CGI是什么意思   CGI怎么读

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abbr.Common Gateway Interface 公共网关接口; Computer Graphics Interface 计算机图形接口

abbr.Common Gateway Interface 公共网关接口;Computer Graphics Interface 计算机图形接口;






The "access denied" CGI page is more descriptive and allows to circumvent the referrer check.


Search engine combine by text summarisation in cgi.

(译):搜索引擎相结合的文本综述在CGI 。

The CGI, a sort of “Philanthropy Oscars”launched in 2005, is Mr Clinton's annual pulpit to evangelise a philanthropic boom that he says is still only in its early stages.


CGI offers a standardized way of providing that capability.


CGI is still very important.But there are increasingly more elegant ways, more sophisticated ways, to integrate with other systems.


CGI is still very important.But there are increasingly more elegant ways,more sophisticated ways,to integrate with other systems.


CGI is like C or shell script languages.


CGI isn't magic; it's just programming with some special types of input and a few strict rules on program output.


CGI simply cannot compare with web based applications that are not limited to HTML.


The rational use of CGI, the previous text of a network, in the hope that everyone can help.


One of the most prominent uses of CGI is in processing forms.


CGI programs can be written in almost any language, and the CGI interface is very simple, so Web developers can quickly slap together simple CGI utilities.


The CGI programs response to the client request, and invoked by the web server Boa which is appropriative for the embedded OS.


The CGI script identifies itself, takes any requested actions, then presents a fairly simple interface; all it needs is a couple of buttons and a text area.


A CGI script failed to produce any output.


There were also changes in the CLI and CGI filenames.


Buffer of caboodle of the existence when the CGI interface of CUPS handles unbalanced user to request spills over flaw, long-range aggressor may use this flaw to control a server.


WEB,NIS, DNS, CGI and OS attempting attacks, UDP/TCP ports scan and probe , buffer overflow attack, IP deception attack and etc.


This was corroborated by the result of a statistically significant superior efficacy in the outcome criteria additionally used such as CGI, HAMD, SCL-90.


LiveWire is a specific module of Netscape Web server to actualize CGI function; through LiveWire application program one can create dynamic web page on web site.

LiveWire是Netscape Web服务器特有的一种完成CGI功能的组件,通过LiveWire应用程序可以使网站动态生成网页。

PHP itself can run as either a dynamic link library (DLL) or a CGI script.


ScriptLogLength can be used to limit the size of the CGI script logfile.


The main conception methods of Geology Information System (GIS ) under WEB platform are Common Gateway Interface (CGI), Server API, Plug-in, ActiveX Control, Java Applet, and so on.

WEB平台下地理信息系统的主要构造方法有CGI法,服务器应用程序接口,插件,Ac tiveX控件,JavaApplet法等。

The Web server and all CGI programs are written in Perl version 5, and use no non-standard Perl modules.

Web服务器和所有的CGI程序都是用Perl 5编写的,没有使用任何非标准Perl模块。

The mechanics of Common Gateway Interface (CGI), as the way to realize the interactive data transferring between Web browser and HTTP server, is studied in this paper.


"Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs" impresses with vibrant CGI imagery and animation by the wizards at Blue Sky Studios.


Through exclusive access to training missions, CGI and recreation, we'll show how today's submarines defy the imagination: they dive deeper, are quieter( and deadlier) and are capable of feats that would amaze even science fiction writers.


CGI program can process this information and return document(s) that match the user's selection criteria.


A web object can be a web page(or part thereof), an image, plain file, a directory, a Java applet, or CGI script.


A web object can be a web page (or part thereof), an image, plain file, a directory, a Java applet, or CGI script.


A new CGI SAPI option, -T , can be used to measure repeated execution time of a script.

一个新的CGI SAPI中无效选项, - T的,可以用于测量重复执行时间的脚本。

A web object can be a web page (or part thereof),an image,plain file,a directory,a Java applet,or CGI script.


One is to use the CGI binary the other is to use the Apache module DLL.


A set of rules that describes how a CGI program communicates with a web server.


The specified CGI application exceeded the allowed time for processing. The server has deleted the process.


CGI Error The specified CGI application misbehaed by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers.


To create realistic galloping horses for the largely CGI horseback army, they took some footage of a horse in a motion-capture suit.


To run this, your server must support Non-Parsed Header (NPH) CGI scripts. Most servers do, but not all.


