n.核武器,核能发电厂,核潜艇v.以核武器攻击,,以核武器摧毁n.核武器, 核能发电厂v.以核武器攻击
复数:nukes;第三人称单数:nukes;过去式:nuked;过去分词:nuked;现在分词:nuking;动词过去式: nuked | 动词过去分词: nuked | 动词现在分词: nuking | 动词第三人称单数: nukes |
Noun1. the warhead of a missile designed to deliver an atom bomb
名词 nuke:
the warhead of a missile designed to deliver an atom bomb
同义词:atomic warhead, nuclear warhead, thermonuclear warhead
动词 nuke:
strike at with firepower or bombs
同义词:atomize, atomise, zap
bomb with atomic weapons
cook or heat in a microwave oven
同义词:microwave, micro-cook, zap
nuke[ nju:k ]n.the warhead of a missile designed to deliver an atom bomb同义词:atomic warheadnuclear warheadthermonuclear warhead
v.strike at with firepower or bombs同义词:atomizeatomisezap
bomb with atomic weapons同义词:atom-bomb
cook or heat in a microwave oven同义词:microwavemicro-cookzap
nuke 核武器 俚语,缩写自nuclear weapon.nuke用法和例句:
They have nukes, and if they're sufficiently pushed, they'll use them.
He wanted to nuke the area.
The best plan would be to nuke the Earth to hell and start over.
Look at the instructions to see how long we should nuke the spaghetti.
Let's just stop this mad , psychotic, terrorist bad guy before he detonates a nuke on wilshire boulevard, all right?
好在这个疯子引爆个核弹之前抓住他好 吗 ?
Fixed an exploit which allowed Terran players to drop a nuke anywhere on the map.
Correction: The Nuke does 300 damage and an additional 200 towards buildings.
更正: 核弹造成300伤害并且对建筑造成额外200伤害.
So where would you detonate a nuke if you were the Chechens?
It's made in form of a black nuke.
You're going to nuke your fellow Russians!
Who coined the word nuke?
“nuke” 这个词是谁造出来的?
At the same time, they would a nuke at another of the enemy's expansion.
同时, 他们也许会用核弹来招呼敌军的另外一个扩张点.
We're going to pull you out of there and nuke that place to hell.
Ocelot: You're going to nuke your fellow Russians!
Ocelot: 难道你要用核弹攻击你的同胞?
In this series of lessons we'll learn how to use the Channel system of Nuke.
What is the status of a nuke?
Q: What is the status of a nuke?
问: 现在核弹的情况 如何 ?
If your coffee's cold, nuke it for about a minute.
如果你的咖啡冷了, 用微波炉加热一分钟即可.
He wanted to nuke the area.
"Soul Rip is a powerful heal or nuke but remember that it will have almost no effect without nearby units. Cast it in crowds."
"Forked Lightning is your primary nuke and finisher due to its range and ability to hit multiple targets, so it more effective to get it earlier than later."
"Spawn Spiderlings is both a nuke and pushing spell, so getting items like a Ring of Basilius will provide you with both mana and armor for pushing."
"Shadow Raze gives you three powerful nuke spells that should be maxed out first. Gauge the distance correctly and hit multiple times."
"Death Coil can be used both as a nuke and a heal, just remember that it deals damage to you unless you are using Aphotic Shield or Borrowed Time."
"Brain Sap is a powerful nuke and heal and deals exact unreduced damage so get it early and always try to use it on enemy heroes when using the spell.
"Sunstrike (EEE) is a global-ranged nuke that deals damage based on the level of Exort. When using it, you have to factor in the 1.7 casting time."
"Carrion Swarm is your primary nuke and first skill to max. Make use of its range by casting it on the ground instead of on a unit directly."
Why did the accident happen, "The army's nuke collide with warship at Hormuz Strait in USA.
Nuke the Fridge
n. 一个片段毁拍或拍摄失败使一部影片的精彩程度大打折扣
nuke oneself
vt. 在日光浴室晒黑自己的皮肤
Who coined the word "nuke"?
Who coined the word" nuke?
China's Help Sought on N. Korean Nuke Issue
2.China's nuke subs up for maiden parade.
Since Cold War, America has adopted the strategies of containment, alignment, nuke deterrence, arms race, preemptive measures and democratic expansion to achieve the supremacy.
nuke: That country is working seriously on nukes.
to nuke a city
Everything can produce different results for different people, as nuclear technology can be used for the threatening nuke by militarist, but can be applied to generating electricity to benefit human beings.
But surely Voldemort's hench-wizards would rather nuke the brains of the opposition Order of the Phoenix than kill a loveable but spell-challenged half giant.
You' re going to nuke your fellow Russians!?
You think he's babysittingthe nuke?
Fixed lockup with nuke launching.
To other players it will still be shown as a smaller dot very similar to the classic StarCraft nuke.
