Noun1. a distinct and often subordinate group within a group
2. (mathematics) a subset (that is not empty) of a mathematical group
名词 subgroup:
a distinct and often subordinate group within a group
(mathematics) a subset (that is not empty) of a mathematical groupsubgroup[ 'sʌbɡru:p ]n.a distinct and often subordinate group within a group(mathematics) a subset (that is not empty) of a mathematical group
subgroup 小组 sub-,分支,分部,分,group,群体。subgroup用法和例句:
The Action Group worked by dividing its tasks among a large number of subgroups.
There are difference in conditions which subgroup cooperate and swarm cooperate depending on.
A subgroup of patients underwent ambulatory BP monitoring.
The proportion of each subgroup was 27.7 % ( Ic ) , 33.6 % ( Is ) , 2.5 % ( IIc ) , 24.4 % ( IIs ) , and 11.8 % ( IVc ), respectively.
各亚群的比例分别是:Ic277%、Is336% 、 IIc25%、 IIs 244% 、 IVc 118%.
Similar subgroup analyses yielded inconsistent results for prostate and colorectal cancer.
Most of the data we've collected are individual data or multiple readings for subgroup data.
There is a direct connection between the efferent vestibular neurons and some subgroup afferent vestibular neurons.
However, in a subgroup of rheumatoid arthritis ( RA ) patients, etanercept normalizes an anabolic response to overfeeding.
然而, 在类风湿性关节炎 ( RA ) 患者的一组中, 服用依那西普可使因吃的过量引起的合成代谢反应正常化.
Gives a subgroup focus when grouped with varying units.
Before creating master records, check which employee subgroup should maintain the master data in each case.
在创建主记录之前, 检查雇员分小组维护在每个例子主数据内.
Preious randomized trials hae not focused on subgroup of patients with clinical evidence of biliopancreatic obstruction.
The human tissue kallikrein is a subgroup of serine proteinase family wich contains 15 genes.
Did you do a subgroup analysis for it?
Subgroup analyses found no indication of a treatment benefit in any patient group, said Carson.
Carson认为,亚组分析表明, 没有那个组有治疗更加获益的迹象.
The level of INS was also elevated , being the highest in the ECH subgroup.
ECH组血浆 INS 水平最高.
In a subgroup analysis, 83 % reported current college attendance.
This research makes an overall discussion about DELEXICAL VERB, a closed subgroup of verbs in language.
本文对汉语动词中一个封闭的小类——虚义动词进行了比较全面的讨论, 全文共分四章.
And Group 1 could be subdivided into 2 groups: Subgroup 1,3 patients ( MVV 45 % )
第一组再分2组: 1组MVV45%.
Results (1) In DXM group,the total number of inflammatory cells and the percentage of neutrophils in BALF in almost every subgroup were significantly lower than those in related subgroups of BLM ( P <0.01).
( 2 )BALF细胞分类 :DXM组中性粒细胞比例除第 1天组外 ,其余各相应时间组均比BLM组明显降低 ,P <0 .0 1;
H. pylori eradication was achieed in 283 patients. Fie patients in the eradication subgroup and two in the non-eradication subgroup deeloped gastric adenocarcinoma -- a nonsignificant difference.
The level of PAI:A and Fg in patients with CHD in the treadmill exercise test negative subgroup were all higher than that in control group pre - and aft - exercise.
Finite rank operators in additive subgroup of CSL algebras.
The level of INS was also elevated, being the highest in the ECH subgroup.
A better amelioration of IHI and reduction of V105% in IMRT plans were observed in the relatively large PTV subgroup.
Subgroup Technology of Internet E-mail
Avian leukosis virus Subgroup J (ALV-J) is a retrovirus that infects meat-type chickens. ALV-J was first reported as a new subgroup of ALV by Payne in 1991. It induced avian myelcytomatosis (ML) in broiler.
J亚群禽白血病病毒(Subgroup J of Avian leukosis viruS,ALV-J)是90年代初由英国鉴定出来的禽白血病病毒(ALV)新的亚群,主要引起肉鸡的骨髓瘤白血病。
K had proved the following theorem(Sea[1]) Thsorem A Let every 2-maximal subgroup of a finite solvable group G be Sqn in G. Then G is supersolvable.
K证明了下述定理(见[1]): 定理A 若有限群G可解且其每个二次极大子群在G中S-拟正规,则G超可解。
MCA 6AL22 reacted as above and, in addition, reacted with the Prague strain of Rous sarcoma virus ( PrC-RSV ) , subgroup C.
PF4 belongs to the subgroup of non-ELR CXC chemokines. Chemokines with ELR can stimulate newborn blood vessel development, but PF4 has no such effect.
