n.英国压力单位,等于10N/M; 克当量n. 十万牛顿每平米(英国压力单位)abbr. 价值(=value)
VALVAL may stand for:以上来源于:Wikipedia
a = Val(InputBox("number", "number", "number"
Thanks a lot for your val...
E.S.Yakub. ,: Biophysics and Computer Science Dept., Odessa State Medical University, 270026, Val原始页:
Tempered Martensite Embrittlement in a 5Cr_4 Mo_3 Si Mn VAl Matrix Steel
There was only one missense mutation out of 5 mutation sites which led to the shift between leu and val amino.
7.Late Baroque towns of the Val di Noto,Italy.
The Format Function and Val Function give you additional control over conversions between strings and numbers.
Magnetism and transport properties of Heuser alloy Cu_ 2 VAl
java arrays) are zero based. note that these operations may execute in time proportional to the index val...
The apparent digestibilities of EAA such as Lys, Met, Leu, Ile, His, Val, Arg, Thr were greater than NEAA.
Si non val.
[医] 如果不够
All right, Val.
The "Kairov's dilemma" in nature,is about the relationships between ideal and reality,and theory and practice.It is actually a matter of the relationship between fact and val...
“Now it's turned into a three-ring circus,” said Ms. Stone, who is 50 and is set to begin production in Louisiana on a film with Val Kilmer called “Streets of Blood.”
"The babe is no more a prince than Val is a princess.
An unidentified skier takes part in the first training session of the Val Gardena Men's World Cup Downhill on December 16, 2009.
He teams up with an FBI Agent (Val Kilmer) who, unbeknownst to Carlin, heads a special team with extraordinary - and secret - capabilities.
Val meglio una mano piena di riposo, che ambo le mani piene di travaglio e di corsa dietro al vento.
A stab of misgiving shot through Val
--EOT: foreach($goods as $val){ print<< 不带下标变量的数组循环 The RBC SOD activity was significantly related to serum Val,leucine (Leu),Lys,Trp,glutamine (Gln),aspartic acid(Asp),alanine (Ala) and Arg,among which Val,Lys and Gln was positivily related. 与SOD含量相关的有Val、亮(Leu)、Lys、Trp、谷氨酰胺(Gln)、天冬氨酸(Asp)、丙氨酸(Ala)和Arg,其中Val、Lys、Gln为正相关。 Crt-paca. Fr Centre Val de Loire Region 中央·卢瓦尔大区 A Report of 60 Cases of Inter. Val Menstrual Hemorrhage Treated by Modifying Dan zhi xiao yao Powder 丹栀逍遥散加减治疗经间期出血60例 To apply the Burton-Cabrera-Frank(BCF) dislocation theory to the microcalorimetry experiment, a system of the dilution/crystallization process of Zn(Val)Ac 2 in the water-acetone mixed solvent was designed. 为了在量热实验中应用Burton Cabrera Frank(BCF)位错理论,设计了Zn(Val)Ac2在水 丙酮混合溶剂 中的稀释/结晶体系. Russell Val. 主演:Kurt. Val Kilmer Terence Stamp Rebecca Koon 主要演员:瓦尔。基尔默 Val Venis Ashley &Mickie James vs.Jillian Hall &Melina Brian Kendrick &Paul London vs. 主赛选手:John Cena,土豆越活越滋润L,HHH 赛事介绍:Umaga vs. After the realization of Maastricht Treaty and Treaty of Amsterdam, it was the lead of the Val Duchesse being formally introduced into the European Union and became the source of bindings. 九0年代为欧洲社会对话机制发展之黄金时期,马斯垂克条约及阿姆斯特丹条约的生效,使得该机制正式纳入欧洲联盟之体制中,并取得法源依据。 Val traders in the days to this reporter's full emotional interview, he has a good finishing trim suit, said happily: "Here we go, this is a good day. 交易员瓦尔戴斯在接受本报记者采访时情绪饱满,他整理好已经笔挺的西装,开心地说:“我们开始吧,今天真是个好日子。” And from now on, I'll call you val, and you shall call me Hallvil-sama. 