n.真实; 事实; 真理; 真实的陈述n.真实, 真实的陈述
复数:verities;名词复数: verities |
Noun1. conformity to reality or actuality;
"they debated the truth of the proposition"
"the situation brought home to us the blunt truth of the military threat"
"he was famous for the truth of his portraits"
"he turned to religion in his search for eternal verities"
2. an enduring or necessary ethical or religious or aesthetic truth
名词 verity:
conformity to reality or actuality
同义词:truth, the true, trueness
an enduring or necessary ethical or religious or aesthetic truthverity[ 'verəti ]n.conformity to reality or actuality
同义词:truththe truetrueness
an enduring or necessary ethical or religious or aesthetic truthverity中文词源:
the eternal verities of life
...some verities of human nature.
That is the verity that was ignored by regulators and market participants alike.
The works of his hands are verity and judgment; all his commandments are sure.
7他手所行的,是诚实公平. 他的训词都是确实的.
Verity TuLST code method through the artificial result finally.
Therefore, test and verity investigate data's truth is this follow - up investigate's key.
因此, 验证调查数据是否真实可靠是这次追踪调查工作的关键.
Verity: I bet Dad will make David pay something toward the cost of the replacement plants.
维里蒂: 爸爸一定会要大卫出点钱,作另购植物的费用.
Verity: You handle your weapon well.
Verity: Don't go near Dad at the moment or you'll regret it.
维里蒂: 现在不要走近爸爸,否则你会后悔.
Doth verity but wear the mask of falsehood?
Responsible for verity and updating the sub-contractor 039;s monthly construction schedule.
7 The works of his hands are verity and judgment; all his commandments are sure.
7 Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not; ) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity.
Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity.
of a verity
adv. 真正(的确)
in verity
adv. 真正(确实)
in all verity
adv. 确实
eternal verity
ph. 基本道德准则
Verity also plans to search-enable several of the components of Microsoft's BackOffice suite by the end of September, such as SQL Server and Windows NT.
Verity公司也计划到九月底让微软公司的BackOffice套装软件中的几个部件,如SQL Server和Windows nt成为能够搜索的。
Verity Inc.'s Topic Search is being bundled in both Netscape Communications Corp.'s Catalog Server and Microsoft Corp.'s Exchange.
Verity公司的Topic Search正在与Netscape通信公司的Eatalog Server和微软公司的Exchange捆绑在一起。
Verity leads basic search, advanced search, and taxonomy classification with a commanding overall market share.
it calls into question the verity and exclusivity of the draft contract between [DOC] Co. and [CYD] Co. and it is not admissible as evidence.
doubt the verity of sb. statement
[法] 怀疑某人陈述的真实性
"The mind once suddenly aware of a verity for the first time immediately invents it again" (Agnes Sligh Turnbull)
The graphic technology of 3D verity is the core of visualization in calculation, computer animation and 3D GIS.
Keywords Chinese ideas of literary truth;history;structure;truth of experience - truth of verity;discourse of experience - discourse of verity;theory of sincerity;theories of literary truth;
Ancient Chinese ceramics have a verity of lines in which "bird peck fish" line is special and interesting.
The standard large face database is required to verity the performance of face detection and recognition algorithm.
the need to understand the relationships of text objects (headings, subheadings, paragraphs, sections) in the index or text, or to verity that certain parts of the text have already been searched.
That thou mayest know the verity of those words in which thou hast been instructed.
And it has the attributes of vagueness, comprehensiveness, verity and two-way communication, etc.
Human's mission ties in exploring verity bravely.
His wife, Verity Beman, 39, said: "I think he's a hero: a hero in Bonds undies.
5.[KJV] The works of his hands are verity and judgment; all his commandments are sure.
together with related departments, to review, verity and arrange for the special projects that require investment within the comprehensive balanced budgets;
to examine and verity the establishment, renaming, abolishment and adjustment of colleges and universities with relevant government departments;
but only raises its verity objections to Exhibits 1 and 13 without stating the reasons why they are not truthful evidence.
But think it over in fact, we have to envisage such verity that our foreground is not better.
Verity:You handle your weapon well.
Verity: You handle your weapon well.
4. it calls into question the verity and exclusivity of the draft contract between [DOC] Co. and [CYD] Co. and it is not admissible as evidence.
in one of which Danny wrote to Ma Limin of [ABC] Co., and [ABC] Co. acknowledges the verity thereof, its contents were not favorable to [CYD] Co.
