abbr.Interference Unit 干扰器IU变化用词:
The IL-2 was given 500000 IU 3 times a week (Monday, Thursday, Friday) by intratumorally injection in solution of 1ml normal saline.
. 9%生理盐水 1ml溶解稀释IL - 2 50万U ,放疗前 3 0min瘤体内局部注射 ,每周 3次 ,(周 1、3、5)。
Doses of 100-400 IU have been linked to significant cardiovascular benefits with no side effects.
(Chuc mung sinh nhat Baby iu!) Happy birthday to dear Baby!
Ch煤c m峄玭g sinh nh岷玺 Baby iu!
The FDA approes of 200 IU for 19-50 year olds; 400 IU for people oer 50. Most itamin pills contain 400 IU of itamin D.
IU characteristic
Iu interface
L iu C, Cao S, Chen G. Contents of nutrient elem ents in p recip itation of Fujian and Yunnan P rovinces[J ], A cta P edolog ica S inica,
L iu Q ian, Zhu Xinquan. B iosafety[M ]. Beijing: Science Press,
During the construction of the two floating caissons of a bridge acrossthe Yangzi River in China, an abnormal flood iu the late autumn damagedthe side anchoring cable system and set the floating system in a dangerouslateral oscillation.
A Comparative Study of the Present Conditions of Physical Education iu Universities between Mexico and China
Capacity: 60 Due to limited capacity, participation will be subject to registration with priority given to IU members who register before 8 May 2005.
IU locks are used only on page resources.
On the other side,L iu Yuyi is not an artist who is willing to shut himself away from plurality,quite the contrary,he is always ready to surpass himself,open himself to the transcendent,eternal value.
从另一方面看 ,刘宇一又不是一个甘于封闭、拒斥多元的艺术家 ,他时刻准备超越自我 ,向着永恒的超验的价值敞开。
Nhung dieu wan trong nhat la xem ban chon "thich" hay "Iu".
但,想要迈这一步, 就看你 : 是喜欢迈这一步 , 还是爱迈这一步 .
Topological Isomers of pBR322 DNA iu vivo
Chief Executive Mr.Ho, Rector Iu, and Prof.Qu Runhai, who attended the event on behalf of Prof.
Ho Iu Scholarship
Author L iu Haozhe Wang Aimin Ding Bingzhe Hu Zhuangqi Peng Hongying ( Institute of Metal research;Academia Sinica;Beijing);
Author iu Yan;Chen Yuehua;Liu Zhiyu;
Author Zhang Xinping;Zhou Xiuying;Wang Shuq iu;Fa Keqing(Department of Mineral Processing;BGRIMM);
IU quit drinking and i screwed up one of my laptop, i feel good.I think one of my friend will post my curled up laptop keyboard.
Livinghn your ivory tower at Oxford, you can't Slave agine what iu s like to go Slave hungry.
IU School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
IU School of Public And Environmental Affairs
The dosage of BMP was 12.5 mg and the dosage of bFGF was 2 000 IU.
IU G G , ZHAN G X J , WAN G Q D , et al . . Fiber point diffraction interferometer [J ]. O pt. Precision Eng . ,
IU Baohua , WANG Dongrong , ZHAO Xueshun.nvestigation on some essential issues of elect ricity marketbuilding in China. Automation of Elect ric Power Systems ,2009 , 33 (1) : 125.
It iu exactly 100 yearsa old this year.
The Canadian Cancer Society says the daily upper safety limit is 2,000 units, and that their recommendation of 1,000 IU takes into account itamin D from diet and other sources.
Vite-E-Pet is super-concentrated, containing 227,000 IU of Vitamin E per pound.Every dog and cat needs Vitamin E.
What I adore about IU is that although it isn't as tough as Harvard or Cornell etc.
IU accepted three years probation as well as self-imposed sanctions such as the reduction of scholarships and ejection of several players.
Development of osteoporosis quality of life scale and item selection CA I Tai2sheng , L IU Jian , W U Ping2ling ,
Ng Iu Cheung Memorial Scholarship
Oh, I got a long, long way to go iu
Because so many people don't get sufficient vitamin D from sun exposure or their diets, I recommend a daily supplement of 1000 IU.
因为很多人都没有在阳光暴露或饮食中获得充足的维生素D,所以,我建议每日补充1000 IU。
international unit (IU)
international unit (IU), unit (U);
IU (International Union)
But 10 to 15 minutes a few days a week is all it takes to benefit. (Or you could try a supplement - aim for 400 IU a day.) If you're out any longer than that, slather on the sunscreen.
They found that it was necessary to give at least 1600 IU per day to cause a significant reduction in oxidative stress -- twice that used in some of the previous clinical trials.
They received an intravenous dose of 0.2 IU of vasopressin for a two-minute period to induce cramping episodes on the first day after discontinuing treatment with oral contraceptives.
Iu this paper, A new Multibus-Based AC CNC system structure is proposed.