S -quasinormally embedded subgroup
S-conditionally permutable subgroup
The TD-disturbing-valued Fuzzy Normal Subgroup
XTR is a new public key system based on a method to represent elements of a subgroup of a multiplicative group of a finite field.
Moderatehyperemia responses could be observed in the ZOE-treated subgroup , high doseand middle dose of indomethacin-treated subgroups while mild hyperemia wasobserved in the low dose of indomethacin-treated subgroups.
The rise of Tusi System brings three Tusi clans and Tusi manage the lands in Sani (the subgroup of Yi Ethnic Minority) area.
"Draft Standard" means a draft proposal or document of a Subgroup that is titled "Draft Standard.
Linear Fuzzy Subgroup of a Group
One of the most important infotypes is Organizational Assignment (0001), which contains data on the organizational units to which the employee is assigned within the enterprise (personnel area, employee subgroup, and so on).
This is the belief of a small subgroup of Young Earth creationists, which is sometimes termed the Omphalos hypothesis.
Lower Subgroup of Bayanharshan Group
Does Not Contain As Normal Subgroup
Not Normal Subgroup Of Or Equal To
Tmsv 16-SD,Tmsv 12-SD,Tmsv 16-Dif and Tmsv 12-Dif were significantly larger in the subgroup DCM patients with moderate to severe LV dysfunction than those with mild LV dysfunction.
Meanwhile, the plasma level of f-TFPI in AMI subgroup was dramatically higher than that in unstable angina subgroup.
The determining results of T-cell subgroup and NK-cell activity in treatment group was significantly better than that in control group (P<0.05).
Avian leukosis virus subgroup J, ALV-J
The main result is:if such a group contains the orientation-preserving Euclidean group in R~2,then it is a subgroup of the orientation-preserving Euclidean goup in R~3.
"The children in the PANDAS subgroup...also have been documented to have a high frequency of comorbid neuropsychiatric problems.
A subsemigroup which is also a group is called a subgroup .
也是群的子半群叫做子群 。
Subgroup analyses showed that both fruits and vegetables had a significant protective effect on CHD.
Avian leukosis virus subgroup J (ALV-J) is a retrovirus which infects meat-type chickens.
The human tissue kallikrein is a subgroup of serine proteinase family wich contains 15 genes.
These people are among the fastest growing subgroup of uninsured today.
About 610bp region of Wolbachia wsp gene,500bp region of Wolbachia A subgroup wsp gene and 450bp region of Wolbachia B subgroup wsp gene were sequenced from this host population.
从三色书虱体内扩增出了 6 10bp的Wolbachia的wsp基因片段 ,5 0 0bp的WolbachiaA亚群的wsp基因片段和 4 5 0bp的WolbachiaB亚群的wsp基因片段。
Historically, these Amorites seem to have been linked to the Jerusalem region, and the Jebusites may have been a subgroup of them.
Findings from age subgroup analyses should be reported in a consistent manner across trials, including absolute and relative risks for efficacy and safety.
Previous randomized trials have not focused on the subgroup of patients with clinical evidence of biliopancreatic obstruction.
It is this subgroup of alcoholics who hae craings that seem to be influenced by ariation in the SNCA gene.
The ADCC effect is mediated by two of the subgroup specific JEV-McAb mC3 and 2D2. And the activities of inC3 and 2D2 are different in mediating the ADCC effect.
But a subgroup of these bloggers are the true professionals who work at corporations, serve as highly paid blogging consultants or write for sites with substantial traffic.
Matter leaching and chemical weathering are weak. The main mineral element moving is less obviously. The soils belong to 2 soil class,2 subclass,3 soil great group and subgroup.
Listed in rough order of tractability by hypnosis, these include a subgroup of asthmas; some dermatological disorders, including warts; irritable bowel syndrome; hemophilia; and nausea associated with chemotherapy.
Maintain gaggle not to move what have many subgroup system namely, do not mix, should strengthen segregation.
保持鹅群不动 即有多个小群体的,不要混合,应加强隔离。
Coordinating Subgroup for Narcotics
On an Open Question of LF - Subgroup
On the Index Complex of a Maximal Subgroup
On the Discussing of Criterion Sylow Subgroup
Prx Q, as representativeof the fourth subgroup, was identified initially in Sedum linear as a homologue ofEscherichis coli bacterioferritin co-migratory protein (BCP).
其中Prx Q首先从佛甲草(Sedum linear)中被克隆,与细菌铁蛋白共迁移蛋白(BCP)同源性很高。
The progress has been made for the study on subgroup VIII and IB metals.