CGI may displace the most dangerous stunt, but nothing can match a live-action stunt for realism.


In fact, there are a lot of sysadmins out there who would be ecstatic if CGI were outlawed.


One of the Internet's worst-kept secrets is that CGI is astoundingly simple.


It is introduced about how to establish the running environment of CGI, including the establishment of BOA, IP address and the location where the program has to be placed in.

介绍了对该系统的BOA、IP地址和CGI程序放置地址的设置, 编制出一个简单的控制界面;

Basically, CGI is limited to bland HTML-based forms.


The Inet object provides the ability to display a Web page in the default browser, access the HTML for a specified page, and send data to a CGI, ISAPI, or NSAPI program.

以上是PB helper的说明,翻译成中文就是:提供了在Windows缺省浏览器中显示WEB页,以及向支持CGI,ISAPI,NSAPI的应用程序发送数据的能力。

Any CGI programmer benefits from knowing and using ready-made libraries.


But the thing is that if CGI [movies] are so successful, and they're the only ones that are making any money, that's all they're gonna make.


However, we have added CGI elements to the production, including computer-generated spaceships that help create the action and excitement of the dog-fights in space that are so much a part of the Star Wars appeal.


But CGI scripts present scalability problems if the site receives a large number of concurrent requests.


But more often than not, the CGI module is more suitable.


The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers.


Other environment variables include the CGI variables, placed there regardless of whether PHP is running as a server module or CGI processor.


Furthermore, five kinds of methods that discussed the interview Web databases of thesis, for the method that in the Web server carry the offering in the center piece have two kind: API and CGI.


Furthermore,five kinds of methods that discussed the interview Web databases of thesis,for the method that in the Web server carry the offering in the center piece have two kind:CGI and API.


CGI ErrorThe specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers.


Flawless CGI and foray s into animation keep things visually lively, and Nim's enviable life is likely to hook kids into the story early and keep them entranced.


CGI simply causes too many problems.


The basic theory of Web Server and building a Boa Server under uClinux are explained. Then CGI(common gateway interface) is used to complete dynamic Web technology.

叙述了Web Server的基本原理,在uClinux系统下成功建立Boa服务器,并通过CGI(通用网关接口)完成动态网页技术。

You would only get the environment of the running web server without any valid CGI variables!


Possibility to include in templates the data from local and remote HTML or text files, and also CGI scripts output.


It also introduces the CGI &CGM, two standards which serve the graphics system.

同时还介绍了为图形系统服务的CGI和 CGM两项标准。

Users also complain about programs written for CGI that aren't reusable as Web sites change, because those programs are frequently very specialized.


As a result, over the past several years, many large Web sites have phased out CGI in favor of application servers.


Thus, no CGI application looks like your swank bootleg copy of Word.


Fixed crashes and possible action file corruptions when lines containing hashes are written through the CGI editor.


The embedded Web server of smart home can interact with CGI (Common Gateway Interface) dynamically based on HTTP protocol.


In our next example, we will bypass static files altogether by updating our CGI script to be somewhat more multifaceted.


In most cases, you'll find that these effects were achieved using the Common Gateway Interface, commonly known as CGI.


Based on HTTP protocol and CGI, the embedded Web server is constructed in the application layer. It can realize the dynamic interaction between browser and Web server.


The military aircraft seen in the film did not fire a single shot during filming; all their shots were created through CGI.


In a database-enabled Web application, the database client is either the Web server or a CGI script spawned by the Web server.


The folder( or directory) on a web server that stores CGI programs.


PANSS, CGI, TESS and ESRS were evaluated before and 1,2,4,6,8 week after the treatment.

在治疗前及治疗后1周,2周、4周. 6周及8周评定PANSS、CGI、TESS及ESRS。

The folder (or directory) on a web server that stores CGI programs.


Based on introducing the technology of CGI(common gateway interface),the setting,principle,building and using of CGI under UNIX on campus network in C Institute,is analysed.


Most HTTP servers buffer the output from CGI scripts until the script is completed.


She's eye candy that can run really fast from giant CGI robots.


If you have no idea what CGI scripts are, ask your ISP.


Please make sure you read through the Security chapter if you are going to run PHP as a CGI.


If you have built PHP as a CGI program, you may test your build by typing make test.

如果将PHP编译为CGI程序,可以通过键入make test来测试你的编译。

What if you need to shut down several rogue CGI processes?