A Distortion Theorem of Biholomorphic Convex Mappings iu a Banach Space
En mi estas iom da nigra sango el iu malproksima praulo.
Under 5000 iu, there's no reason to test serum retinol levels.
IU locks are converted to IX locks if an update operation takes place.
Iu Po Sham Scholarship
Rector Iu attributed the conversion to their persistence in underscoring quality, strengthening teaching force, optimising curricula, bolstering research and enhancing international exchange.
Rector Iu expressed that UM has always been giving attention to its relation with the society and the teaching in UM should cater to the community's needs and development.
Anderson, an IU alum who's been working in admissions for 30 years and has seen similar waves before.
Serum leptin and estradiol concentrations of 19 infertile women were measured by RIA on the 3rd and 5th day after ovarian stimulation with human FSH (225 IU daily for 3 days).
对 19例不孕妇女 ,在受精前用FSH 2 2 5IU·d-1治疗后第 3d、第 5d用放免法测定其血清瘦素及雌激素浓度 .
Iu aportas al li lupido kaj bonvonu lin por palpi kaj diras,ke kia besto gi estas.
Wan Iu Shing Scholarship
Although sperm concentration did not change in men receiving no treatment or r-hFSH at a dose of 50 IU, it doubled in 11/15 patients receiving r-hFSH at a dose of 100 IU.
尽管,不采用治疗或者采用50 IU剂量的重组人卵滤泡刺激素治疗的患者,精子浓度没有变化,但在15位接受100 IU剂量的重组人卵滤泡刺激素治疗的患者中,有11人的精子浓度加倍。
Cheung Pui Iu Scholarship
Xu Xueren, Chen W eibin, L iu Xianm ing, et al. Method of desalinatimg seaice: soaking to desalt[ J ]. Resources Sicence,
The Use of Perturbatiou Theory iu The Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Calculation of Salted Binary System
Confused: I am trying to a can such process cultivate love, not would iu ariseefinitely.
IU realize that you can't trust anyone who says that they're honest,and knowing this, IU wouldn't normally say something like that about myself.
Iu want to se sle our claim on you for the 100 kons of bleached cotton waste, as per Sales Confirmation No. 1254E.
" "Iu can imagine," Ken muttered, wo Love dering how screwed up the kid would turn out with these twohs its parents.
我能想像",肯恩喃喃自语, 觉得奇怪如何扭紧小孩将会以这些关掉二如它的父母。
The Database Engine can still acquire an intent page lock (IS, IU or IX) for internal purposes.
Methods: 39 patients with tuberculous pleural effusion were injected with urokinase 150 000 IU intrapleurally after each thoracocentesis twice a week.
Some women swear by certain dietary supplements: vitamin E (400 IU a day), soy, and black cohosh, but, again, research is lacking on these.
Some schemes are better than others (ZPM's is sheer idiocy, CS and IU are done competently) but none of them are really suitable for Q3.
Some sources have reported that the San Diu actually speak another dialect from Guandong called Iu Mien. But, though some San Diu may speak Iu Mien, most probably speak Yue.
IU has a large international student body (2,300), with a wide range of services available to these students.
L i Shuyuan, L iu Guoxian, M iao Fengm in. Contents and their distribution of heavy metals in sediment of Bohai Bay[ J ].
Momis M,Eifel PJ,Iu J,et al.Pelvic radiation with concurrent chemotherapy compared with pelvic and para-aortic radiation for highrisk cervical cancer[J].New England Joumol of Medicine,1999,340:1137.
Design of emergency gate of culvert pipe iu Qihe SHP station
It is very important to study animal husbandry economy iu the light of general task and strategy of the new historica period of Oar country.
iu homo havas rajton konfesi kian religion li volas.
Supplements should contain at least 400 IU but no more than 800 IU per day.
600 IU PMSG (d 0, 0 h). After 48 h, the musk deer were treated with 0.1 mg or 0.2 mg estrumate. On 10 d, the musk deer also treated by 0.1 mg or 0.2 mg estrumate.
氯前列稀醇处理组分别采用高(0.2mg/头)和低(0.1mg/头)2个剂量处理,即在一次肌肉注射PMSG 600IU/头,48h后,肌注氯前列稀醇0.2mg/头(或0.1mg/头),9d后,再次肌注氯前列稀醇0.2mg/头(或0.1mg/头)。
Advances in smoke inhalation ALI/ ARDS L IU Wei , J I N Fa2guang . Department of Res pi ratory Medicine ,
However, the Institute of Medicine recommends 400 IU a day for adults between 51 and 70, and 600 a day for those 70 and over.
XIONG Xiaofu , L IU Xiaofang. Monitoring of staticcharacteristics and diagnosis of hidden failures in protectionsystem based on WAMS. Automation of Elect ric PowerSystems , 2009 , 33 (9) : 6210.
Iu 1 ng, chi muon 2 ng ma thui.
Iu la luc nao cung muon chia se cung anh ay, luc vui tham chi ca nhung dieu ko vui cung ke voi anh ay.