underpinned是什么意思   underpinned怎么读

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v.用砖石结构等从下面支撑(墙等)( underpin的过去式和过去分词 ); 加固(墙等)的基础; 为(论据、主张等)打下基础; 加强
v.从下头支持, 支撑
v.用砖石结构等从下面支撑(墙等)( underpin的过去式和过去分词 );加固(墙等)的基础;为(论据、主张等)打下基础;加强



动词 underpin:

support from beneath


support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm

同义词:corroborate, underpin, bear out, support

underpin[ ,ʌndə'pin ]v.support from beneathsupport with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm

同义词:corroboratebear outsupport




"I'll be seeking to engage President Musharraf on what Pakistan can do more to underpin the efforts of the US and its allies in Afghanistan, in what is a difficult and protracted war," Mr Rudd said.

"我将设法搞总统穆沙拉夫对巴基斯坦有什么可以做的更多,以支持所作的努力,美国及其盟国在阿富汗,什么是困难和漫长的战争" ,拉德说。

10. The 2003 QAA assessment of Business and Management courses confirmed that "student learning is clearly underpinned by high-quality, research-led teaching".


22.World trade growth has underpinned rising prosperity for half a century.

22. 世界贸易的增长促成了世界半个世纪的持续繁荣。

BOLS Butterscotch is a delicious golden coloured liqueur with the real flavour of butterscotch caramel, underpinned by elements of saltwater taffy and spices.


The statue of Diana was underpinned with charred piles.


This phenomenon called long-term potentiation (LTP) is thought to underpin learning and memory and its molecular basis is being inestigated intensiely.


"the public awareness that must underpin a sustained and concerted development effort for Africa and its youth" (Barber B. Conable)


Leaders are exemplars of the values, beliefs and day-to-day actions that underpin culture.( Southworth, 1998).


For more than a century, the growing of sugarcane for production of raw sugar has underpinned the prosperity and economic stability of communities along Australia's sub-tropical east coast.


EXAMPLE: One old and experienced firm was able to underpin the investment management industry, but when its best analysts all chose to retire amid rumors of a scandal, the whole field started to fall apart.


Previously implicit guarantees that have always underpinned the financial markets have become explicit.


Test of a new type of prestressed joint in underpin


To underpin confidence for the strong, however, it must be willing to take over undercapitalized institutions and restructure them quickly - even if they are huge.


And just as booming credit once underpinned strong domestic spending,so tighter credit will mean slower growth.


The bank has also begun to look beyond policies at the deep, social “institutions” that underpin[10] prosperity or poverty.


China has huge potential consumer markets which will underpin economic growth both today and, even more so, tomorrow.

中国具有潜力巨大的消费者市场,这一市场,现在会,将来更会, 推动经济的发展。

China accounts for 20 per cent of BHP's sales by value, and the rapid growth of its economy has underpinned the boom in commodities prices over the past five years.


This rich mixture of musical heritage is underpinned with very strong personal beliefs.


To underpin this process, an already overstrained infrastructure must be modernised in a little over ten years to compensate for the past three decades of under-investment.


For, distant as the relationship between banker and client has become, the restoration of trust, the most precious asset of all, to the heart of that relationship must now underpin all that we do.


To underpin the implementation of the QF, EMB proposes to set up Industry Training Advisory Committees ITACs to develop Industry Training Specifications ITSs for individual industry sectors.


The $2.2 trillion capital spending binge that has underpinned the region's real-estate boom would end.


A pro-competition and open regulatory regime will continue to underpin our liberalisation policy for the telecommunications industry.


It is all too easy to forget that in the developed world, the 21st century's gizmos are underpinned by infrastructure that often dates back to the 20th or even the 19th.


It also became clear that lending to the real economy was underpinned by a huge and opaque trading network involving complex products, which few understood and where risks went undetected.


Under the background of the reform in civil trial, the meaning of admission existing can be seen clearly, and the system of which can be underpinned.

从权利角度研究自认 ,可以在民事审判方式改革的背景下 ,更加清晰地洞察自认存在的意义 ,为自认制度的建构打下基础。

9. Under the background of the reform in civil trial, the meaning of admission existing can be seen clearly, and the system of which can be underpinned.


They will be underpinned by Permanent Secretaries and a professional, meritocratic and politically neutral civil service.


He claims that Fiji's voting laws have fuelled racism and underpinned the country's “coup culture”, which has seen elected governments toppled in 1987, 2000 and 2006.


and promotes internationally accepted standards and conformity assess ment services underpin technological de vel opment and international trade.


Accounting for almost two-thirds of final demand, consumers, aided and abetted by steadily rising levels of credit, underpinned the UK’s remarkable 16 years of unbroken growth.


But gold was seen as firmly underpinned after a fall below $930 earlier this week that was short-lived due to physical buying by retail investors mainly from Southeast Asia.


But he needs to recognize that forthright policies in the present must be underpinned by forthright honesty about the past.


But your greatest gift was your intuition, and it was a gift you used wisely.This is what underpinned all your wonderful attributes.


