abbr.recommended dietary [daily] allowance 推荐的日摄食量abbr.recommended daily allowance 推荐每日供给量,建议的每日定额补给;right dorso-anterior 右背前;
After treatment they reached 91 %, 89 %, 70 %, 113 % of RDA.
补锌后分别达RDA的91% 、 89% 、 70% 、 113%.
An excellent source provides at least ten percent of the U.S. RDA per serving.
能提供至少十个U. S. rda百分点,则称最好的来源.
" Yes, it is high in calories.But it doesn't have to be that way.One slice of fruitcake packs a respectable 11 percent of the RDA for iron.
'''A:''' The RDA service consists of a device pool and desktop client application.
'''Q:''' Who has access to Remote Device Access (RDA)?
'''A:''' The RDA service is available to all registered Forum Nokia members.
'''Q:''' How does a developer get started with the Remote Device Access (RDA) service?
'''Q:''' How does the Remote Device Access (RDA) service work?
'''Q:''' How much does the Remote Device Access (RDA) service cost?
Later in 2007 the JSC reorganized the rules yet again and used the FRBR entities as the organizing principle, thus moving RDA further from the flat world of MARC encoding.
cDNA representational difference analysis(eDNA RDA)
cDNA representational difference analysis (cDNA RDA)
supplies of Fe, VB_1, VPP, VC almost reached or excessed RDA;
Q: How much does the Remote Device Access (RDA) service cost?
Q: 什么是诺基亚论坛的远程设备访问(RDA)服务?
RDA almost makes the publishing a one-button affair.
RDA 使发布工作简单到只需按一个按钮。
As one of the hot topics in cataloguing field,RDA has been concerned by more and more domestic colleagues.
Blood group antibody Rda
Blood group antigen Rda
rangedoppler algorithm(RDA)
A number of surveys have proven that we are not even reaching the Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA) of various essential vitamins and minerals.
Do not include columns of this data type in the RDA Pull method.
不要将此数据类型的列包括在RDA Pull方法中。
Negotiations are ongoing with RDA, but it is reported that he will appear in 4 episodes, although this is just rumour at the moment.
To show you what I mean, let’s pretend we’re using RDA to tackle jobs typical in a DBA or data architect’s day.
为了说得更明白一点儿,假设我们使用 RDA 来处理 DBA 或数据架构师的一些日常工作。
The paper summarized the history of development of AACR and discussed emphatically the background, content structure of RDA and its influence in the international cataloging undertaking.
Taking more than the Institute of Medicine's recommended daily allowance (RDA) of certain vitamins may lower one's risk for certain chronic diseases, he says.
representational difference analysis(RDA)
representational difference analysis (RDA)
Intakes of energy and protein were over 110% and 97.1% of the RDA:the protein provided 10.5%, fat 30% and carbohydrate 58% of total energy intake;
and vitamin A,carotin and risoflavin were inadequate,in addition,thelevel of fat was higher,and carbohydrates was lower,which account respectively(RDA)for 62.32%,5...
redundancy analysis(RDA)
redundancy analysis (RDA)
By using the optimized covariance matrices to optimize the new regularized discriminant analysis (RDA), the correct classification rate is higher than that by the old RDA.
Multiuser support enables multiple users of a database to synchronize data without having to disconnect the database before they use merge replication or remote data access (RDA).
Even with the graphical RDA tools, mapping requires experienced eyeballing and a lot of manipulation of details (see Figure 2).
即使使用图形化 RDA 工具,这种映射也需要有经验的目测和大量细致的操作(见图 2)。
Each of mem hi different group took different dose of VC (0, 7.5, 125, 250mg/kg wt) for 20 days. The second group was the control group because 7.5mg/kg wt was near to the appropriate dose for human RDA.
''' Who has access to Remote Device Access (RDA)?
Domestic automaker quality - at least for Ford and General Motors - is reaching near-Toyota levels, according to a recent initial quality study by Michigan-based RDA Group.
In the SQL Server Compact Edition connectivity scenario, an application initiates synchronization by invoking the appropriate connectivity solution: either replication or remote data access (RDA).
在SQL Server Compact Edition连接方案中,应用程序通过调用适当的连接方案(复制或远程数据访问(RDA))启动同步。
In the Remote Database visit the RDA to use the technology.
In pregnancy and lactation, as well as in children aged 11-18, the RDA is higher, at 1,200 mg.
The standard that nutritionists use in assessing adequacy of nutrient intake in the United States is the RDA (recommended dietary allowances).
If proxy settings are required, the Connection Manager proxy settings will be used unless any one of the proxy properties of the RDA object is set.
If the length of the data is 4000 characters or less, RDA maps the SQL Server character data to SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition (SQL Server Compact Edition) national character.
如果数据长度是4000个字符或更少,则RDA将SQL Server character数据映射到SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition(SQL Server Compact Edition)national character。
regional drug absorption (RDA)
Food composition table, menu and RDA data base are set up.The software of daily family menu is programmed and developed.
