adj.过分单纯化的; 过分简单化的; 把复杂问题搞得过于简单的adj.过分简单化的
Adjective1. unrealistically simple
simplistic 简单化的 simple,简单的,单纯的,-istic,形容词后缀,词源同 artistic.simplistic用法和例句:
He has a simplistic view of the treatment of eczema...
The whole process is flawed because the logic behind the questions is too simplistic.
A simplistic comment, perhaps, but this is a commentator who specializes in being provocative.
一个过分单纯的评论, 或许, 但是这是一个专门从事煽动性的评论员.
It is a simplistic implementation.
The simplistic logic of Scientific Management breaks down when you consider the human aspects.
The following exercise, while overly simplistic, may nevertheless be helpful in understanding the problem.
以下的练习虽然过于简单, 但可能对理解这一问题仍然是有用的.
It is perhaps worthwhile to use a simplistic model.
This runs counter to the desire for headlines and simplistic answers and our thirst for personalities.
Mr Bush had a simplistic tendency to see the world through ideological and partisan spectacles.
In the past, our understanding of this issue was quite superficial and simplistic.
过去, 我们对这个问题的认识比较肤浅、简单.
It must be that this is a simplistic argument that goes against fair taxation.
They had an equally simplistic view of me which pivoted on money.
You seem to be thinking of a simplistic model of networks, in which size is everything.
你所想的,似乎是一种过于简单化的网络模式, 在这种模式下,规模大小就是决定因素.
Mr Clarke disputes the simplistic link between rising incarceration and falling crime.
As you are undoubtedly gathering, the anomaly's systemic , creating fluctuations in even the most simplistic equations.
The complex, clotted computer talk sadly counterpoints the simplistic nature of the characters ( Rhoda Koenig )
复杂凝重的计算机语言与人物性格的简单化特点形成令人伤感的对比 ( 罗达凯尼格 )
Such judgments are simplistic and ignore the great range of human motivation and experience.
As simplistic as it was, it turned out to be amazingly successful in creating anxiety.
就象它的手法一样简单化, 结果居然成功地制造了惊慌.
We should avoid a simplistic austerity to follow the simplistic stimulus of last year.
Brandname ads are usually splashy or simplistic image ads overover for brand saturation.
Again, It'sounds way too simplistic, and of course are problems.
再次, 它听起来太单纯化的方式,当然, 并且有问题.
By design, an overly simplistic and optimistic simulation setup is used.
通过设计, 采用了一个极度简化和乐观的模拟装置.
Simplistic explanations, such as blaming obesity on a drop in fat consumption, ignore scientific reality.
把肥胖归咎于脂肪消耗减少这样的解释过于简单, 且忽略了科学实质.
The relative price effect is a fallacy, or at least, too simplistic.
这是一种错误的想法, 至少把问题看得太简单了.
Are these simple words an outcome of David's simplistic and na? ve life?
这些话语是否出自大卫幼稚与简单化的生命? 不,决不是如此.
Our Linear rails are very economical due to the simplistic design and efficient production facility.
He hit back angrily, saying such remarks were childishly simplistic.
He has a simplistic view of the treatment of eczema.
The whole process is flawed because the logic behind the questions is too simplistic.
Some educators dismiss as simplistic and overdone the nation that girls eagerly await such "feminine" software as Barbie CD-ROMS.
Another early release, it doesn't boast a raft of features.The undercarriage seems a bit simplistic and the doors are mounted "dog-leg style.
The simplistic nature of ABC's apology only insults our community even more.It is not proportionate to the damage it has caused.
"The complex, clotted computer talk sadly counterpoints the simplistic nature of the characters" (Rhoda Koenig)
Some educators dismiss as simplistic and overdone the nation that girls eagerly await such “feminine” software as Barbie CD-ROMS.
"Do you wish to leave?" Jarlaxle asked the creature in a guttural, simplistic language.
"Such judgments are simplistic, and ignore the great range of human motivation and experience.
“That can sound ridiculously simplistic, almost naive, but it's very unique for the product to be what consumes you completely.
