n. sacramental的变形
I cannot perform the sacrament of bapti .
They have a twoforone sacrament until 7:00.
那里七点以前 圣餐酒买一送一
For a priest, you seem to have a problem with sacraments.
作为一名神父 你好像不太喜欢圣礼
If I must make this sacrament, I do it gladly.
要是必须行这种圣礼 我很乐意
When I entertain it's an event, a sacrament, an occasion.
我一出马 这就会是场盛事 盛典 大场合
Take the sacrament with me in church and mean that too.
跟我一起领受圣餐 去教堂 也要真心实意
If history is our religion, then hunting is one of its sacraments.
如果歷史是我們的宗教信仰 那么打獵就是其中的一件圣事
That headsup would mean breaking the seal of the sacrament, for him and for me.
这种提醒可是意味着 打破我和他 曾许下的庄重的誓言
They're ?they're more ritualistic, like a sacrament or something.
更具有仪式性 像是祭祀什么的
She was sanctified by the ritual sacrament, submerged in the spirit.
她因为仪式 与圣灵结为一体