universalizing是什么意思   universalizing怎么读

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v.使一般化,使普遍化( universalize的现在分词 )
vt. 一般化, 普遍化, 普及



动词 universalize:

make universal

同义词:universalize, universalise




Not really, LLM has scholarship, you are right. All the Chinese students in my Univ pay in-state tuition.So good luck.


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A. P. Kuriakose *, Mohan Varghese Department of Polymer Science and Rubber Technology, Cochin Univ原始页:


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Innovative and Public Welfare Service Capability of Agricultural Univ ersity Libraries During the Period of CERNET 2


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Abilene Christian Univ...


kinds of woodpeckers [J ] . J Northeast Normal Univ , 1 : 78 - 81.


The most incomprehensible thing about the Univers is that it is comprehensible.


Vanderbilt Univ Med. Center, Dept. Of Radiology and Radiological Sciences


Ad*Access and Emergence of Advertising in America: 1850-1920 from Duke Univ.


Department of Science and Technology Studies, Rensselaer Univ.


Univ Western Australia, Sch Earth &Geog Sci, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia


VO: why do you choose this univ


Language today, always figured according to a universalizing logic as national language, is both instantly ideological and a witness to the vacuity of its own referent.


And the United States did not represent the vanguard of a universalizing democratic movement;rather, it was successful due to its origins as an “Anglo-Protestant” society.


IMaST: Integrated Mathematics, Science, and Technology- Illinois State Univ.


IMaST: Integrated Mathematics, Science, and Technology - Illinois State Univ.


Univ of London external programme


Author Feng Jingxian;Wang Dawei;Huang Zhongtao(South China Univ Technol.Dept Chem Eng;Guangzhou;510641);


Author Liu Fulin Zhu Lili Yang Wenxia et al (Dept of Food Sciense;Engin Coll;Shihezi Univ;Shihezi 832003);


Author Yang Mingmin;Zheng Xiuwen and Yu Liangyun(College of Basic Sciences;Nanjing Agric Univ;Nanjing 210095);


Author Wang Xiaohan;Chen Lianzhang (Dalian Univ Technol;Dalian;Liaoning;116012);


Author Xie Guoxun Lin Tianming Zhu Jinwen Lin Wuzhong (Dept. of Chem.;Xiamen Univ;Xiamen 361005);


University Of Central Lancashire,BeiJing Foreign Language Univers,BeiJing "八一"Middle School


Lehigh Univ.


Former PM consultant of US president. Professor of George Washington Univ.


Bao GQ, Ma QJ, Lu JG, et al. Changes and effects of nitric oxide during early hepatic I/R injury in rats [J]. J Fourth Mil Med Univ, 2003;24(13):1185.


