unemotionally是什么意思   unemotionally怎么读

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adv. unemotional的变形

r. in an unemotional manner


副词: unemotionally




The wind and date Li, the nature consoles oneself unemotionally.


The defendant stared unemotionally at the victim's family.


The selfcoached cyclist must learn to think objectively and unemotionally.


These rules ensure that the student can smoothly, effortlessly and unemotionally take actions to buy, sell or hold.


You weren't just being an unemotional jackass.


Abby is callous, she's unemotional, she's violent.

艾比很冷酷 没有情感 而且暴力

A strident truebeliever who trained himself to be unemotional about doing terrible things.

他是强硬的保守派 训练自己 能不露声色作出恐怖的事

Not that it's a fair comparison, but as someone who's been with a man who could be unemotional at times, just be careful.

雖然沒什么可比性 但我交往過時常會 變得冷漠無情的對象 我希望你能小心點

These boys may be too young to be diagnosed as psychopaths but many of them have already been classified as callous and unemotional.

将这些男孩诊断为精神 或许为时尚早 但他们中多数已经被划入 麻木冷漠的人群

Some might argue that we need to do more to intervene when these individuals, as children, first show signs of being callous and unemotional, because if we don't, the consequences can be devastating.

有些人会说我们需要在这些人的孩提时代 初显冷酷无情的征兆时 就做更多的干预 因为如果不这么做 后果将会是灾难性的

Essi believes it's because these callous and unemotional children don't feel certain emotions themselves, such as fear, that they struggle to recognise them in other people, and it's a trait that continues into hood.

艾希认为这是因为这些冷漠无情的儿童 自己也感觉不到某些情绪 比如恐惧 他们也无法辨识别人的这些情绪 这一特征将伴随他们成年

Deprived neighbourhoods are found right across the world, and children raised in them are often exposed to crime, abuse, violence and neglect a devastating combination that can push callous and unemotional children into becoming very dangerous individuals indeed.

全世界都有素质低下的街区 在其中长大的孩子会经常见到犯罪 暴力 且受到忽视 综合以上情况 就会把天生性情冷漠的孩子 推向深渊 成为非常危险的人