The author addresses some important questions, in particular, the ontological assumptions that underpin positiveness and the scope for embracing critical theory.


You'll need to employ managers, but remember that their job is to build the infrastructure to underpin a business that until now may have run on the basis of your salesmanship and excitement.


“Growth is underpinned by reform,” Mr Paulson said.


The potential to access overseas capital markets is underpinned by fat corporate balance sheets.


The grass- roots organizations of the Party, which underpin the work of the Party and its effectiveness, should constantly work on their self- improvement in response to the new situation and new tasks.


With its in-house R&D, Great Eastern has enabled it to develop numerous new products (including TPU Resins) that underpin its impressive growth and forming a rock-solid foundation of competitive strength in the industry.


A renewed structural reform effort, underpinned by fiscal discipline, could boostinvestor confidence and contribute to increasing potential output.


Lipman says she does not expect gradual evolution toward greater Russian democracy without a crisis, such as the collapse in oil prices that underpin the country's current prosperity.


Spread across six hours, it’s a diligent, patient journey too, allowing plenty of time and space to tell some of the extraordinary stories that underpin the buildings and work that Dimbleby discovers.

剧情简介: Anchored by the impassioned presence of David Dimbleby, How We Built Britain is a terrific documentary series that follows its host on a journey of Britain’s architectural heritage.

to underpin a sagging building


"That reality must underpin our partnership. That is the responsibility we bear," he said at the first meeting of the Strategic and Economic Dialogue in Washington.


Gold held steady near $955 an ounce on Monday, underpinned by firmness in oil prices, after it failed to top a three-week high of $961 marked late last week.


A middle-weight palate, underpinned by a good structure of tannins and just moderate acidity.


Cuba needs not just to dismantle Fidel's Communism but to construct the state institutions that might underpin capitalist democracy.


And just as booming credit once underpinned strong domestic spending, so tighter credit will mean slower growth.


The efforts by the Judiciary to promote mediation are underpinned by a costs sanction.


Ryan Giggs' gloriously successful career has been underpinned by an unyielding desire to keep on winning trophies.


Most of the buildings were later jacked back into an upright position, underpinned with piles, and reused.


In animals whose ision would typically be lost to degeneratie retinal disease, the cells were shown to protect ision and the cells in the eye that underpin sight.


Of all the possible types of computation, Ackley is primarily interested in those procedures that underpin learning.


For much of its tenure, it could be counted on to provide public-works projects when employment faltered, or to underpin prices for farmers.


The Murray River nurtures the region's grapevines that produce warm fruit driven styles of wine that have underpinned much of Australia's export success in recent decades.


The complex material is presented in a reader-friendly way, yet underpinned by a sound theoretical framework and revealing examples.


Hawaii imbued Obama with the laid back, almost preternatural calm that has underpinned his political career.


The result of the epidemic of sightlessness is chaos and starvation, underpinned by a growing threat from the mysterious stinging triffids.


What are the implicit models of (1) science and (2) the policy process that underpin both sides' critiques?


If they are gonna be successful in the future as we want them to be, they have to be critically underpinned by workable systems of copyright.


If globalization is to survive, it will need a new intellectual consensus to underpin it.


basic function full responsibility for p&l, underpinned by managing top-line revenue growth and bot...


It remains unknown what platform the new model will ride on, but it has long been rumored that GM is working on a Kappa II architecture to underpin smaller rear-wheel drive models.


an economic security strategy to help underpin positive economic growth into the future and to provide practical support for households.


This would underpin the ongoing economic upswing by boosting confidence in sound public finances and by improving the prospects for future economic growth.


For many, however, the rationale that underpinned that real estate investment is showing surprising flaws.

对 很多人来说,过去支持房地产投资的理性基础,也正现露出破绽。

For many,however,the rationale that underpinned that real estate investment is showing surprising flaws.


For many, however, the rationale that underpinned real estate investment is showing surprising flaws.


A high speed repeat of the American banking crisis that underpinned the unique misery of the 1930s threatened.


Although regional materials and energy stocks have been hit by a slowing world economy and stronger US dollar, signs of stronger US growth have underpinned Asian exporters, particularly technology stocks.


This kind of wage discipline has underpinned Germany's revival.


The strong partnership between Ord and NFC and potential financial support from Chinese commercial banks will underpin the success of the project.


While underpinned above support at 72.00 we continue to target new all time highs.


Application of underpinned technology of micro-pile


the public awareness that must underpin a sustained and concerted development effort for Africa and its youth(bBarber B.Conable)


the public awareness that must underpin a sustained and concerted development effort for Africa and its youth(Barber B.Conable)


The plot and characterisation are underpinned by Thackeray's acute eye for social detail.


The results of our research, monitoring, modelling and risk assessment are used to underpin policy on public health, food, safety and the environment.


That really must underpin our partnership.



China needs regional stability to underpin its continued economic growth.

These developments are underpinned by solid progress in heavy industry.

There are,however,two secular trends that underpin the growth in the industry.