augmentative是什么意思   augmentative怎么读

英式:[ˌɔ:gˈmentətɪv]    美式:[ˌɔ:gˈmentətɪv]


adj.有扩大(增长、增加、提高)作用的; (指词缀或派生词)增强词义的





1. increasing or having the power to increase especially in size or amount or degree;

"`up' is an augmentative word in `hurry up'"

2. intensifying by augmentation and enhancement

形容词 augmentative:

increasing or having the power to increase especially in size or amount or degree

intensifying by augmentation and enhancement


augmentative[ ɔ:ɡ'mentətiv ]adj.increasing or having the power to increase especially in size or amount or degree

"`up' is an augmentative word in `hurry up'"

intensifying by augmentation and enhancement




Sometimes augmentative surgical procedures are necessary.



Objective To advance augmentative rhinoplasty skills on different nose - shapes and the aesthetic effects and prevent complication.



Objective To advance augmentative rhinoplasty skills on different nose - shapes and aesthetic effects, and prevent complication.




The critical safety thickness of hidden cavity increases with the augment of hidden cavity section size, radial constringency, safety coefficient and surface loading.


In 1923, Compton discovered that the wavelength of dispersed X-ray would augment, and thought this phenomenon was due to the collision among photons and electrons.


The Six Sigma Black Belt will know how to augment a factorial design to create a composite or central composite design.


SOAP extensions allow developers to augment the functionality of a Web service by altering the SOAP messages sent to and from a Web service or a Web service client.


SQuirreL SQL Client allows for users to install and create plugins that are designed to augment the functionality of the base application.

SQuirreL SQL Client允许用户安装和创建用于补充应用程序基本功能的插件。

The culture supernatant(SN)of T6.6could augment NK activity significantly and the augmen-tation was more efficient on combination with IL-2.Theaugmentation could be blocked by anti-IL- 6 MoAb.


"Up to nine months out of the year, we are going to have US Air Force or US Navy fighters here to augment our continuous bomber presence on the island.


A brigade of 5000 new Dutch SS volunteers was also in the process of arriving to augment the existing Dutch legion that was already fighting outside Leningrad.


B. A set of specially designed vaginal weights can be used as mechanical biofeedback to augment pelvic muscle exercises.


The number of the dimples would greatly influence the heat transfer in the narrow channel. The heat transfer would augment with the increase of the numerical of the dimple in channel. But when it arrives to one point, it would be weaker.


The councils encourage the formation of lifeguard clubs at their swimming venues to help maintain a steady supply of voluntary lifeguards to augment the regular lifeguard services.


In 1995, Caterpillar (China) Investment Co., Ltd. (CCI) was established in Beijing to augment the increased investment and business development activities in China.


To augment vocational training for prisoners, prisons and reform-through-labour institutions feature vocational teaching and research facilities, classrooms, laboratories and experimental plots set up by agricultural work units.


In order to augment the linear dynamic range of the system and avoid the over loading, based on intrinsic clutter image of the analog system, it designed DAGC (Digital Automatic Gain Control) System.

为了增大系统的线性动态范围,防止过载,在模拟系统原有的杂波图基础上,设计了数字自动增益控制DAGC 系统。

To enlarge global career, each manufacturer is in the augment, overseas production system that recombines to be a center with country of China, southeast Asia.


The position of female inflorescences of trees in peripheral parts of the crown may also augment the probability of pollination.


From network game idiosyncratic see him think to will have very good perspective, webpage game may have from time, place, crowd quite the augment of dimensions.


They confided to each other in an ideal intimacy, which nothing could augment, their most secret and most mysterious thoughts.


They hit upon another idea to augment their income.


Whatever he is worth to his master is so much property abstracted from himself,and its abstraction cannot augment the possessions of the two together, or of the country to which they both belong.

他在他主人心目中的价值乃是可从他身 上榨取多少资财,这种榨取并不能增加两个人合在一起的财产,也不能增加他们两人所 在国家的财产。

Whatever he is worth to his master is so much property abstracted from himself,and its abstraction cannot augment the possessions of the two together,or of the country to which they both belong to.


Any change of position enables the hand and arm to transmit a throw to the fingers, thereby allowing them to augment their speed and power.


Any new features that augment or enhance the current Service shall be subject to the Terms of Service.


But Ontario will not come out a net winner in this increasingly fierce global competition if we merely augment our American branch plants with Chinese branch plants.


You should browse through these and augment them with your own list of readings and photographers.


You are a worthy hero! We augment your skill and grant you entry to the interior of Mount Arreat, wherein lies the Worldstone.


Use angels to augment bootstrapping.


For instance, two cups of coffee will augment blood flow, respiration, and body hear production by 10 to 20 percent.


It solves the problem that traditional safty factor will deminish along with the augment of the structural depth in the dust, thus it can reflect the mechanism of resisting capsizing to cement soil supporting structure well.

克服了传统方法抗倾覆稳定安全系数会随着结构入土深度的增大反而减小的缺陷 ,因而能很好地反映水泥土支护结构抗倾覆的机理

Immunomodulatory cytokines provide a potential means to augment the host immune response to infection.


The entrance concentration has no effect on the efficiency of hydrocyclone, but the underflow concentration escalates along with the augment of entrance concentration.


