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英式:[ˈɛdməndz]    美式:[ˈɛdməndz]


n. (Edmunds)人名;(英、西、葡)埃德蒙兹





Edmund's such a turd giving up his family like that.

爱德蒙太卑鄙了 像那样放弃他的家人

Edmund, it was your will kept me alive those hours.

埃德蒙 我生病期间是你的意志支撑着我

Edmund says there's to be a supper sometime after midnight.


Edmund, I will take a shit right here, you know me.

埃德蒙 我就在这儿拉屎了 你知道我的

Edmund, a studio in this apartment costs like $10,000 a month.

埃德蒙 这间公寓的单间 月租都得一万

Edmund remains shackled, lathered up and hosed down like a circus animal.

埃德蒙却依然戴着镣铐 被涂上皂沫用水管冲洗 像马戏团动物一样

Edmund found a parson to marry us in a little chapel near the city.

埃德蒙找到了一位牧师给我们结婚 就在城郊的一座小教堂里

Edmund spoke of his love and our future, right up until the moment we were leaving his aunt's ball on the night of the battle.

埃德蒙一直诉说着他对我的爱 和我们的未来 一直到打仗那晚 我们即将离开 他姨妈舞会时候