Microwaves help nuke their early breakfasts, noon lunches, and five-o'clock dinners.
Software Description: Dariks Boot and Nuke (DBAN) runs from a bootable CD or Floppy disk, and securely deletes (wipes) theentire content of the hard disks of most computers.
All countries,particularly developed nations,should strictly control the the production of nuke.
Well, it's not only feasible, but for a fraction of what it would cost to nuke our enemies, we can get there first.
Anytime, China can't use the nuke nohow first.
I'm sorry if you feel differently, but there are only so many different kinds of magic user that can seem unique, there are only so many nuke spells that can even pretend to be different.
If your coffee's cold, just nuke it for about a minute.
in the end, if we do almost lose, well nuke them, thats what I think.
Sorry buddy, but america is nuke happy and if any one fcks with them, about 50 are headed in their direction.
sorry buddy, but america is nuke happy and if anyone f*cks with them, about 50 are headed in their direction.
Over Taiwan, China reserves the right to nuke what it says are its own people.
For any Demonology or Destruction spec,75% of the warlock's potential damage comes from a casted nuke: Immolate+ Incinerate+ Conflagrate, Shadowbolt, or( because it bears mentioning) Seed of Corruption.
Damage factor versus nuke from bombing
Is this a finished graphic and are we intending to make incoming nukes easier to spot now?In the announcement gameplay video the incoming nuke marker was shown as if launched by the player.
You will also want to assign a target as the second nuke target for once the skull is dead, when you pull this will also be your initial cyclone target.
I personally think piling up nuclear weapons and having atleast 4 SLBM capable nuke powered submarines along with MIRV capable ballistic missiles is the way....
Under any circumstance we are not in the least use nuke first.
I think the optimal situation for mainland China is to how enough nuke for clear defense but not excessive that poses a strong and direct threat to the USA.
So Denver won't nuke everything just yet. But that doesn't mean it can stand pat.
Exploiting DPRK's nuke problem to give impetus to establish a multi-pole dominant framework of security cooperation in North-east Asia, China can make lots of accomplishments.
抓住朝核问题 ,推动建立东北亚“多极”主导多边安全合作机制 ,中国可以大有作为
secondly, when a city is unoccupied or under the time frame waiting for the nuke's effect to clear, we should have the option to nuke it again.
Nuke is the sill of national military stratagem.Whether its collocation is rational straightly affects the success of nuclear power campaign operation.
At the same time, they would set up a nuke at another of the enemy’s expansion.They could plan all this out to occur at the same time to overwhelm the enemy with a three pronged attack.
Nuking is the same as attacking. You get points for troops killed(and it now shows how much troops were killed in latest activity after a nuke).
super nuke
Nuke Program
Positive signs on first day of nuke talks
Because of this advantagement, the nuke is endowed deterrent power.
Put a nuke in each section and eject the sections.
每一区都放一颗 然后把舱体一节节发射出去
Healers wanted a new core healing spell and casters wanted a new core nuke.
Defeat the Guardian of the Hawk and bring the Essence of the Hawk to Arthorn Windsong.Meant to be done in caster/boomkin form.Root and nuke.
Even having one banshee with Anti-Magic Sh ell can save your hero's life, or completely nullify a Warden or Mountain Kin g's plan to nuke you.
甚至是一个只会“反魔法罩”的 女巫都能够拯救你英雄的生命,或者完全废除对手想要秒杀你单位的念头。
Look at the instructions to see how long we should nuke the spaghetti.
Poly the priest, summon a pet, charge some frostbolts along withwell-timed Freezes and ice lances(pet nova) to nuke the priestdown, CS a heal and kill the priest before the 8 second silencewears off.
Mike Heiberg: Yeah, like the, “Oh, I'm going to triple nuke you!”type stuff.
I think the best way to achieve perfectly uniform gooey deliciousness is to nuke it.
The British once wanted to prevent Hong Kong regressing by using nuke
Britain, France, Germany, China and US Discuss Iran Nuke Referral
Defeat the Devourer of Souls in The Forge of Souls on Heroic Difficulty after having interrupted his big nuke.
Despite a conclusion to the "Cold War", the real nuke crisis is still threatening.
The last thing to do is to let PHPNuke know the password you specified when you installed MySQL so that it can access the nuke database you just created.
It is our biggest nuke and so gives us the best initial threat especially if followed by a moonfire however with no knockback resistance its use once you are in combat is highly limited.
In the announcement gameplay video the incoming nuke marker was shown as if launched by the player.To other players it will still be shown as a smaller dot very similar to the classic StarCraft nuke.
用作名词(n.)North Korea has test-fired another nuke.
We will not first use the nuke at any situation .
China's nuke subs up for maiden parade.
You're going to nuke your fellow Russians!
In the end, if we do almost lose, we'll nuke them, thats what I think.