TavernerTaverner is an opera with music and libretto by Peter Maxwell Davies. It is based on the life of the 16th-century English composer John Taverner, but in what Davies himself acknowledged was a non-realistic treatment.以上来源于:Wikipedia
Yucun went out again in disgust and decided to imporve the occasion by drinking a few cups in a village tavern.
Eleven o'clock came, and the tavern lights were put out; darkness everywhere, now.
In 1841, JohnathanFaust in Centralia opened the first Bulls tavern.
In September of 1919, Adolf Hitler became a member of the German Worker's Party at the Furstenfelder Hof tavern in Munich.
shone the May-pole Tavern light that evening.
"I'll tell you. The back door of that No. 2 is the door that comes out into that little close alley between the tavern and the old rattle trap of a brick store.
We all know the phrase "howling at the moon" is not a commendatory term, but the British one dairy farmer Rob Taverner do not think so.
The most "puzzled" were the school-master and Thenardier, the proprietor of the tavern, who was everybody's friend, and had not disdained to ally himself with Boulatruelle.
"Why, Huck, I never told on that tavern-keeper. YOU know his tavern was all right the Saturday I went to the picnic.
“我说哈克,我从来也没有告发客栈老板,星期六我去野餐时,客栈不是好好的吗? 这你是知道的。
"I," replied the viscount,--"I saw Castaing executed, but I think I was rather intoxicated that day, for I had quitted college the same morning, and we had passed the previous night at a tavern.
Indeed, the cake was hard. A big ma'moul that I brought with me from the tavern.
Late one winter's night, when bitter wind and snow beat against the tavern, customers took up the familiar mockery.
A businessman enters a tavern, sits down at the bar, and orders a double martini on the rocks.
One hot day, the tavern owner wanted to bathe in a nearby river. So he left the bartender in charge while he was gone.
One day, he was startled when bailiffs from the court marched into his tavern and, without a word of explanation, handcuffed him and marched him off to the court.
One swallow does not make a summer.(Taverner)
One swallow does not make a summer.----Taverner
One swallow does not make a summer. -- Taverner
an informal restaurant or tavern serving simple Italian dishes
Nevertheless, he overcame the temptation by crossing the street, walking on the other side, and looking at the Rectory ahead instead of the tavern.
Trying to forget his cut hand and aching back, he remembered the days when men had called him Campeon and he had wrestled with a giant Negro in the tavern at Cienfuegos.
Trying to forget his cut hand and aching back,he remembered the days when men had called him Campeon and he had wrestled with a giant Negro in the tavern at Cienfuegos.
They went to a tavern to talk.
There is nothing which has yet been contrived by man by which so much happiness is produced, as by a good tavern or inn.
Once upon a time, there was a tavern owner in Benares.He had a hard working bartender, who was always trying to be helpful by inventing new ways of doing things.
They met at the tavern for a drink.
They stopped at the tavern to take on fuel on the way home.
They met at the tavern, and diverted themselves with broad mirth.
They hung about the neighborhood of the tavern until after nine, one watching the alley at a distance and the other the tavern door.
他俩在客栈周围转悠到9点后才开始行动。 一个在老远处注视着小巷子,另外一个看客栈的门。
He decided that if he did so, the business would make much higher profits, and the tavern owner would be very pleased.
He was gone half an hour. He found that in the best tavern, No. 2 had long been occupied by a young lawyer, and was still so occupied.
He stayed pretty long in the tavern
Drawing his arm through his own, he took him down Ludgate-hill to Fleet-street, and so, up a covered way, into a tavern.
He was a clever man; a pleasant companion; a careless student; with a great propensity for running into debt, and a partiality for the tavern.
His father was a poor tavern owner.
When he went into town, to be sure, there was high talk at the tavern.
First he stopped at a tavern for a bite and a sup.
There was a posthouse at the foot of Taihang Mountains in ancient times.A tavern is next to the posthouse and a variety store is opposite to posthouse and tavern.
But every morning for the past six months, in his blue overalls and Wellington boots, Rob Taverner, a dairy farmer from Devon, has been practicing tai chi in front of his herd of cows.
但是在过去半年,英格兰德文郡一个奶牛场的农夫Rob Taverner,每天早上都会身穿那套蓝色工作服和一双橡胶靴,在他喂养的奶牛们面前打太极。
You fought pretty well. Maybe you should consider a change of career. Tavern brawlers can make a decent wage.
a tavern or an inn providing such a meal
Staving off sobriety may not be one of the nobility's priorities, but placating the peasants usually is, meaning a lord is more likely to finance a tavern than he is to frequent it.