The coincident rate of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) was 28.3% at first time and its whole average coincident rate was up to 56.6%. The subgroup coincident rates were elevated from 39.6% to 70.0%( P<0.005).
Further we divided the hypertension group into five subgroup hypertension and associated with hyperglycemia,hyperlipidemia,hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia,obesity.
This paper analyzed and summarized characteristic of manufacture and performance of manganese subgroup nonmagnetic cast iron.
DK/SZH/1/02(H3N6) isolate together with A/Aquartic Bird/Hong Kong/399/99 (H3N8) belonged to one subgroup.
分离株 DK/SZH/1/02(H3N6)另成一支,其与 A/Aquartic Bird/Hong Kong/399/99 (H3N8) 同源率最高,达 95.4%。
With the concept of almost mormal subgroup, some interesting results about almost normal subgroups and sufficient conditions for a finite to be group solveable are given.
The thesis also discussed subgroup the centrality of virtual learning community.
With the properties of action that one group acts another group and the Fitting subgroup F(G),two results concerning the generalized Fitting subgroup F*(G) are obtained.
There is a direct connection between the efferent vestibular neurons and some subgroup afferent vestibular neurons.
In observed group, phenobarbital and nikethamide were given 12 h (subgroup A, n=62), 24 h(subgroup B, n=59) and 48 h (subgroup C, n=55) after birth respectively for prevention of jaundice; whereas no drug was given in the control group.
前者分别于出生后 12h(A组 ,n= 62 ) ,2 4h(B组 ,n =5 9)和 48h(C组 ,n =5 5 )给予尼可刹米和苯巴比妥预防性治疗。
Cardiovascular events in elderly patients with isolated systolic hypertension. A subgroup analysis of treatment strategies in STOP-Hypertension-2.
A subgroup of patients underwent ambulatory BP monitoring.
In addition, 15 young healthy men are selectd as normal group, do not treat. Observe the changs of yang-def iciency symptoms , detect T cell subgroup (CD3,CD4,CD8,CD4+/CD8+) and immunoglobulin (IgG,IgM, IgA).
另选取15例青年健康男性作为正常对照组,不治疗。 观察阳虚症状的改善情况,并检测外周血T细胞亚群(CD3、CD4、CD8、CD4~+/CD8~+)和免疫球蛋白(IgG、IgM、IgA)。
As long as subgroup size is sufficient large, VAR control scheme can be used efficiently to monitor all shifts, even extremely small.
The proportion of each subgroup was 27.7%(Ic),33.6%(Is),2.5%(IIc),24.4%(IIs),and 11.8%(IVc),respectively.
各亚群的比例分别是 :Ic 2 7 7%、Is 33 6%、IIc 2 5%、IIs 2 4 4%、IVc 11 8%。
Isozymes are gene expressed product. According to theory of a gene coding an isozyme subgroup, we may confer difference of genotype through isozyme diversity.
In subgroup analyses, no subgroup demonstrated worse survival among participants with higher plasma folate levels.
The occurrence of Avian Leukosis Virus-J Subgroup on the Commercial layer of Roman reported was the first time at home and abroad.
Therefore ,we can get the following result : G/C_G(F*(G)) is isomorphic to a subgroup of Aut(F*(G)).
In AMI group, the accidence of cardiac events in abnormal HRT subgroup was higher than that in normal HRT subgroup.
In group B, the HR of group B1, B2, B3 were significantly increased (P <0.01) compared with the preinsufflation. The PET CO2, SBP, DBP of group B except subgroup B1 were significantly different from the preinsufflation (P <0.01).
In subgroup analyses, an een greater reduction of risk was seen when the treatment lasted oer 36 months, which resulted in a 29 percent reduced risk.
Before creating master records, check which employee subgroup should maintain the master data in each case.
In this paper, by investigating finite C~*(p)-p-groups the authors have obtained that the nilpotent class of C~*(p)-p-groups is at most 3 and their derived subgroup is elementary abelian p-group.
The only statistically significant blip appeared in a subgroup of patients who were prayed for and knew it.
Intangible assets are classified in the balance sheet as a subgroup of plant assets .
When each subgroup of IGR was compared with each other, both IFG plus IGT subgroup and IFG subgroup had higher BMI and HOMA-IR, and lower HOMA-B than IGT subgroup.
复合性糖耐量低减组和IFG组较IGT组BMI、HOMA IR明显较高 ,而HOMA B明显较低。
Uranus and Neptuneare also gas giants, in that they have no visible solid surface, but they nowtend to be classified as a subgroup of “ice giants” that contain water in itssolid form.
A subgroup of the Quechumaran languages, the most important language being Quechua.
a subgroup of the Quechumaran languages