n.<口>大学肄业生,(尚未取得学位的)大学生adj.大学生的n. 大学生 adj. 大学生的=undergraduate
复数:undergrads;动词过去式: underwent | 动词过去分词: undergone | 动词现在分词: undergoing | 动词第三人称单数: undergoes |
Noun1. a university student who has not yet received a first degree
名词 undergrad:
a university student who has not yet received a first degree
undergrad[ 'ʌndəɡræd ]n.a university student who has not yet received a first degree
I never took a single psychology course as an undergrad.
“After five years of struggling through undergrad, I only made $40,000, and I can make 40 Gs flipping burgers,” he says.
Tired of buying futons and microwaves for your favorite undergrad?
In the fall of 2001, I became an undergrad at Northeastern University in Boston, studying Linguistics and Computer Science. I will be graduating (hopefully) in the spring of 2006.
D. student sponsored by the Chinese government.I grew up in London, and studied as an undergrad in the U.
The deep truth of grad school is that the transition from undergrad to grad is when you go from primarily being “a student” to primarily being “a scientist.
Hi i'm a undergrad student who studied science in Canada.Yeah..i'm an international student and i'm originally from China.
The type of exams that you will be subjected to require a level of understanding that was probably never required of you as an undergrad.
The College of Letters and Sciences represents about 80 percent of undergrad programs, with the rest in the schools of engineering and applied science, arts and architecture, and theater, film and TV.
Carol: And once I've been accepted, it'll be, "Carol, just try it for one semester." Then, they'll say, "ha, might as well get your undergrad degree", then, "why not your PHD.
This game was particularly popular with undergrad jocks and competitive guys from the professional schools.
Basically, if I get to do it again, knowing what I know now, I would have gone to UCLA for undergrad, and then apply to Berkeley for grad school.
During my undergrad, I created Instiki, Rails, Basecamp, and got on the path to being a partner at 37signals.
Applicants with honour degree in appropriate field related to science or engineering area can be admitted directly into the program but may have to complete some extra courses at the undergrad level.
Between '99-03: Top 16 undergrad schools for grads getting PhDs. PhD recipients at American universities - Most earned their undergrad degrees from these schools: 1. Berkeley: 2,125
An undergrad education in Britain used to be free, but in the year I started blogging (2006) a three thousand pound yearly student fee was about to be introduced for the first time.
Christianity had long been a mainstay with his family, but as an undergrad, he made the Bible a focal point of his life;
University undergrad commits suicide due to unhappiness over food provided?
However, one letter from someone you have worked for after undergrad may be useful to document your work ethic, maturity, etc.
One of the perks about being at the open house is that, you can pretend to be an undergrad sauntering around in the campus.At least until you leave, that is.
I took two photography classes while I was an undergrad at Cal, and one of the main things I learned from them was the value of listening to what other photographers have to say about your work.
At the time I was an undergrad at Georgetown University studying international relations.
Whitman - a Princeton undergrad who received her MBA from Harvard Business School in 1979 - differs starkly from Silicon Valley peers with engineering backgrounds.
Behind me was a wall full of Mechanical Engineering text books from my undergrad and Electrical Engineering books from my Masters.
I studied marketing as an undergrad here in Taiwan, and in 1985, I received my MBA from the University of Texas School of Business.
I studied marketing as an undergrad here in Taiwan, and in 1995, I received my MBA from the School of Business, University of Texas.
My background and work experience are tailor-made for this position.I studied marketing as an undergrad here in Taiwan, and in 1985, I received my MBA from the University of Texas School of Business.
I think that my undergrad major did not provide me any sort of tangible skills that one typically needs for employment.
In Sichuan, there's a case of a young girl, an undergrad university student who went for clubbing on a fine Saturday night.
btw, I love the life here in Lawrence, Kansas. Every professor, grad and undergrad here are nice to me, including Black ones.
The researchers recruited 41 undergrad volunteers.
At that time, these large companies and business enterprises targeted undergrad students as their main source of talents.
Now I would guess that practically every Stanford or Berkeley undergrad who knows how to program has at least considered the idea of starting a startup.
But undergrad students are being forced to go.If you don't, the teacher will keep phoning you until you show up.
Yup, you don't need GRE to apply for Canadian grad school if you did your undergrad in Canada.
The latter strategy worked in undergrad, but trust me, it does not work here.
I am an undergrad in Hong Kong who is a native Cantonese speaker and would like to make friends with English speakers.I like great food, traveling, photography and computers.
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用作名词(n.)One of the perks about being at the open house is that, you can pretend to be an undergrad sauntering around in the campus.At least until you leave, that is.