从现在起,我叫你维尔,而你要叫我哈尔维尔大人。 The look at the life of the seminal American band- The Doors- died at the box office despite Val Kilmer's brilliant portrayal of lead-singer Jim Morrison. 他写了电影剧本《龙年》和《疤面人》,并于1978年因《午夜快车》赢得了奥斯卡最佳改编剧本奖。 The levels of the total serum amino acids, EAA/NEAA, Leu, Ile, Phe, Val, Lys, Thr, Ser, Ala and Gln in MHD group were lower than the normal. 以TSF评估,69.38%的病人存在中重度体脂消耗。 MHD病人的血清总蛋白和白蛋白水平正常,总氨基酸量、EAA/NEAA、Leu、Ile、。 Mickie James(c) Umaga vs.Kamala Val Venis and Viscera vs.Lance Cade and. 以下为本周RAW(060626)对阵表 Women’s Championship Match Trish Stratus vs. Developing fine chemicals feedstocks and intermediates,including oligomerization products from propylene could generate h igh val ue and raise resou rces utiliza tion e fficiency. 以内烯为原料,开发包括齐聚物在内的精细化工原料和中间体,可以实现更高的价值和资源利用率。 Val: But it seems like a good idea. 但是看起来好像是个好主意。 and the absorptivity of Leu,Phe,Val,Thr,Hls,and Glu decreased. 但蚕体对Leu、Phe、Val、Thr、His、Glu等氨基酸的吸收率则随饲料中蛋白质含量的增加而降低。 illustrated by Ron and Val Lakey Lindahn. 作者声明: by Karl Edward Wagner ; La legge della tua bocca mi val meglio di migliaia di monete d’oro e d’argento. 你口中的律法对我有益,胜过千千万万的金银。 Have you ever listened to Val play his baby grand? 你听见过瓦尔演奏他的小型钢琴吗? Have you b ever listened to Val play his baby grand? 你听见过瓦尔演奏他的小型钢琴吗? static void mtest_write_val(unsigned long addr, unsigned long val){ struct vm_area_struct *vma;struct ... 你是否有这样的想法,给某个地址写入自己所想写的数据? Time: 990507 7:32:42# User@Host: paul @ localhost use test;CREATE TABLE my_tbl (val int); 保证你的日志文件安全并且不让任意用户读取是个好主意。 Responsibilities: -Perform workshop inspection related to industry field, such as pumps, val ves, piping, fi...... ... 公司名称:法利咨询(上海)有限公司(法国国际检验局工业与设施事业部)工作地点:未知发布时间:2009-6-28 It is headquartered in Minneapolis, MN, US and listed in New York Stock Exchange (VAL). 公司总部位于美国明尼苏达州,在纽约证券交易所上市,股票代码为“VAL”。 Val did come like a shot at six o'clock. 六点钟,法尔飞一般地来了。 Due to the good performance of the quasi-PID controller, it can be either introduced into inferior inverters directly, or accepted as the initial val... 准PID控制器的提出同时也说明了单相PWM逆变器不适宜使用严格的PID控制器的原因。 The reactiveness of amino acids with D-ribose follow the order Ile>Leu>Val. 几种相关氨基酸与核糖反应的活性依次为:Ile>Leu>Val。 Hb Milwaukee: substitutes a Glu for a Val 分子中的一个val被一个Glu取代。 HbS (sickle-cell Hb): substitutes a Val for a Glu on the surface. 分子表面的一个Glu被一个Val取代。 Ad Val Management Consulting Ltd. 创值管理咨询有限公司。 And who substituted for the ancient gothic altar, splendidly encumbered with shrines and reliquaries, that heavy marble sarcophagus, with angels' heads and clouds, which seems a specimen pillaged from the Val de Grace e or the Invalides? 又是谁偷梁换柱,把精工堆满圣骨盒和圣物盒的那峨特式古老祭坛去掉,换上了刻着天使头像和云彩的那口笨重的大理石棺材,仿佛是圣恩谷教堂或残老军人院的一个零散的样品? Another thing, the L/C should be val id until the 15th day after shipment. 另外,信用证应在装船后15天内保持有效。 All work and no play makes Val a mean-tempered old hag. 只工作不玩耍让瓦尔变成一个温吞吞的老黄脸婆。” On the right hand is assuredly that 'squirt'Val Dartie. 右边男的也同样肯定是那个“瘪三”法尔·达尔第。 On the right hand is assuredly that "squirt" Val Dartie. 右边肯定是那个“瘪三”法尔·达尔第。 On the right hand is assuredly that "squirt" Val Dartie 右边肯定是那个“瘪三”法尔?达尔第。 