troubleshoot是什么意思   troubleshoot怎么读

英式:['trʌblʃu:t]    美式:['trʌblʃu:t]









In order to troubleshoot our network we need to make use of a couple of tools. First and probably the most important tool we'll learn by is the PING command.


The Diagnose button is used to troubleshoot DS1 interface problems.

Diagnose 按钮是用来排除 DS1 接口故障的。

DirectX Diagnostic Tool helps you troubleshoot issues with the DirectX suite of multimedia technologies that come with Windows.


Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Unified Messaging (UM) generates subscriber access events in Event Viewer so that you can troubleshoot and verify the performance of the subscriber access components and services.

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007统一消息(UM)可以在事件查看器中生成订阅者访问事件,以便您可以排除订阅者访问组件和服务的性能故障并对其性能进行验证。

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Unified Messaging (UM) generates call transfer events in Event Viewer so that you can troubleshoot and verify the performance of call transfers in Unified Messaging.

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007统一消息(UM)在事件查看器中生成呼叫转移事件,以便进行故障排除和验证统一消息中呼叫转移的性能。

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Unified Messaging (UM) generates administrative events in Event Viewer so that you can troubleshoot and verify the performance of UM administrative components, features, and services.

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007统一消息(UM)在事件查看器中生成管理事件,以便可以对UM管理组件、功能和服务的性能进行排错和验证。

Troubleshoot problems with a Windows Media Center Extender device

Windows Media Center Extender设备问题的疑难解答

Analysis and Troubleshoot of Directive Swing Failures of WL-7 Radio Compass


Use this topic to troubleshoot report layout problems you encounter when debugging or previewing a report.


Troubleshoot Set Program Access and Computer Defaults


The next page will introduce some commands that can be used to troubleshoot CDP.


The next page will teach students how to troubleshoot IGRP.


Troubleshoot handwriting recognition in East Asian languages


To troubleshoot event arrival and notification delivery, you sometimes need an event batch ID to use as input to another stored procedure, such as NSEventBatchDetails.


To troubleshoot issues related to Domino Web server crashes and hangs, Lotus Software Technical Support will often ask you to create an HTTP request log.

为了故障诊断与Domino Web服务器崩溃和挂起有关的问题,Lotus Software Technical Support通常会要求您创建HTTP请求日志。

Why am I getting a message that says to troubleshoot my Internet connection?


To troubleshoot startup problems in Safe mode, follow these steps


Install, configure, test, maintain, monitor, and troubleshoot end-user workstations and related hardware and software in order to deliver required desktop service levels.


This information may be requested by Product Support Services to troubleshoot and debug failures.


Troubleshoot from the port on the controller shelf to the device shelf to isolate the problem Check term power LED's on the controller shelf IO module.

从控制器架上的端口到设备架上的端口一一进行调试,查看控制架 IO 模块上的问题检测项电源灯 LED 是否亮起,从而进行故障排除。

This following information describes how to troubleshoot problems that you may experience when you synchronize an Exchange Server mailbox with an. Ost file.

以下信息介绍如何解决Exchange Server邮箱与.ost文件同步时可能出现的问题。

The following information might help you troubleshoot the issue.


Enterprise and domain administrators can use the Ntdsutil tool to manage and repair Active Directory, and to help troubleshoot RPC Endpoint Mapper problems.

企业管理员和域管理员可以使用Ntdsutil工具来管理和修复Active Directory,并帮助解决RPC终结点映射程序问题。

Optimize and troubleshoot application performance.


Optimize and troubleshoot network performance.


But please do your homework first and try the above instructions to troubleshoot the problem yourself first.


Implement, configure, manage, and troubleshoot security by using the Security Configuration Tool Set.


Use the Technical Reference documentation to learn about Exchange 2007 components and how these components can be used to more effectively manage and troubleshoot your Exchange 2007 organization.

使用技术参考文档可以了解Exchange 2007的组件以及如何使用这些组件更加有效地管理和排除Exchange 2007组织的故障。

Historical data collected using these tools help you monitor and troubleshoot performance issues through the upgrade process.


59. For example, if a taskbar icon indicates a problem with a printer, clicking on that icon should provide a mechanism to troubleshoot and rectify the problem.


Save this report to a file so that you can e-mail it to someone who can help you troubleshoot your computer.


You allow Microsoft to provide you with up-to-date Help content that helps to troubleshoot the problem on your computer.


Allows users to troubleshoot problematic watercooled graphics cards without the hassle of dismantling their water-Loop.


Main Responsibilities:--To perform the technical service and troubleshoot at Customer site for ITT products such...... ...


Responsibilities:-To perform the technical service and troubleshoot at Customer site for products such as centri...... ...


