Smolensk是什么意思   Smolensk怎么读

英式:[ˈsmɒlensk,smɒˈl-]    美式:[ˈsmɒlensk,smɒˈl-]







1. a city in western Russia on the Dnieper River; scene of severe fighting in World War II

smolensk[ smɔ'lensk ]n.a city in western Russia on the Dnieper River; scene of severe fighting in World War II



Now the Smolensk air disaster changed a lot of that.



Army Group Center reached Smolensk by July.




Desna:a river rising east of Smolensk in western European U.S.S.R. and flowing about 885 km (550 mi) generally south to the Dnieper River above Kiev.


Das Reich and 10th Panzer were now assaulted by a series of Soviet counterattacks aimed at keeping open a corridor to their comrades in Smolensk.


“Do you remember what you did me the honour to say at Smolensk?


“I guarantee that the town of Smolensk is not in the slightest danger, and it is improbable that it should be threatened in any way.


“What if the Smolensk people have offered the Emperor a levy of militia.


“The French are at Vitebsk, in four days' march they may be at Smolensk;


In Smolensk, in spite of Bagration's wishes to the contrary, the armies were at last united.


We were surprised into having to fight at Smolensk to save our communications.A battle was fought.


From the time of the burning of Smolensk a war began which did not follow any of the old traditions of warfare.


In every town and village on Russian soil, from Smolensk onwards, without the assistance of Count Rastoptchin and his placards, the same thing took place as happened in Moscow.


He had noted down on a sheet of paper what he wanted in Smolensk, and he began walking up and down the room, as he gave his instructions to Alpatitch, standing at the door.


The high achievers slept about 25 minutes longer on school nights than did the low achievers, Smolensk wrote in his book, The Body Clock, Guide to Better Health.


What struck him more than anything was that close to Smolensk he saw a splendid field of oats being mown down by some soldiers evidently for forage;


The Russian army and population fall back, avoiding a battle, to Smolensk, and from Smolensk to Borodino.


The initial target for the Russian kingdom should be expansion through the occupation of nearby rebel settlements such as Smolensk and Helsinki.


In August he was in Smolensk and thinking of nothing but advancing further, though, as we see now, that advance meant inevitable ruin.


Army Group Center reached Smolensk by July.


By 20 July, the 10th Panzer Division and Das Reich had carved a huge swathe through the Soviet positions south of Smolensk, driving to Yelnya, 48km (30 miles) to the east.


In August, the French and Russian armies engaged at Smolensk, in a battle that left over ten thousand dead on each side.


2. In August, the French and Russian armies engaged at Smolensk , in a battle that left over ten thousand dead on each side.


And I will not, if Bonaparte were stationed here at Smolensk, threatening Bleak Hills!even then I wouldn't serve in the Russian army.


and under the influence of the fright the Cossacks had given him, he agreed at once with Mouton, and gave, as the historians tell us, the order to retreat along the Smolensk road.


And at Smolensk too he very correctly judged that the French were the stronger and might overcome us.


In Smolensk he had only just fallen asleep at the Malahovsky gates in a paroxysm of fever when he was waked by the cannonade of Smolensk, and Smolensk held out a whole day.


In Poland, Army Group Center was to drive east to Smolensk, then on to Moscow.


During the invasion of the Soviet Union, Reich fought with Army Group Center, taking part in the Battle of Yalnya near Smolensk, and then in the spearhead to capture Moscow.


All the way Alpatitch had met and overtaken waggons and troops, and as he drove into Smolensk he heard firing in the distance, but he scarcely heeded the sound.


After Alpatitch's return from Smolensk, the old prince seemed as though he had suddenly waked out of a sleep.


What would have happened if later on Napoleon, on reaching Tarutino, had attacked the Russians with one-tenth of the energy with which he had attacked them at Smolensk?


Napoleon's historians themselves tell us that he wanted to halt as soon as he reached Smolensk;


Before joining the army of the west, which was in May encamped at Drissa, Prince Andrey went to Bleak Hills, which was directly in his road, only three versts from the Smolensk high-road.


Prince Andrey, making no reply, took out his note-book, and raising his knee, scribbled in pencil on a leaf he had torn out.He wrote to his sister:“Smolensk has surrendered,” he wrote.


At Drissa, and at Smolensk, and most palpably of all on August the 24th at Shevardino, and on the 26th at Borodino, and every day and hour and minute of the retreat from Borodino to Fili.


I understood that the war had begun when the planes started bombing the city of Smolensk, where we lived at that time.


Thousands were killed when they tried to charge past the German units that were tightening the ring around the Smolensk Pocket.


A river rising east of Smolensk in western European U.S.S.R. and flowing about 885 km (550 mi) generally south to the Dnieper River above Kiev.


I presume that the minister has already reported the abandonment of Smolensk to the enemy.


All the historians describe the affair thus: The Russian army, they say, in its retreat from Smolensk sought out the best position for a general engagement, and such a position they found in Borodino.


War of Smolensk


Battles of Smolensk


Smolensk Upland


And the French army, brought into closer cohesion by danger, and slowly melting as it went, kept still on its fatal way to Smolensk.


The Fascist air force is extending the range of operations of its bombers and is bombing Murmansk, Orsha, Mogilev, Smolensk, Kiev, Odessa, and Sevastopol.


First Battle of Smolensk


Third Battle of Smolensk


Second Battle of Smolensk


Fourth Battle of Smolensk


A river of western European U.S.S.R. rising near Smolensk and flowing about2, 285 km(1, 420 mi) southward to the Black Sea.It has been a major commercial waterway since the ninth century.


A river of western European U.S.S.R. rising near Smolensk and flowing about2, 285 km(1, 420 mi) southward to the Black Sea. It has been a major commercial waterway since the ninth century.


A river of western European U.S.S.R. rising near Smolensk and flowing about2,285 km(1,420 mi) southward to the Black Sea. It has been a major commercial waterway since the ninth century.


A sleep study involving more than 3,100 students at four Massachusetts public high schools produced some eye-opening results, according to Roberts colleague, Professor Michael Smolensk.


Soviet forces pushed the Germans back nearly encircling Demyansk and threatening Smolensk and Bryansk.


This was the holy ikon that had been brought away from Smolensk, and had accompanied the army ever since.


The shopman told her the master had gone with the crowd to the cathedral, where they were raising on high the wonder-working, holy picture of Smolensk.


Are the Smolensk people any rule for us?


Hoth's panzers were now moving around Smolensk, to close with the SS men and snap shut the jaws of another pincer movement.
