adv.迅速地,敏捷地adv. 敏捷地, 迅速地
形容词:expeditious;副词: expeditiously | 名词: expeditiousness |
Adverb1. in an efficient manner;
"he functions efficiently"
副词 expeditiously:
in an efficient manner
同义词:efficiently, with efficiency
expeditiously[ ,ekspi'diʃəsli ]adv.in an efficient manner
同义词:efficientlywith efficiency
We will expeditiously facilitate trade transactions with the utmost professionalism.
Army units must work hard and expeditiously.
With the address printed out, the responding crews can attend to the reported address more expeditiously.
Interestingly enough , this should encourage the VC to work expeditiously on getting the transaction done.
有趣的是, 这将鼓励风投迅速敲定交易.
(k) expeditiously implement various development proposals in the Hong Kong-Shenzhen river-loop area;
(十一) 尽快落实深港河套区的各项发展方案;
In August 1991, a coup d'etat broke out in Kremlin, at the time even the U.S.CIA received no advanced warning, but CNN was able to make the first presentation of the event to the world expeditiously.
WIPO's on-going work in that area should be conducted expeditiously to reach an international legally-binding instrument incorporating the principles of prior informed consent, equality and benefit sharing.
“Our officials will continue to make the point we need to have more detailed information about the circumstances of Mr.Hu's case and this matter needs to be dealt with expeditiously.
"the political gridlock that prevented . . . the President and Congress from moving expeditiously to cut the budget" (Robert D. Hormats)
Otherwise, with the increasing of bamboo-charcoal modified polyester fiber content, the breaking elongation is enhanced expeditiously.
Otherwise, with the increasing of bamboo charcoal fiber content, it is enhanced expeditiously.
Normally, they are required to meet certain qualification criteria or technical assessment to ensure suitability. Applications for inclusion may be submitted at any time and will be dealt with expeditiously.
Yet Mr Hatoyama has made clear that he does not understand the word “expeditiously” to bind him to a specific timescale.
To enable us to assess your application expeditiously, it is important that your employer provide the information requested in Annex A attach to Form 4A.
BUYER shall diligently and expeditiously undertake and prosecute to completion without undue delays, the construction and commissioning of the PLANT.
He admits some of his personnel ideas make people uncomfortable: in particular, his notion that 10% of employees will never succeed, and should be shown the door as expeditiously as possible.
He said lawmakers were prepared to 'act expeditiously' to allow the federal government to buy billions of dollars in distressed assets from financial institutions.
To expeditiously help our clients to hire the candidates who are most likely to achieve their corporate goals.
Any such review shall be carried out expeditiously and shall normally be concluded within 12 months of the date of initiation of the review
A motion moved by Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-kee on Urging the Housing Authority to grant rent remission to public rental housing tenants and expeditiously reduce the rent was negatived.
the previous five months arrears in the area, to develop replacement plan, and to take resolute measures to expeditiously complete replacement;
urges the authorities to expeditiously start its consultation work on political reform.
Where this involves insurance through the Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation, the Corporation will process applications expeditiously and look for further improvements.
Among other things, the order had to provide for final compliance "as expeditiously as practicable" but in no event later than three years after the date for final compliance with such requirements specified in the plan.
In Tokyo Mr Obama and Mr Hatoyama promised to “move expeditiously” to settle the matter.
In this context, we take note of the report of the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations and request the General Assembly to consider its recommendations expeditiously.
in this connection, this Council urges the Government to expeditiously formulate a comprehensive anti-drug policy to address the increasingly serious youth drug problem.
奈何 然而, 政府对不断恶化的青少年吸毒问题一直关注不足,禁毒工作进展缓慢;
With the address printed out, the responding crews can attend to the reported address more expeditiously.
Good: All ingredients arriving at the plant are handled carefully and expeditiously by plant personnel.
Charges or complaints made against lawyers in their professional capacity shall be processed expeditiously and fairly under appropriate procedures.
Developers hope that the owners and property management companies in the Management Committee, this matter expeditiously.
