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齐诺( Zeno of Citium (5zinEu Ev 5siFiEm)西希昂的齐诺; 前340?-前265?; 希腊哲学家; 斯多葛派的创始人; Zeno of Elea 埃利亚的齐诺
n. 齐诺(① Zeno of Citium [5zinEu Ev 5siFiEm] 西希昂的齐诺, 前340?-前265?, 希腊哲学家, 斯多葛派的创始人 ②Zeno of Elea 埃利亚的齐诺, 公元前5世纪前后古希腊埃利亚学派哲学家)
释义齐诺( Zeno of Citium (5zinEu Ev 5siFiEm)西希昂的齐诺;前340?-前265?;希腊哲学家;斯多葛派的创始人; Zeno of Elea 埃利亚的齐诺




1. ancient Greek philosopher who formulated paradoxes that defended the belief that motion and change are illusory (circa 495-430 BC)

2. ancient Greek philosopher who found the Stoic school (circa 335-263 BC)

名词 zeno:

ancient Greek philosopher who formulated paradoxes that defended the belief that motion and change are illusory (circa 495-430 BC)

同义词:Zeno of Elea

ancient Greek philosopher who founded the Stoic school (circa 335-263 BC)

同义词:Zeno of Citium

Zeno[ 'zi:nəu ]n.ancient Greek philosopher who formulated paradoxes that defended the belief that motion and change are illusory (circa 495-430 BC)

同义词:Zeno of Elea

ancient Greek philosopher who founded the Stoic school (circa 335-263 BC)

同义词:Zeno of Citium



Zeno and his followers placed the concept of " nature " in the center of their philosophical system.

芝诺及其追随者把 “ 自然 ” 的概念作为他们哲学体系的核心.

