The game CASHFLOW was designed to give every player personal feedback. Its purpose is to give you options.
Hurdle rate: In discounted cashflow analysis, the rate of return below which an investment is not worth making.Used more with capital expenditure than securities investments.
(投资)最低回报率要求,最低预期回报率:现金流贴现分析中指投资值得考虑的最低回报率, 更多用于资本支出而不是证券投资。
Bach told eWeek that he expects Microsoft to stop making a loss on console production soon, with revenue from games, Live and peripheral sales contributing to positive cashflow some time in 2008.
Process products, sales &stocks data using R3 and connects to HQ through LOTUS system to reflect branch office"s cashflow, stocks &sales situation.
"However, in today's more difficult climate, tight control of cost and a focus on cashflow have become of paramount importance as the sales growth may simply not be there anymore.
“然而,在今天的气候更加困难,严格控制成本和把重点放在现金流量已成为具有至高无上的重要性,作为销售增长可能根本无法存在了” 。
"One afternoon I was teaching investing using a board game I had invented, CASHFLOW, as a teaching tool. "
When a Danish mortgage bank grants a mortgage it is obliged to sell an equivalent bond with a maturity and cashflow that matches those of the underlying loan almost perfectly.
To measure the cashflow, the politician has a money meter on his back that the consultant can see as he uses the steering wheel to direct his client.
Prior to writing "Rich Dad Poor Dad," Kiyosaki created the educational board game Cashflow 101 to teach individuals the financial and investment strategies that his rich dad spent years teaching him.
之前写作“富爸爸穷爸爸” ,清崎创造了教育的棋盘游戏现金流教101个人的财务和投资战略,他丰富的父亲花了数年时间教他。
The sanguine point out that this has no effect on cashflow, since such charges are non-cash items.
"There have been people playing CASHFLOW who gain lots of money in the game, but they don't know what to do with it. "
In fact a looming world recession and a modest slowdown in China have sent commodity prices into a tailspin and severely crimped cashflow for both firms.
Historically, free cashflow is a good predictor in Japan of business investment, which, behind exports, has helped drive Japan's six-year recovery.
evaluating performance using cashflow models that were so long-dated that they broke even after their authors planned to retire.
All six have the cashflow to invest in effective research &development and are seeking products that can explosively grow the market.
“Relationships are great, but cashflow is even better,” he says.
Corporate cashflow is very strong (8 per cent of sales, against 3.2 per cent in 2001) and equities look cheap relative to bonds.
But they tended to run subsidiaries to maximise cashflow, and the businesses slowly deteriorated, like a poorly maintained house.
Which of the following new content would you like to read in CASHFLOW magazine?
Which kind of CASHFLOW interviews are you most interested in?
impact of trade debtors on cashflow
ESSENTIAL TASKS AND DUTIESa) prepare and monitor daily cashflow to ensure that funding is optimised, arrange tra...... ...
Job Duties*Handle Full Set of Book independently *Prepare Financial Report, Cashflow Forecast, Budget*Liaising w...... ...
Assist management in cashflow management.
That is true even of businesses whose cashflow is in long-term decline, such as newspapers, as long as the rate of decline is relatively predictable.
Prepare cashflow statement and bank reconciliation accurately and timely
This will come in extremely handy when you face the dip in cashflow after you hire your first employee.
后来来了个人在他挖过的地方继续挖,当挖到100米时,发现了金子 - 只比原先那人多挖了一米。
The rot reached the top, with investors, directors and managers evaluating performance using cashflow models that were so long-dated that they broke even after their authors planned to retire.
Prior to the early 1980s, the bond market was comprised mainly of 'plain vanilla' bonds with simple cashflow structures, where coupon payments and maturity were fixed at the outset.
Can you explain how to calculate "My New CASHFLOW?Day Income" goal to win?
In the next couple of years the businesses that thrive will be those that are miserly with costs, wary of debt, cautious with cashflow and obsessively attentive to what customers want.
"After Robert ended the contest, he allowed us fifteen minutes to discuss and critique CASHFLOW among ourselves."
In America the household sector's debt has grown faster than its stock of interest-bearing assets, so the cashflow channel is now likely to be more, not less, powerful.
Having cut costs drastically, many firms in these industries can look forward to decent cashflow;
How to ensure accurate cashflow forecasts?
Look at the backlog on cashflow?What on earth are you smoking?
KGs should only report the actual cashflow of that school year.
They usually plan to own companies for no more than five years and the main focus is in maximising cashflow to meet interest payments and to pay down debt.
A variety of valuation techniques are used including earnings asset value cashflow and cost of capital measurements.
1. Hurdle rate: In discounted cashflow analysis, the rate of return below which an investment is not worth making. Used more with capital expenditure than securities investments.
Hurdle rate: In discounted cashflow analysis, the rate of return below which an investment is not worth making. Used more with capital expenditure than securities investments.
Provide accurate and in time reports, standard reports (P&L, balance, cost centres, cashflow, OWC, others ), as well as
Everyone agrees, for example, that accounting values are often flaky and that cashflow matters most when valuing a firm or trying to work out if it might go bust.
With Google's cashflow and infrastructure, the freedom to do anything it fancies gives rise to constant rumours.
由 于谷歌的财力和基础设施,粉丝给予它“可以想做什么就做什么”的自由,而这引起了从来没有停止过的谣言。
"My husband, Mike, was so impressed with CASHFLOW, the new educational product that Robert Kiyosaki was developing, that he arranged for both of us to participate in a test of the prototype. "
The importance of cashflow has also been recognised, with 47% tightening credit control for existing customers and 44% conducting stricter credit assessments for new clients.
的重要性,现金流量亦承认,与47 % ,收紧信贷控制,为现有客户和44 % ,进行严格的信用评估,为新客户。
Until you have a steady cashflow coming in, don't spend your precious start-up cash unless it's absolutely necessary.
Research Affiliates compiles a composite measure of five-year averages of cashflow, sales and gross dividends, plus a company's book value.
A.Yes.As soon as you are out of the Rat Race, you receive your CASHFLOW Day Income.You do NOT have to wait to pass the first CASHFLOW Day on the Fast Track.
As well as seeking emergency federal help for public pensions, infrastructure, and access to capital for short-term cashflow, Mr Nutter has been forced to make difficult cuts.
Credit check: Do they have the cashflow to make good on their promises about product deliveries and terms?
In closing, I created CASHFLOW to teach you to be a teacher.Teach CASHFLOW to the people you love.Give them the gift I was unable to give my own parents.
UK businesses are taking action to cut costs and preserve cashflow as the fear of a serious downturn takes hold, according to a survey by chartered accountants and business advisers MacIntyre Hudson.
A special scheme to help cashflow in small firms will be extended from 1 April 2007, Financial Secretary to the UK Treasury, John Healey announced on Friday.
Companies finance themselves out of cashflow or by borrowing from banks; they account for only 7% of issued bonds.
This comes when big railways are already using their spare cashflow to raise dividends and buy back shares.
This slide presentation provides an introduction to business profits and cashflow forecasting, including such topics as requirements for forecasting profit and cash flow, and some hands-on examples.
incremental cashflow
The application of adjustment mentality in preparation of cashflow volume table
Q. We made it out of the Rat Race and out on the Fast Track! Can you explain how to calculate "My New CASHFLOW?Day Income" goal to win?
Q. How many people can play CASHFLOW? Can I play on my own?