delighted by his handsome looks and pleasing manner. "


Now the refreshments were cleared away and the Lady Dowager ordered two nurses to take Daiyu to see her two uncles.


If the Lady Dowager or Lady Wang were here I wouldn't mind your drinking a whole jarful.


"Lady Wang took them in to pay their respects to the Lady Dowager, and they distributed the gifts they had brought."


"She brought Jia Rong and his wife with her to deliver the invitations in person, and so the Lady Dowager and the rest went over after breakfast. "


"The next morning, after paying her respects to the Lady Dowager, Daiyu went to Lady Wang's apartments."


"Every day after lunch or in the evening, Aunt Xue would walk over to chat with the Lady Dowager or to talk over the old day swith her sister."


"Why go yourself, sir? Let me go and tell her the old lady wants her. I'll hire a carriage to bring her, and you can question her in the Lady Dowager's presence. Wouldn't that save trouble?"


"It's a hopeful sign,"Lady Wang told the Lady Dowager, "if an illness grows no worse at a seaon like this."


"Before Lady Wang could extend this invitation, the Lady Dowager also sent to urge, "Do invite your sister to stay here, so that we can all be close together."


Lady Wang led Dalyu through an entrance hall running from east to west into the Lady Dowager's back courtyard.


As she knew that the Lady Dowager had given her to Baoyu she felt this would not be an undue liberty.


She sent her little maid in to see if the Lady Dowager's meal had been served.


"Lady Dowager, Lady Wang and Xifeng sent daily to inquire after Keqing and were told each time that she was neither better nor worse."


The Lady Dowager's gift was a purse containing a small golden effigy of the God of Learning symbolizing literary talent and harmony.


The Lady Dowager had not yet dined but was very pleased when she learned where they had been.


The Lady Dowager sent one mounted messenger after another in search of news


"The Lady Dowager had every confidence in this lovely slender young woman who with her gentle, amiable behaviour was her favourite of all the great-grandsons' wives of the Rong and Ning branches. "


"In spite of her age, the Lady Dowager looked forward to any excitement. "


"Since the Lady Dowager considered Xueyan too young and childish and Nanny Wang too old to be of much service, she gave Daiyu one of her own personal attendants, a maid of the second grade called Yingge. "


One morning Xiren's mother came and asked the Lady Dowager's permission to take her daughter home to tea and keep her until the evening.


"Xifeng took her hand and carefully inspected her from head to foot, then led her back to her seat by the Lady Dowager."


"Xiren's strong point was devotion, Looking after the Lady Dowager she thought of no one but the Lady Dowager, and after being assigned to Baoyu she thought only of Baoyu. "


In 1860 when Beijing was under attack by the Joint AngloFrench Forces, Xianfeng took refuge in the resort together with the empress dowager and his two concubines.


In 1861, the Dowager Empress Cixi became de facto ruler of China, controlling the Qing government for 48 years.


Empress Dowager Ci Xi rebuilt it in 1888 with a large sum of money which had been appropriated to build a Chinese navy.


The Reform of 1898 stopped by Empress Dowager achieved only a little, but the “New Politics” beginning in 1901 greatly changed the traditional customs.


1900 - Empress Dowager Longyu of China orders all foreigners killed, including foreign diplomats and their families.


In 1908, the empress dowager said on her deathbed to the effect that on no account should Guangxu be allowed to survive herself.

1908 年(光绪三十四年),慈禧临死前对人讲: 绝不能让光绪死在她的后头。

In 1908, the empress dowager said on her deathbed to the effect that on no account should Guangxu be allowed to survive herself


queen dowager

n. 已故君王之妻, 孀居的王后

a richly figged out dowager


Someone standing outside the window raised his voice to address the Empress Dowager inside.


One day a dowager of the impertinent variety who thinks herself spiritual,


One day a dowager of the impertinent variety who thinks herself spiritual, addressed this sally to him, "Monseigneur, people are inquiring when Your Greatness will receive the red cap!"


Was the place where Empress Dowager Cixi celebrated her birthdays.


"Inevitably, the Lady Dowager was most painfully affected."


You're not loyal because you don't respect the Empress Dowager.