其中一份包含丹尼给[ABC]公司马立民的函件, [ABC]公司认可丹尼给马立民的函件是真实的。但就其内容而言于[CYD]公司并无有利之处。
Reappear verity
in (all) verity
Research on Emission Spectroscopic Analysis Metal Abrasion Diagnose Verity Value
Auto Adjust Focusing of Verity Focus
And also demonstrated the developing and declining of the cinema industry, including Cinema verity, multi-appearance, image assemblage and commercialize pattern.
That smoking is injurious to health is a scientifically establishea verity.
Through the reflection of three years' life behind jail ,assuredly I feel the verity that I did yearn to seek for even a ghost of elegancy of affection ,but ultimately corrupted .
For like as we are compelled by the Christian verity to acknowledge every Person by himself to be God and Lord;So are we forbidden by the catholic religion to say;There are three Gods or three Lords.
7.So we must learn as many kinds of knowledge as we can during our stay at the uni verity.
Centro Nacional de Artes Populares y Artesanias (Popular Arts and Crafts Center) is part of the Puerto Rico Institute of Culture, displays and offers for sale a verity of island crafts.
A modem has not been detected on your server. Please verity its installation in Modem Control Panel before continuing.
Scientism curricula, while they give out halo of logos, science and verity, they present large negative influence on the growth of man, the progress of education and the development of society.
If you want to see a previous itemized bill, after verity your personal data,we will sent it to you.
Salmonella verity
How to design,what step should be chosen and verity its possible,which give a reference to the designation and service of the gas-liquid turning bond in converter vessel.
objective evidence:data supporting the existence or verity of something.
6. objective evidence:data supporting the existence or verity of something. Objective evidence may be obtained through observation, measurement, test, or other means.
Although an autopsy indicated gastric cancer the verity of the report was questioned after arsenic was later discovered in the roots of his hair.
The Hypothesis of Determining of Salary Level in Different Sectors in the Course of China's Marketization and Its Verity
The proposition is active seeking to associate using manifold compensation methods, and relative objectively reflect the verity cost of medical service to strike harmonious balance between expense and quality of medical service.
The mind once suddenly aware of a verity for the first time immediately invents it againAgnes Sligh Turnbull)See Synonyms at&b{truth
思想一旦突然首次意识到某一真理就能马上再次地创造它(阿格尼斯 斯赖 特恩布尔)参见
2:7 Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity.
In majority's eyes, powerfulness is criminatory, flabbiness is innocent victim. However, Teresa has noticed, the verity is just opposite to her.
If you suspect the abosolute verity of it, well, maybe it's just because you are not qualified to view it objectively or you are not qualified to doubt it.
With the feature of muti-gradation of karst tourist resources and a verity kind of landscape, it is well worth academic study and travelling.
According to John Adelus, senior product manager for Verity, context and relevance are products of "levels of abstraction" within the indexing model.
据Verity公司的高级产品经理John Adelus称,上下文与关联性是索引模型中“多层次抽象”的产物。
1Ti 2:7 Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity.
The "verity" concept of western painting has experienced thousands of year's evolution, during which its connotation and extension are improving continuously.
Finally, in order to verity whether the proposed solutions can produce a stable effect (repetability and reproducibility), the design of testing jig, measuring tools and method are also presented in the article.
news verity
At last, the algorithm is also tested with medical CT images in a database; the experimental results formulate the verity the effectiveness of the algorithm.
A simple beam test, a material property test, and a crack detection test were conducted to verity the performance of the measurement system.
Shinjuker reserves the right to modify and up-data sheets without prior notice.Clients are kindly requested to verity that they are in possession of the current edition.
Keys for breeding and cultivation of rice verity Chujing 23
Is the test-set free of garbage and other things like toosl, etc.? Did the tester verity the samples in anyway?
Regarding our "SAFTY;QUICKLY;CONVENIENCE AND ECONOMY" service, we hope can cooperate with customers in verity logistics area and will keep long-lasting relationship in future.
I now try to cherish my life and i suppose those who are like Liu Xiang have already known this verity.
White-box test is a kind of important method to verity correctness of program.
Randomized and Controlled Clinical Verity on Lomefloxacin and Ofloxacin in the Treatment of Infectious Disease
Desire drives verity out of minds
Verity that third party products are supported under Terminal Server environment.
abrasion metal element concentration verity value
Latter Verity of Mysterious Veil
Cubes, squares or dice - Constancy, wisdom, verity probity, and equity.
Article 33 Disease prevention and control institutions shall take the initiative to collect, analyse, investigate and verity information on epidemic situation of infectious diseases.
This paper presents a test method to the minimum torque of bubmersible motors by an oil filled prototype ,combining with its calculation of the functions ,and gets a right result to verity the computation theory.
a man of unquestioned verity
Please verity its installation in Modem Control Panel before continuing.
用作名词(n.)Human's mission lies in exploring verity bravely.