[医][=thrombolysis in myocardial infarction]心肌梗死溶栓timi变化用词:
Timi sang Teresa Teng's most popular old classics in this memorial album when she was 13 years old.
Timi was 15 and Ling Yi-Hui 13 in this 1995 album.
This album presents Timi's first MTV and also, her first time filming in Mainland China in 1996 when she was 15 years old.
Timi sings classical and popular '90's love songs in 1999 when she was 18 years old.
Timi sings joyous Chinese New Year songs in this 2005 album, when she was 24 years old.
Timi sings the most modern songs in this newest CD album release when she was 25, last year, 2007.
TIMI risk score
Value of P for hosmer-lemeshow of CADILLAC risk score in mortality of AMI patients was superior to that of TIMI risk score. The mortality predicted with CADILLAC risk score was more closely to actual mortality than that of TIMI risk score.
Comparison study of value of severity evaluation between CADILLAC and TIMI risk scores to patients with AMI
TIMI myocardial perfusion grade
TIMI frame count
"Pushes to the front achieves immediate success" "the vigorous and exuberant spirit" "source of wealth to be billowing" Timi Eigh...
No matter tenderness or sentimental one of the music of TIMI!
"Gets rich" "the happy singing sound full world" "to resemble the deity joyfully year after year" Timi Eight Superstars 2002 new y...
"With happy altogether Le He new year" "New Year Song" "Happy is in front of a goal" "Welcome to the New Year" Timi Eight Supersta...
"Celebrates the new year" "Wishing you a prosperous new year" "New year song everybody sings" "Earth rejuvenation" Timi Eight Supe...
"Everybody sings the first new year song" "good luck continuously in the present" "Happy New Year" Timi Eight Superstars 2002 new ...
"Congratulations" "Small New Year" "Everybody happy year" "The flower opens the riches and honor" Timi Eight Superstars 1999 new ye...
Keywords TIMI risk score;coronary thery diseas;correlativity;
Keywords TIMI Risk Score;Coronary Artery Pathological Changes;Correlativity;
Keywords coronary angiography;video density;myocardial microperfusion;corrected TIMI frame counted (CTFC);
Coronary angiography showed only one-vessel CAD and TIMI 3 flow in the IRA.
Opis: The 1999 very famous Chinese New Years album starring the "Eight Superstars" This was Timi's first time in the Eight Superstars group.This album was published before her two year break.
卓依婷, 谢采妘, 吴淑萍, 李燕萍, 乔华, 罗宾,庄学忠, 陈良泉 Song #1 IF YOU WANT THE LYRICS, ASK ME AND I'LL SEND IT TO YOU...
In this album, Timi sings songs of Samuel Tai, Emil Chau, Andy Lau, and Huang An.
Maybe Timi Zhuo should be included in the trio;I know Timi has roughed some feathers in Taiwan but she is a singer with rare and exceptional talent!
大家都说的不错阿娟她厉害的地方就是唱的有邓丽君的好听又有自己的韵味,让大家 不会觉得他是在学邓丽君,这是别的女星做不到地方!!
Experience the happiness of life in so silent a music melody of following TIMI!
Timi, age 18 in 1999, sings love songs from the mountain valleys in Tibet.
山之谷 - 情歌 (Mountain Valley Love Songs) - 卓依婷唱蒙古山地情歌的歌手。1999年十八岁的时候。
TIMI flow
Relation of TIMI risk score with plasma brain natriuretic peptide level and clinical prognosis in patients with acute coronary syndrome
Keywords Acute myocardial infarction;Corrected TIMI frame count;Electrocardiogram;Troponin T;P-selectin;
naaaa i think he means Timi doesnt have her own song, just keep singing others singer's songs. Truly,its her weak point.
Procedural success was defined as a residual stenosis<30%and TIMI grade 2 or 3 flow without major cardiac events (death, reinfarction or congestive heart failure)during periprocedural phase.
Abstract: Objectives To investigate the role of TIMI risk score in risk stratification and predicting outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS) without persistent ST elevation.
摘要:目的 探讨心肌梗死溶栓疗法(TIMI)危险评分在无ST段抬高的急性冠状动脉综合征(ACS)患者危险分层及预后预测中的作用。
Methods The patients chosen were divided into two groups by ST segment elevation or not.Then to compare inflammation sign, myocardial infarction sign and TIMI risk fraction between the two groups.