With reliable event-log data, users can trace and troubleshoot faults easily.


Ability to troubleshoot software/hardware issues is a MUST.


4. Troubleshoot each piece of network hardware individually.


Use this stored procedure to troubleshoot notification generation and to analyze the progression of notifications through the application.


Protocol log files can help you troubleshoot messaging problems and identify potential issues with your HTTP, SMTP, and NNTP virtual servers.


Subsection, Install, configure, and troubleshoot a video adapter. (5 Questions


Troubleshoot issues with existing products which includes material analysis, problem solving, etc.


Pipeline tracing should only be enabled for a short time to provide in-depth diagnostic information that enables you to troubleshoot problems.


You can use the Cluster Server Recovery Utility (ClusterRecovery. Exe) and the Cluster Diagnostics and Verification Tool (ClusDiag. Exe) to troubleshoot single copy clusters.


You can use the Automation API to run, troubleshoot, and administer Windows Media Encoder applications from a remote computer.

可以使用自动化API从远程计算机运行、故障排除和管理Windows Media Encoder应用程序。

You can use these tests to isolate problems that occur or to help you troubleshoot Unified Messaging.


There's also a terrific user community ready to step up and help troubleshoot issues.


They will check for problems, troubleshoot in some situations, alert the proper person of the problem and dispatch service if needed.


They also may help the USA NOC troubleshoot with other functions.


Performance, thereby helping to troubleshoot network ports. Intelligent hubs are also.


Therefore, it is usually a good idea to troubleshoot e-mail sending problems separately from e-mail receiving problems.


Figure shows another approach to troubleshooting. These are not the only ways to troubleshoot a network. However, an orderly process is important to keep a network running smoothly and efficiently.


The IT lifecycle for a typical enterprise involves the following phases: plan, test, deploy, configure, maintain and troubleshoot.


In the next two Lab Activities, students will create and troubleshoot a basic WAN.


In this section, users are presented with all of the needed security information, problems and the options to troubleshoot.


2.Be able to troubleshoot for simple trouble during testing.


Before you troubleshoot the error, try to isolate a single line of code that may be causing the problem.


Before you troubleshoot, it is highly recommended that you run the Microsoft Exchange Server Best Practices Analyzer Tool in your environment.

在解决问题之前,强烈建议在您的环境中运行Microsoft Exchange Server最佳实践分析工具。

In this article we look as how to use tracert while trying to troubleshoot real world problems.


ExxonMobil Marine Lubricants Launches One-of-a-Kind Technical Help Desk to Troubleshoot Customer Questions and Concerns


6. Troubleshoot process variations and resolve job conflicts.


To handle and troubleshoot internal risks controlling, budget ting and budget controlling, SOP of the JV.


How do I troubleshoot this? Below I'll try to give you a step by step description of how to troubleshoot this scenario


How to Troubleshoot a 5.2.1 NDR When Users Send Messages to a Public Folder

如何解决用户向公用文件夹发送邮件时出现的5.2.1 NDR问题

How to troubleshoot your logging problems


If CAM errors disappear then replace the CDROM , if not then troubleshoot the rest of the bus along the same lines.

如果 CAM 错误消失,则请更换 CDROM,如果不能解决问题,则请沿着同一缆线排除其余的总线故障。

If you cannot determine which backup program did not call the cleanup APIs, contact Microsoft Product Support Services (PSS) to troubleshoot this issue.


You can include an exception in a trace record if you are using tracing to debug an application or troubleshoot error and exception handling.


If your Notification Services applications are not working as planned, use this section to help you troubleshoot the problems.

如果您的Notification Services应用程序未能按计划运行,请使用本节来帮助您解决问题。

If you see error values or incorrect data, you need to troubleshoot the source data.


If the computer starts in Safe mode, go to the next section to continue to troubleshoot the startup issue.


If the error message appears on your screen, write it down for future reference, and then continue to troubleshoot.


It is important to learn how to troubleshoot problems.


The student interacts with the trainer via the cockpit and displays to test and troubleshoot.


Students can use the Lab Activities to troubleshoot IOS boot failure and document configuration register settings.


It can help pinpoint specific tables that are causing slow downs and is the best place to troubleshoot performance issues with merge subscriptions.


Administer, monitor and troubleshoot PCs, servers, and network systems.


Strong understanding of PVD sputter deposition hardware and ability to install, troubleshoot and perform preventative, corrective, minor and major repairs and upgrades in support of tool uptime requirements.


Troubleshoot, and control access to files and folders in a shared folder.


Large flat networks can also be difficult to troubleshoot, and advanced security can be difficult to implement.



This information may be requested by Product Support Services to troubleshoot and debug failures.