Implanted with a lethal microchip and monitored closely by a Hope Industries executive (Val Kilmer), Gibson is plagued by strange visions and haunted by a past he cannot remember. 吉逊不时看到奇怪的未来景象,一段记不起的过去也让他很困惑。 Hello? This is Val . I am calling from Hiltom . 喂? 我是瓦尔。 我是在希尔顿给你打电话。 operator int() const {return val; 回复:[代码有疑问,请教! Because the calculation above is performed in an unchecked block, the fact that the result is too large for an integer is ignored, and val is assigned the value -2. 因为上面的计算在unchecked块中执行,所以结果对于整数来说太大这一事实被忽略,并且val被赋予值-2。 immobile liquid polarity val ues 固定液极性值 In our example above, notice how we referred to the closure member val. 在上面的例子中,要注意我们是如何引用闭包变量的。 Lysine-rich protein of Psophocarpus tetragonolobus(L.) DC is rich in lysine, which reaches 11%, and its Ser, Val, He contents are also high. 在四棱豆中发现的高赖氨酸蛋白,其赖氨酸含量高达11%,并富含苏氨酸、缬氨酸、异亮氨酸。 Best Western Hotel Val de Loire : Great Deals Available Now! 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆. DECLARE @val int;SET @val=10;UPDATE dbo.Foo SET val=@val; 在这种批处理中(例如事务处理,存储过程)调用的语句会产生什么不同的结果么? One person doing such thinking is Val Smith of the University of Kansas. 堪萨斯大学的威尔·史密斯就是其中一位。 The overall 1-, 2- and 3-years survival rates and disease-free survi val rates of the AHF were 80%, 60%, 43% and 65%, 50%, 33%, while those of CF group w ere 60%, 33%, 23% and 45%, 23%, 10%. 大分割加速放疗组1、2、3年总生存率和无病生存率分别为80%和6 5%、6 0%和5 0%、4 3%和33% ,常规分割放疗组分别为6 0%和4 5%、33%和2 3%、2 3%和10% ; The limited amino acids were VAL, the EAAI was 49.88 in soft part. 大竹蛏软体部分限制氨基酸为缬氨酸,必需氨基酸指数为49。88。 The Suggests of Construction Precision Controlled Target Val ue on Long-span Steel Cable-stayed Bridge 大跨度钢斜拉桥施工精度控制目标值的建议 Returns TRUE if val is infinite (positive or negative), like the result of log(0) or any value too big to fit into a float on this platform. 如果val为无穷大(正的或负的),例如log(0)的结果或者任何超出本平台的浮点数范围的值,则返回TRUE。 From Orly, take Orly Val to Antony then take RER B and get off Gare du Nord. 如果太迟取消预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取第一夜的房费。 If Juval was not his home, signs of Neolithic occupation at other locations in the immediately adjacent Vinschgau (Val Venosta), the valley of the River Etsch (Adige), offer other possibilities. 如果居佛不是奥兹的家乡,那麽,居佛附近的文许高,就是阿第及河河谷,也有一些新石器时代遗址的迹象,都是可能地点。 Established in 1806, Valspar is headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, US and traded on New York Stock Exchange under the symbol "VAL". 威士伯公司成立于1806年,公司总部位于美国明尼苏达州,在纽约证券交易所上市,股票代码为“VAL”。 Valspar shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol VAL. 威士伯公司股票在纽约证券交易所上市,交易代码缬氨酸。 higher content of compound X(pentacyclic triterpanebiomarker of higher plant ) low contents of hopanoids and steroids, and low val... 安州盆地存在不同类型的油源岩和原油,具有一定的油气勘探远景。 In this paper,fusion technology was applied to 20 epileptogenic cases, the results of fused images were val... 将融合技术应用到临床数据,对20例癫痫疾病患者的影像数据作了融合研究,并由临床专家作了验证。 Little Val likes to eat in a restaurant. 小瓦尔喜欢在一家餐馆吃饭。 Follow-up of coronary artery lesions caused by Kawasaki disease and the val ue of coronary angiography 川崎病冠状动脉病变的随访及超声心动图和冠状动脉造影价值的研究 School of Architecture de Paris Val de Seine 巴黎塞纳河谷学院 Hello? This is Val. I am calling from Hilton. Jan moved on into educational publishing but Val followed her bent and remained in teaching until she retired.