The combination of increased SVR and cardiac output augment arterial blood pressure, producing hypertension.


Helpful to augment efficiency, lessen dealing Costs, promote exchanging amount are its economic feature.


We on TV program in see of is just medium for the sake of the augmentative amusement of the result of the program.


If he wants to advance, he will have to augment his forces still further.


A few years ago, just a handful of small businesses used business coaching as a means to augment their business.


Consruction: Forge Ring. Augment Summoning, Spell Focus(conjuration), summon monster III or summon nature's ally III, 7,000 gp, 560 XP, 14 days.


The redistribution of power shall also augment other nations of greater means to share with those with less to a greater degree than ever before.


Augment study on exploiting region EIA.


AMS will also augment the regular ambulance service by providing an additional ambulance crew at various designated Ambulance Depots Stations.


The captured soldiers should be kindly treated and kept. This is called, using the conquered foe to augment one's own strength.


Wide-area augmentation system can improve the position accuracy and integrity of satellite navigation system and also augment the service area where signals are received.


It will take new insights from studies of human cognition,linguistics,neurobiology,computing,and more to develop systems that truly augment our capacity to learn and create.


One of the strengths of Sloan is our opportunity to bring cutting-edge research into the classroom to augment the introductory material.


Can stimulate growth of breast tissue quickly,extend and manifold galactophore between body and mammilla so that augment cubage of breast.


How can we hope to augment our forces when our allies are deserting us?


Later on, in order to augment the meager income he garnered from the associated press, he started his own small portrait studio and began to photograph the families of Ravenna.


The two agreements signed Monday augment a broader Australia-China free trade agreement that is now under negotiation.


Real flight data verify that the model is fairly accurate, and can be used in the design of stable augment control system of the helicopter.


The GGF OGSA working group believed it was necessary to augment core Web services functionality to address grid services requirements.

因为GGF OGSA工作小组相信,通过增加核心Web服务功能来满足网格服务需求是非常必要的。

Because my augment principle is, channel of replenish onr's stock has very good price, I have capacity of fair negotiate a price I just go up.


Since accessories can be used by anyone, and there are gem cuts to augment virtually every stat, all classes benefit most from Jewelcrafting.


As such, a huge burden is placed on the central midfield to augment defense and attack.


Accordingly, the authors develop a list augmentation approach to augment firms?internal records with information on the size and share of their customers?wallets.


Engineers will thus need to augment the transmission system with new technologies to transport hundreds more gigawatts from remote generators to major cities.


In future releases of SQL Server, Microsoft may augment the definition of any system catalog view by adding columns to the end of the column list.

在SQL Server的未来版本中,Microsoft可能会通过在列列表的末尾添加列来扩充任何系统目录视图的定义。

In some instances electronic noses can be used to augment or replace panels of human experts.


IL-12-engineered DCs could augment this protection strikingly as judged by a higher survival and that almost no aspergillus could be detected in the lung of mice that had received IL-12-transduced HAF-pulsed DCs.


In Listing 2, I augment the description of me with a few more of these properties.


Online social networks can be powerful amplifiers of collective action precisely because they augment and extend the power of ever-complexifying human sociality.


Augment your transceiver and ski set-up with our Black Diamond Avy Tools Package.


To construct lighting model of the real world is one of the critical technologies in augment reality.


She loves strange gifts, heartfelt surprises and almost anything that will augment her soul and keep her eager mind centered.


She loves strange gifts, heartfelt surprises and almost anything that will augment her soul and keep her eager mind centered.


If you were to ask a human how to perform a task, he would use his finger to point to objects on the screen to augment his explanation.


When used as a "bottom-up" tool FMEA can augment or complement FTA and identify many more causes and failure modes resulting in top-level symptoms.


Like the system in the upcoming X5 hybrid, developed in a joint venture with GM, Chrysler, and Daimler, this one will augment the transmission with two electric motors.


Enhanced academic research capacity will augment the city's prominence as a hub for the high-tech industry and ensure its role as a leader in innovation and progress.


The School's intention is to provide participants with the opportunity to critically reflect upon current issues in management knowledge, and to augment their own understanding and professional practice.


It provides a new augmentative technology for those people with severe motor disabilities to convey their intents or to control surrounding devices.


They won't necessarily replace the kind of physical transactions we know today, but they will augment them.


He may also beg into agitate about is inadequate allowance and start wondering out loud how he can augment it by a little manual labour.


It is also found for argon that the coefficient decreases with the augment of number of incident molecules,but the deceasing trend gradually becomes insignificant.


Adapt the film swim for the net, attracted large quantities of filmgoer not only, and for game itself augment content.


As it turned out, they differed fundamentally in their interpretation of the phenomena they observed and thus served as protagonists, each spurring the other to perform further experiments to augment the evidence for his point of view.


The mean annual precipitation was fluctuating with little change, but has a augment trend in the last 3 years.


As the material of camlobe and shaft is established, camlobe-tube connection strength will increase with the choice of knurling form, augment of magnitude of interference or knurling width.


Why settle for reality when you can augment it?


Both husband and wife go to work inorder to augment the family income.


Efficacy on spirit:relax body and mind,nerve soothing, nervousness, pacify anger, augment patience, relieve anxiety and pacify soul.