The bodyguards made sense.Lowell Bartling was widely known for his dislike of corpse handlers, and the tavern was full of them.
Corrected the scenes for towns and castles of the Imperial State faction. The castle ain't a tavern anymore . Their siege scenes are corrected aswell.
Fixed the issue which allowed Wardens and Edges to Blink into the Tavern area.
When I ask a shepherd boy where I can find a tavern,
I also know that you are very fond of wine. Well, Everybody's Home here is a tavern...
For about seven or eight years the little tavern had been kept by a man and his wife, with two servants,--a chambermaid named Trinette, and a hostler called Pecaud.
Jean Valjean, who was seated apart on a stone post, at the corner of the tavern, with his gun between his knees, had, up to that moment, taken no part in anything that was going on.
A while ago a Vampire was celebrating its jubilee in my tavern - their three hundredth resurrection on the battlefield!
Don't go to the Bitch's Brew tavern expecting to leave with all your teeth!
Todu xia Britain, Du shop has been open from Shanxi Henan Zhoukou, and along every 60 years on a tavern, not only make the sale, but also live.
An hour before midnight the tavern closed up and its lights (the only ones thereabouts) were put out.
A small lounge or sitting room affording limited privacy, as at an inn or a tavern.
Po:Well, let me think about this later.....we, now, return to the tavern first.
We stopped off at a restaurant to have a little snack before repairing to Jimmie's place.It was a huge tavern with big, smoky rafters and tables creaking with food.
The Ancient Druid Order claim that Toland held a gathering of Druids from all over Britain and Ireland in a London tavern, the Appletree, in 1717.
Another time, when he was sleeping in a tavern, a snake wound itself round his head, and when his friends were alarmed and shouted out, the creature went away without harming him.
Otherwise, they'll have nothing better to do but sit around the tavern and grouse about how boring the game is.
Huck was irritated to think he had been such a goose and betrayed such a suspicious excitement, for he had dropped the idea that the parcel brought from the tavern was the treasure, as soon as he had heard the talk at the widow's stile.
哈克一想到自己是只笨鹅,激动得差点露出马脚,他不免有些懊恼。 自他在寡妇家的阶梯处听到那两个家伙说话后,就不再认为从客栈中拿出来的包裹里有财宝。
He agreed somewhat reluctantly and the group held an initial meeting at the Hog's Head tavern in Hogsmeade.
Late one winter's night, when bitter wind and snow beat one abundance timest the tavern, customers had up the familiar mockery.
Go into the tavern, spend gold (this is not 100% neccessary, but I prefer it this way), go under the tavern.
Some neutrals spots had a chance to spawn as a hero tavern instead of the neutral.
In 1911, the Nestor Company opened Hollywood's first film studio in an old tavern on the corner of Sunset and Gower.
At a local tavern, a bandit brags about his numerous raids, attributing his success to his Wand of Weakness.Later, after he passes out, you slip the wand from his belt and leave.
At a local tavern, a bandit brags about his numerous raids, attributing his success to his Wand of Weakness.
In a fairytale setting - a castle and a tavern in the heart of a dense wood - a company of men and women are brought together by chance.
At a tavern he purchased two six-packs of Budweiser. Eight of the bottles, all that would fit, he arranged around his film in the cooler.
Added two tavern to the center of the map.
Added a tavern to each side of the map, reduced the creep level and item that guard the Mercenary buildings, and reduced two Orange creep camps and level of the item drop.
Can now path across the center of the map, added a Tavern to the center of the map.
What would you be LEAST likely to order at a tavern?
All naive, busty tavern wenches in my realm will be replaced with surly, world- weary waitresses who will provide no unexpected reinforcement and/or romantic subplot for the hero or his sidekick.
在我王国中所有天真丰满的酒店女侍, 都将被换成暴躁乖戾, 令人厌烦的女侍. 以确保她们不会对英雄或他的朋友提供意料之外的援助, 或是罗曼蒂克的插曲.
There had been again a village meeting at the tavern, and at the meeting it had been resolved to drive the horses out into the forest and not to provide the conveyances.
Before the phantom of False morning died, Methought a Voice within the Tavern cried, "When all the Temple is prepared within, Why nods the drowsy Worshipper outside?
In these dark ages is no wonder that many men would turn to drink, and thus also no wonder that a wise man would have the foresight to build a Tavern to cash in on the merriment and misery.
In the Villa of Diomedes, there are fresco paintings with four tavern scenes, armbands with hemispheres and gold rings with double gemstones.
Below the tavern is a door, which requires a password to enter, but since you do not know it, you decide to leave this area again.
Talk to the silent guy in the tavern.