Upon occurrence of the events specified in 9.02 hereof , both parties hereto shall exercise their respective voting rights as shareholders of FCAM so as to effect the Voluntary dissolution of FCAM as expeditiously as possible.
Hospital requirements to enable the medical record department to secure the patient record expeditiously and safely.
The reactions of 2-benzofurancarbonyl chloride with equivalent of various arylamines under the condition of solventless and microwave irradiation expeditiously gained N-aryl-2-benzofuran amides.
Works closely with the Ministry of Tourism and Malaysian Department of Immigration to ensure that your application is process expeditiously and to provide you with the most up-to-date information.
We will carry out the enquiry as expeditiously as possible.
We've agreed to move expeditiously through a joint working group to implement the agreement that our two governments reached on restructuring U.
"How we could do this expeditiously, deliberatively and to act upon it soon.
I am sure the relevant parties will sort out the problems expeditiously.
investment money, and recently entered Central shops, but also choose to hide whereabouts were dispatched to shop late at night, looking very carefully and expeditiously.
It is reported that, since the first training, the Beijing Furniture Association will hold training in Beijing with a view to expeditiously implement the new furniture industry GB.
Mortimer Zuckerman was moving "expeditiously" yesterday to wrap up his purchase of the Daily News, but the date for the sale is still uncertain,
Blizzard awaits formal delivery of the lawsuit so that it can properly and expeditiously investigate any claims and respond through the court system.
Interestingly enough, this should encourage the VC to work expeditiously on getting the transaction done.
A motion moved by Hon Fred LI urging the Administration to expeditiously reduce water and sewage charges to alleviate burden on the public was passed by the Council.
Section 172 of the Clean Air Act, as amended in 1977, authorized postponement of the date for compliance with primary standards until 1982, or 1987 for oxidants and carbon monoxide, if that is "as expeditiously as practicable".
The geographical distribution of the experts on this list shall be such as to enable any disputes raised under these procedures to be dealt with expeditiously.
the political gridlock that prevented.the President and Congress from moving expeditiously to cut the budget(bRobert D.Hormats)
the political gridlock that prevented.the President and Congress from moving expeditiously to cut the budget(Robert D.Hormats)
After 12 hours of discussion behind closed doors, the meeting concluded at dawn with a muted statement asking Zimbabwe to release the results of the presidential election “expeditiously”.
Currently, eight large car park project planning red line has been drawn Urban Planning departments, and land acquisition and construction will be carried out expeditiously.
In acknowledgement of this, the E. F. Houghton Company presented the court with a silk banner reading: "Chinese law is just; judges try cases expeditiously."
but also provides the means by which payments can be simply and expeditiously made.
This will be done as expeditiously as possible, but it cannot be accomplished overnight.
Army units must work hard and expeditiously.
The Delegation stated earlier that issues should be addressed in the relevant bodies of WIPO and on modalities and deliverables expeditiously agreed on by Member States.
Pass expeditiously through the emergency exit.
This long-winded wordsmith "punctiliously shifts paradigms" and "expeditiously ensures the numerical veracity of weekly sales reports.
not at all assisted by his fellow-passengers, who had expeditiously secreted their watches and purses in their boots, and were now making a general pretence of being asleep.
这回旅伴们谁也没帮助他。 他们早匆把手表和钱包塞进了靴子,现在已假装睡着了。
Not at all assisted by his fellow-passengers,who had expeditiously secreted their watches and purses in their boots,and were now making a general pretence of being asleep.
This, he said, would allow them to “act boldly and expeditiously without having to go through a lengthy or even painful approval process.
The work was carried out as expeditiously as possible.
The important considerations are that it must be carried out cheaply and expeditiously, and a good product must be obtained.
The important considerations are that it must be carried out cheaply and expeditiously, and a good product must be obtained
With this vertical integration, Best Cheer efficiently, consistently and expeditiously supplies an incredible variety of stones and products.
The funds will be disbursed "as expeditiously as possible" and details of the package will be determined at the East Asia Summit in Chiang Mai, Thailand, later this year.
用作副词(adv.)The work was carried out as expeditiously as possible.
With the address printed out, the responding crews can attend to the reported address more expeditiously.