adj.地志学的; 拓扑(学)的adj. 拓扑的
adj.地志学的; 拓扑(学)的;
形容词 topological:
of or relating to topology
topological[ tɔpə'lɔdʒikəl ]adj.of or relating to topology
Triangular mesh, Backface culling, Normal, Topological mapping, Surfaces trimming, Mesh simplification.
In the 21th century, the natural gas of Jilin province is confronted with a challenge and a contradiction in economy, topological unitization, fierce rivalry and so on.
Fiedler gives a very beautiful property on the combinatorial structure of Fiedler vectors, which provides an algebraic method on the topological structure analysis of graphs.
According to the topological property of hypercube and the hallmark of the problem to be solved,a fast algorithm to solve large quasi-block triangular equationsis presented.
Then, topological selections (adjacency, inclusion) and directional selections (is over, or is under) can be realised between these two sets.
In addition to the type and character of physical crosslink network, the entanglement, topological factors, reptation model, lateral .
This paper introduces Layered Topological Sort(LTP) concept, which is different from topological sort.
From the aspect of human cognition, HBM (Hierarchy-based Method), a newmethod for classifying topological relations, is present based on hierarchical cognition.
从人类认知的角度提出了基于层次认知的拓扑关系分类方法 HBM。
Comparing the reconstructed attractors of PMSM with the originals, it can be seen that they have similar topological structures and probability features.
Topological Methods in Algebraic Geometry 3rd ed.
Based on the adjacency matrix of the network graph, the theoretical proof of the topological arithmetic is given.
Based on graph theory,a kind of graph representation is proposed to express the topological and kinematic structure of 2K-H epicyclic gear trains(EGTs).
Considering the determined probability difference as a cutting off barrier, the net topological structure has been readjusted.
This suggested that CaM transfer Ca2+ signal by its changes of topological structures after interact with Ca2+, not by dose effect of the protein.
Some efficient tools such as topological degree theory, fixed point theory and lower and upper method have been applied.
The correctness and effectiveness of the topological structure of the DVC and its control strategy are verified by simulation results.
关键词 超级电容器;储能;动态电压调节器(DVC);控制策略;
More specifically, it first makes an analysis of the circuit topological structure to gather the information on local signal correlation by means of BDD learning.
Exit topological features is nicer, land leveler grows 61.5% , bulldozer keeps balance basically, fork-lift truck glides 11.7% , detailed sees a table 1.
This paper defines homology monomorphism,homology epimorphism,homology regular morphism in the category of topological spaces with point by using homology functor.
The reaction mechanism of BrO with CH3SH has been investigated by density function theory (DFT) and electronic density topological analysis method.
In this article,we utilize the concept of quai-seMi-norMed faMily [7] to estabalish the topological degree in C-type PN-space,and obtain soMe new fixed point theoreMs.
By using the semigroup of bounded linear operator,a new locally convex vector topological is introduced,and some propositions of it are given.
Double-loop network(DLN) is an important class of topological structure of the Internet or communication system.
But what must see is, even if topological features is such, the undercurrent of scampish software is powerful still.
At the same time,the topological diagram in the main system also can be copied as Visio file within the ratio of 1:1.
同时,也可将主系统中的拓扑图按照1:1的比例,复制至V isio文件。
When the topological structure of the whole network has reached a fairly survivability, the survivable construction of important key nodes in network should not be ignored.
Similarly, the only way to convert a topological qubit to a different state is to subject it to some such violence.Small nudges from the environment will not do the trick.
The trailing edge jet does not change the rule of topological structure transformation of the cross section, but it impacts the velocity of limit ring spread.
After tracing and analyzing the geometric structure of control system block diagram, thereby the corresponding topological structure is generated by graph analyzer.
Under the architecture of OGSA,the topological structure and system model are instructed,the access and data exchange between nodes are researched.
Then, based on the analysis of RCN"s topological structure, At the same time, a new invulnerable index on the users and the concept of information"s amount is put forword.
Based on the discussion of the topological structure of a superheterodyne FM receiver, a one chip FM receiver for FSK(Frequency Shift Keying) signal has been designed.
在分析超外差 FM中频接收拓扑结构的基础上 ,设计出一种用于 FSK(移频键控 )信号的单片FM中频接收电路系统。
During testable design, the testability of single fault and multi-faults in circuit can be judged by changing topological structure, numbers and location of accessible nodes.
The problem of the existence of a cone subdifferential for the cone convex set valued maps in the locally convex, linear and topological vector space is discussed.
The vector extreme problems with the set constraint in the ordered linear topological spaces are studied. The necessary and sufficient optimality conditions are established.