MethodsVDS and corrected TIMI frame counted (CTFC) were calculated and compared in 58 cases undergoing coronary catheter angiography.
Timi starred in this popular Chinese New Year album when she was 14 years old in 1995.
春风舞曲(Dance Songs of the Spring Winds) - 1995年二十四岁的时候,卓依婷唱流行的新年专辑。
Post procedural the TIMI flow was not significantly different,TIMI frame count (p=0.043)and myocardial blush(p=0.000) were significantly different.
Corrected TIMI frame count after coronary intervention as a predictor of myocardial tissue perfusion in patients with acute myocardial infarction
Timi and Ling Yi-Hui sings duets and solos of the most popular classic love songs.
款款柔情甜歌集 (Collection of sweet love music) - 卓依婷和凌一惠合作的专辑,对唱还有独唱十分流行的老情歌。
This case illustrates that VSD can be found in patients receiving early successful reperfusion therapy, with one-vessel CAD, and TIMI 3 flow in the IRA.
The rates of successful treatment for patients, IRA and target lesions were 95.0%, 95.2% and 96.6% respectively. The TIMI grade 3 blood flow achieved in 94.7% patients with IRA opened successfully.
病例、IRA及靶病变的介入治疗成功率分别为 95 0%、95 2%及 96 6% ,成功者 94 7%恢复TIMI血流 3级。
abstract: To evaluate the video density scale to assess myocardial microcirculation using corrected TIMI frame counted (CTFC) as reference.
Objective:To evaluate the effect of tirofiban on TIMI flow in patients with ST segment elevating of treadmill exercise test.
[Objective] To compare the value of severity evaluation of patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) between CADILLAC and TIMI risk score.
AIM To explore the value of severity in unstable angina(UA) pectoris patients scored with the thrombosis in myocardial infarction(TIMI) risk score.
AIM To evaluate the prognostic value of the combination of brain natriuretic peptide(BNP) and thrombolysis in myocardial infarction(TIMI) risk scoring system in patients with acute myocardial infarction(AMI).
After angioplasty, the coronary flow was TIMI 3 in all patients.
Results:23 stents are implanted after PTCA in 21pts, with the TIMI grade 3(2pts having TIMI grade 3 by intracoronary using verapamil 200ug and UK 25,000U.) .
结果 :2 4例中 2 1例PTCA后植入支架 2 3枚 ,TIMI血流均达到 3级 ,其中有 2例支架植入时TIMI血流 2级经冠脉内注射异搏定 2 0 0微克及尿激酶(UK) 2 5万单位后达到 3级。
Conclusion: As a surrogate method for measuring coronary flow velocity, TIMI frame count can be used to assess coronary flow reserve effectively in different coronary artery diseases.
[Conclusion] CADILLAC risk score was superior to TIMI risk score in evaluating severity and predicting outcome of AMI patients.
Background: The impact of baseline and post-procedural TIMI flow grade on mortality in patients with ACS has been insufficiently studied.
It is good to see TiMi's video!! I will enjoy it!
Timi and Lin Zheng-Hua sings duets of classic Taiwanese love songs in 1995 when Timi was 14. (Lin Zheng-Hua's age is unknown).
闽南语情歌对唱 (Minnan [Taiwanese] love song duet) - 卓依婷与林正桦对唱台语的老情歌。1995年的时候,卓依婷十四岁。
In addition, 67% of patients in the triple-therapy group achieved TIMI 3 flow of the culprit lesion compared with 47% of those receiving dual therapy (P = .001).
除此之外,67%接受三重疗程的病患,其病灶血管达到TIMI 3灌流量,相较于47%接受两个药物治疗的病患(P=.001)。
Compared with direct PCI group,the rates of recanalization and TIMI grade 3 before PCI were significantly higher in low-dose facilitated PCI group(44.7% vs 21.7%,P<0.05;34.0% vs 10.1%,P<0.05);
Timi sang songs from classic Chinese opera dramas.
黄梅调戏经典 (Huang Mei Diao classic drama) - 卓依婷唱黄梅调的歌曲。