A simple story is not the same as a simplistic one. Even our little parable reveals possibilities that no amount of investigative reporting could uncover.
A simplistic comment, perhaps, but this is a commentator who specialises in being provocative.
Unfortunately it is based on a number of simplistic assumptions and hypotheses that do not stand the test of empirical verification .
Still, to regard a druid as merely a healer is a dangerously simplistic assumption that has led to the defeat of many an unwary foe.
It is too simplistic, however, to dismiss the culture as brainwashing.
Struck by writer's block, she becomes a newspaper critic under a pseudonym, and trashes her own bestsellers as sentimental and simplistic.
In contrast to simplistic expectations, the total amount of protofibrils and the amount of permeabilizing activity per mole protein in the protofibril fraction were reduced by the E46K mutation.
China has joined the WTO, pure English signs simplistic, internationalization, fashion and trend perfect performance is trendy brand new cutting-edge companies either.
To make this very simplistic, members of the Family of Light come from a place that is the central storehouse of information for the universe.
We are told by classical sources that the ambitious politician Alcibiades played on the Athenian's greed and had his way in the congress.This was, of course, a simplistic reasoning.
He was convinced that beauty lies in the simplistic .
He was convinced that beauty lies in the simplistic.
He indeed offers neither concrete description of city life, nor simplistic answer.
He expresses himself simply without being simplistic, and the purposefully slow rhythms of his prose almost command the reader to stop, think and, ultimately, listen.
Too many of his attitudes, claims and complaints are careless, conflicting, dubious, inaccurate, mean, petty, simplistic, superficial, uninformed and/or pointlessly biased.
He surely was ahead of his time, maybe his time has not yet come, but he indeed is a model that should be made use of to overcome the simplistic postcolonial discourse.
The very next exercise, while overly simplistic, may not happen beforetheless be helpful in understanding the problem.
However, availability requirements can frequently be expressed in relatively simplistic terms by the customer and without a full understanding of the implications.
But the report questions what it calls "simplistic" proposals to fix problems for boys in American schools.
But this scenario is overly simplistic.
But that is too simplistic because it doesn't capture any revenue benefits Morgan also would have reaped from rising asset prices.
As a style which is in accordance with the social actuality, simplism has become an important design trend.
Aprogressiveindependent: John Pomfret's opinions, as they occasionally have been in past posts, are overall simplistic and superficial in his analysis.
And yet... you could of course forgive the first game its simplistic gameplay. It was a pioneer in love-themed RPGs; the incomparable strength of its story made everything else irrelevant.
" Krugman's style of building mathematical models is famously spartan and simple and occasionally even simplistic in its assumptions.
65. Deep down, we sense that we speak, disparagingly, of a "simpleton. " Nobody wants to be guilty of "simplistic " thinking.
4. Deep down, we sense that we speak, disparagingly, of a "simpleton. " Nobody wants to be guilty of "simplistic " thinking.
Initial Discussion of Simplism in Modern Interior Design
The front is a more simplistic affair, with smooth surface bumpers and a single chrome accent across the top edge of the grille.
Comparative Analysis of Hospitalization Costs for Simplistic Acute Appendicitis Patients with and Without Medical Insurance
To help customs: assistance in obtaining orders of domestic enterprises in the Russian Security smooth customs clearance, enterprises of Russia exports simplistic.
Suffers from a simplistic configuration language and lack of data structures.
GOOTEENS jeans are always stylish &simplism in the voque field!
On the other hand, most of assist form is simplistic that unable to satisfy with present, increasing some new type assist is too impatient to wait.
The food isn’t quite as simplistic as that, but it’s a fun name for a cuisine that incorporates Cantonese flavors and sensibilities into Western food with a post-War flair.
The zero-sum game seems simplistic, but it's often misconstrued as creating winners and losers.
Perhaps my notion here is too simplistic for more experienced ocular connoisseurs, but this is certainly a very interesting debate and I am staying tuned here for more opinions.
