adv. 不高兴地, 绷着脸, 忧郁地
r in a sullen manner
sullenly rude 阴郁无礼
sullenly adv 闷闷不乐地
sullenly meaning 阴郁的意思
sullenly means 阴沉的意思
sullenly in a sentence 在句子中闷闷不乐
sullenly define 阴沉地定义
sullenly definition 阴沉地定义
sullenly up 闷闷不乐地
No,you were more of a sullen whiner.
I have been sullen and untrusting and cold.
我曾经是如此的郁闷 冷淡跟不信任
You remind me of me when I was younger, depressed and sullen.
你让我想起了我年轻一点的时候 压抑 阴沉
You're sullen and short with me for reasons that I don't understand.
你对我懊恼冷漠 我却不能理解为什么
I became sullen and withdrawn and distant.
我变得阴沉 沉默 冷淡
She was being all sullen and rolling her eyes like a teenager.
她就像个青春期的少年 一副郁郁寡欢的样子
We already have one sullen disrespectful shedevil in our midst.
我们已经有了个阴郁的 不负责任的恶魔般的女儿
Mike seemed like a typical teenager, sullen with a little attitude.
麦克似乎像个典型的青少年 有一点想法就会不高兴
With still enough sullen menace left for a final burst of lurking around dawn.
即便这样 还能剩下不少阴郁的 足够他们潜伏直至黎明
If that has to happen, I would much rather that it's a sullen pain in the tokus from next door over the pollyanna soul mate who wants to take him to another planet.
但如果要那样 我宁愿 是隔壁女孩给我带来这该死的钻心之痛 而不是那个想把他拐到别的星球 盲目乐观的灵魂伴侣