Very few somebody is advertent on the world the doing of this emperor, what people place notices is kind happiness empress dowager only.


The Psychological State of the Empress Dowager Cixi in the Period of Boxer Movement


The Hall of Happiness and Longevity was the residence of Empress Dowager Cixi during her stay in the Summer Palace.


For Emperor Qianlong, one great pleasure was to accompany his mother the empress dowager to Ying'Tai to watch a fireworks display and to give banquets for his ministers in celebration of peace and prosperity in the land.


A Study of Empress Dowager Zhao's Wailing by Grabbing the Zhong in Escorting Her Daughter to Wedding


He wants nothing more than to return to the household of the Dowager Provincara, where he served as a page in his youth.


Trinket knew that the false Empress Dowager, or Mao Dongzhu as he must now learn to call her, was a member of the Sect and it seemed likely that this fat lover of hers was also a member.


He used to be a servant of the Empress Dowager Cixi.


Although his mother was the Empress Dowager, she was so nervous about this that she could never sleep in peace.


Legend Power Allied Forces into Beijing, the Empress Dowager Cixi dressed village women, fled overnight.


Story has it that while Yuan Shikai was a Qing general he had presented Dogs- Wouldn'tTouch'Bao'Zi to the Empress Dowager Cixi as a tribute and thus won the latter's favour. This no doubt had added to the fame of this kind of bao'zi.


But the conservative force led by Empress Dowager Cixi, who had real power, bitterly hated and strongly opposed these measures.


surely you can think of some way to arrange a brief interview with the Dowager?

你一定可以想到一个 能见到太后的方法的

In 1888, Empress Dowager Cixi embezzled navy funds to reconstruct it for her own benefit, changing its name to Summer Palace (Yiheyuan).


Historical Records about Empress Dowager Cixi's Portraits Drew by the American Female Painter Carl at the End of the Qing Qynasty


In 1894 the Christian women of China decided to present a New Testament to the Empress Dowager on her sixtieth birthday which occurred the following year.


The Princess drew the bed-curtains together and ran to unbar the door.As soon as it was open, the Empress Dowager came striding in.'Barring the door in broad daylight!


His works are related Shidao meaning people, reactive in practical, highly regarded by the people of the world, the Empress Dowager Cixi, said he was "the first person to Jingdong.


He confers on her the title of empress dowager.


Empress Dowager Liu


At a result, the power of training new troops came to Rong Lu and Yuan Shikai who were both favoured by Cixi (empress dowager).


Xiren...had been one of the Lady Dowager's maids...Baoyu knew that her surname was Hua(7) and remembered a line of poetry which ran,"the fragrance of flowers assails men.


Dowager A widow who holds a title or property derived from her deceased husband.


The reform movement was nipped in the bud by the conservatives at the court led by the Empress Dowager Cixi who in fact did not want the emperor to have any say in state affairs, still less to allow him to carry out reforms.

变法遭到以慈禧太后为代表的封建顽固势力的扼杀。 慈禧既不允许光绪掌握实权,更不容忍光绪变法维新。

So long as I was alive, I didn't think I needed to trouble him.' A sigh of relief escaped the Empress Dowager's lips.


However, the Khodorkovsky's Group of the emperor's new trends without notice, but relied on the Empress Dowager, Queen's special relationship intensify their efforts to Shemi the system.


Later, the Empress Dowager Tzu Hsi, representing the die-hards, again took power and the reform movement failed.


We will go pay respect to Queen Dowager.


Back to China, she began to perform in the court and was favored by Dowager Cixi.


Like to enjoy because of the Empress Dowager Cixi, the cake and bubble like flowers in full bloom, it got its name.


a queen dowager who is mother of the reigning sovereign.


Long more popular than classical music in Italy, opera continues to boom. Some of the country's dowager opera houses have been refitted with modish new finery.


When Empress Dowager Cixi celebrated her 60th birthday, the local officer of Huishan presented a clay figurine set, Immortality Peach Gathering.



He used to be a servant of the Empress Dowager Cixi.

The empress dowager gave orders to snuff out the crown prince.

In spite of her age, the dowager looked forward to any excitement.

She sent her little maid in to see if the dowager's meal had been served.