This unpretentiously simplistic logo exudes the natural charm of harmony, making it easily acceptable by the public at large, while simultaneously projecting affinity for the company's image.
Brandname ads are usually splashy or simplistic image ads repeated over and over for brand-name saturation.
The simplistic view of commercialized media continues in only slightly more sophisticated form from its origins early in this century.
A Simplistic Incidence Angle Approach to Retrieve the Soil Moisture and Surface Roughness at X-band
Third, the article demonstrates a dialectical development in the relation between fictitious economy and real economy, which is opposed to any too general simplism.
Deep down, we sense that. We speak, disparagingly, of a “simpleton.” Nobody wants to be guilty of “simplistic” thinking.
1. In this more complex situation, the simplistic representation of the Undo as a single, straight-line, LIFO stack doesn't satisfy the way it does in simpler situations.
Tankard Reist: It is too simplistic just to blame parents.
The complex,clotted computer talk sadly counterpoints the simplistic nature of the characters(Rhoda Koenig)
Two MSV Dom variations feature this back design, namely MS-09G and MS-09H.Since they were designed in the early eighties, they looked simplistic to me.Thus this Dom only loosely based on the design.
大魔的变异机体 MS-09G 和 MS-09H 都有类似的背部,但因为它们的设计始于八十年代,所以稍为简单了一些,故此我只是大概跟著照砌矣。
Precisely, as you are undoubtedly gathering, the anomaly is systemic-creating fluctuations in even the most simplistic equations.
She considers other forms of magic to be somewhat less elegant and more simplistic than Transfiguration.
It sounds simplistic, but if you know you're going to broach a difficult subject on a particular day, get plenty of sleep and exercise in the period before.
If modern technology is creating an ecological crisis on the earth, disturbing the balance of nature, then it is a very simplistic solution to drop modern technology and go back.
It is far too rationalist and simplistic to satisfy the imaginative mind, whether the writer's or the reader's.
It is far too simplistic to say just because someone listens to this music they have sex.
Scholars have suggested that because the edicts say nothing about the philosophical aspects of Buddhism, Asoka had a simplistic and naive understanding of the Dhamma.
This record is generally seen as the nadir of Lennon's career, full of heavy-handed and simplistic messaging unredeemed by much artistic value.
Are they simple? Yes. Does simple mean “simplistic”? The answer is “no”. Although your mind is unbelievably complicated, the principles underlying those complicated workings are very simple.
It has some simplistic theory that I don't think will work, so I don't think the expenditure stuff is going to have the intended effect.
a rather simplistic assessment of a complex situation
Develop a sound physics-based theory of the precursory process that takes us away from simplistic models
But the idea that the world is reverting to a former age is too simplistic.
And, white I would not be so simplistic as to suggest that television is the cause, i believe it contributes and is an influence.
And, while I would not be so simplistic as to suggest that television is the cause, I believe it contributes and is an influence.
And , while I would not be so simplistic as to suggest that television is the cause ,I believe it contributes and is an influence.
Although a quite simplistic display type, the scatterplot can give you great insight into these data with very little effort.
Although such insights sound simplistic, the enforcement of these rules, demanded by membership in the WTO, will be a major breakthrough for China.
Bartolus's method of resolving conflicts was based on a simplistic classification of local laws (statute) into two categories: real or personal.
When we stereotype people, we use a less mature form of thinking( not unlike the immature thinking of a very young child) that makes simplistic and categorical impressions of others.
One thing that you ll notice as you re going through this tip is that the code is rather simplistic, which is exactly the point.
Using this method you can generate a lot of records, yet this approach is somewhat simplistic, since all the values are distributed evenly and there is no correlation between them.
And yes, I'm glossing over some stuff, but this is the simplistic explanation.
The manufacturing of tire cord fabric is currently too simplistic, suffering from low technical level and over-capacity, whereas products made with high-tech are in short demand.
BRYSON: My advice on that is to take them out. I feel it makes the whole piece appear too simplistic.
用作形容词(adj.)The methods of management are outdated and simplistic.
It's a rather simplistic assessment of a complex situation.