After checking server monitors and database status dashboards, a DBA or data architect is likely to fire up RDA with the day’s first cup of coffee.
We’ll let RDA generate a syntax-specific DDL schema from the model, which is saved as a script and fed to the host RDBMS (in this case DB2) to execute.
我们将用 RDA 根据模型生成一个特定于语法的 DDL 模式,并将其保存为一个脚本,提供给主 RDBMS(在这里就是 DB2)来执行。
We also make a note to think about the many different validation tests available in RDA (some are explicit, others are implicit) and decide priority and sequence for them.
我们还做了笔记,考虑 RDA 中可用的很多不同的验证测试(有些是显式的,有些是隐式的),并决定给它们排序。
Using cDNA RDA to Select Target Gene for Plant Biotechnological Engineering
The median suvival of the CR pations were 369 days (IA),288days (DA) and 276 days (HA),81 days(rIA), 59 days(rDA), and the median CR duration (294 days, 255 days, 241 days,96 days,63 days respectively).
持续完全缓解期:IA组为294天, DA组为255天,HA组为241天,难治IA组为96天,复发DA组为63天; 6. 预期生存期:IA组为369天, DA组为288天,HA组为276天,难治IA组为81天,复发DA组为59天;
recommended dietary allowance, RDA
This paper expounds the necessity of using the reference data avalanche(RDA) for testing SCADA system"s performance and presents the recommendation of IEC Standard"s reference data avalanche(RDA).
The Blue Plasto set has been removed from the Habbo Club gift cycle meaning your Habbo won't end up with more than his/her RDA!
This RDA model is verified through a CSCD example.
Your best bet is to take a multiple vitamin that meets the daily RDA.
Some of these developers have asked if they can handle RDA themselves.
有些开发人员问过,他们是否可以自己处理 RDA。
RDA will be published in early 2009.In order to avoid troubling,the article suggests that the Chinese translated name of RDA should be unified.
regularized discriminant analysis (RDA)
NPK flux is highest in RDA, implying that cycling intensity and recycled farmland nutrients are higher in RDA.RDA depends less on fertilizer and is therefore more friendly to the environment.
National Institute of Animal Science, RDA, Suwon, Korea Republic.
The current plan is to accomplish that last step by bringing out an online product that will provide useful access to the RDA text by a wide range of users, in an equally wide range of situations.
'''A:''' Registered Forum Nokia members can use RDA free of charge.
答: 诺基亚论坛的注册用户可以免费的使用RDA服务。
Ability to read RDA in a linear fashion
Results: 1、The DA include:left displaced abomasum(LDA) and right displaced abomsum(RDA):two kinds of six types。It will be offer theory basic for choose celerity diagnosis and therapy ways of DA。
Results The iodine intakes have attained the range of RDA and urinary iodine levels show the subjects are in good iodine nutritional status.
The result showed that the energy and protein intakes were 115. 4% and 114. 3% of RDA respectively. but the intakes of calcium, iron, zinc were 41. 3%,66. 1%, 63. 8% of RDA, respectvely.
The results show that the intake of energy has attained the RDA, but dietary protein, vitamin A,B2,C,Zn and Fe intakes are relatively low in most of the studied population.
结果:该人群的大部分人热能的摄入量达RDA值; 膳食蛋白质、维生素A、B2、C、锌和铁的摄入量较低;
According to recent sureys of the U.S.Department of Agriculture (USDA), the aerage intake of folate by nonpregnant women and men 19 to 50 years of age met their RDA for folate.
No one needs more than 100 percent of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of a nutrient, says the American Dietetic Association.
" With the possible exception of vitamin D, there is no need to consume more than the RDA of vitamins, Mayne contends.
Investigates variables to achieve the project results as requested from the commercial team and RDA Center Manager within a specific category research.
Energy circulation index in RDA is 0.096, significantly higher than in RD and CK.
That of the protein was less than 70% of RDA in male and 60% of RDA in female.
After treatment they reached 91%, 89%, 70%, 113% of RDA.
The character of the classifier is that it need not calculate the covariance matrices"inverses and the recognition accuracy is better than RDA and nearest neighbor classifier.
Resource Description and Access(RDA)
The study was commissioned by Ford for internal benchmarking, not marketing purposes. The automaker says that RDA Group is paid to produce accurate data.
Jumping into RDA, we open the sensor database model, which is still in the logical design phase (see Figure 1), and then add the attribute with copious annotations.
进入 RDA,我们打开传感器数据库模型,它仍然处于逻辑设计阶段(见图 1),然后添加带大量注释的属性。
The average Ca intake was 500mg and 430mg for males and females,only acounting for 62% and 54% of RDA.
''' How does a developer get started with the Remote Device Access (RDA) service?
''' How does the Remote Device Access (RDA) service work?
''' How much does the Remote Device Access (RDA) service cost?