First, we show that the topological realization of a measure- theoretical Kolmogorov system has completely uniform positive entropy.
Based on the literatures,the properties of SH-connectedness in the topological spaces were discussed by using the properties of semi-open sets of the semi-topological spaces.
In this thesis,we discuss the topological entropy for noncompact sets.
在本文中,我们讨论了非紧集上的拓扑熵,通过研究,我们得到了一些结果,主要内容如下: 在第二章中,我们主要对映射考虑它的非紧集合上的拓扑熵。
Further more, the smooth circular groove surface is given based on the sweep theory of the freeform surface and the roll's topological configuration.
Based on this, equivalency evaluation model of topological relations in geographical space scene is obtained.
In this paper, some related problems on the topological space are discussed and the regular open separation is obtained.
In chapter 1,some preliminary knowledge in topological dynamical system and ergodic theory which will be used in this paper are reviewed.
In this paper, we obtain some theorems of the alternative for nearly convexlike and nearly subconvexlike set-valued maps in linear topological spaces were obtained by the authors.
Using the forward recursive formulation,the dynamic equation of arbitrary topological fiexible multibody system is established.
Based on general method of spatial block topological identification with stochastic discontinuities cutting, the block identification of slope and cavern rock mass is studied.
Based on the proposed conception of human inhabitation environment, this thesis proposes the topological elements of human settlement.
Based on the topological relationship between the circular boundary and the rectangle lattice,white filling method is used to solve the boundary problem.
The model based on the implicit variational level set methods can handle topological changes automatically.
In practice, the method can meet the topological need for network of all scales.
Different topological structures of SFL were ob served in laminar and turbulent flows.
实验中观察到 ,椭球表面摩擦力线在层流和湍流状态下具有不同的拓扑结构。
In volumetric objects, only the number of opened holes can be stored as topological information.
Duality principle is a powerful tool for the analysis of topological structure of power electronic circuits.
The cleavage and formation of the chemical bonds in the reaction pathway have been discussed by the topological analysis of electronic density.
New coincidence theorems for families of set valued mappings defined on noncompact product topological spaces without linear structure are proved.
Small world model provides a new aspect and method for exploring the topological structure and intrinsic characters of urban road network.
Topological equivalence of homogeneous differential systems on plane.
With consideration of the relation between two distinct topological structures, a simple self-consistent way is used to improve this expression.
Topological optimization of the continuum structure with stress constraints. Journal of Beijing University of Technology.
The stiffness of a griddle body was enhanced using dynamic topological optimization under multiple frequencies constraints.
Abstract The stiffness of a griddle body was enhanced using dynamic topological optimization under multiple frequencies constraints.
More and more attention is paid to study on the relation between the chemical substance structure and properties with the method of topological index.
A dynamic freeform surface model which is useful for representing a broad class of objects with symmetries and topological variability is developed.
A plotting system capable of automatically forming topological and tidal structures of network is developed.
The concept of closed fuzzy setis introduced in topological linear space.It is obtained that a necessary and sufficient condition for a closed fuzzy setto be a convex fuzzy set.
Bilke, S., and C. Peterson. "Topological properties of citation and metabolic networks." Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys 64, no. 3 Pt 2 (2001): 036106.
RBF networks have several following advantages: being a best universal approximator, having rapid learning speed and a compact topological structure.
It is said that the cup and the doughnut are two examples of a topological torus (provided the cup has one handle) to which different geometries have been assigned.
The degree distribution formula also indicates that the kinetic and the topological properties of this network commonly affect the degree distribution evolution.
All of these material entities spring at their point of origin from the same source as the topological manifold of space, that is, from a higher spatial dimension.
The method herein used is of creativeness.The conclusion reached is also of real plenitude to the theoretical basis about topological space.
The major research areas covered by the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science are representation of groups and algebra, ergodic and probability theory and dynamical systems, and topological meth.
Density contours are adopted to interpret the topological optimization result and continuous contour thus obtained.
Principles of Topological Psychology II.
In general topology, it is veryimportant whether a topological property has productive property, and the finite preductive property is at time even very valuable.
The topological sorting algorithm works on unconnected graphs as well as connected graphs.
The topological charge stabilization rule also fit well to the inorganic conjugate molecules and explained the reason of the stability of the inorganic conjugate molecules.
The Topological masking tool will help us a lot to shape and add volume to the breasts of the model.
Eg. A circuit can be considered to have a topological (or graph) view, consisting of a labeled set of nodes and a labeled set of edges.
In accordance with topological structure of distribution network and by use of laterals delaminating technology the calculation of power flow is speeded up.
The material is assumed to form a kind of topological random structure, the physical structure is approximately described as the model of random meshwork.