Since 1 many months, while the user is accepting service kissing affection, be opposite more greatly the favour of stannic bavin machine and degree of belief.
On March 11, 2004, h of Wei bavin motivation appear on the market in Hong Kong, what we hold stock market prise to increase 10 times above namely that day.
2004年3月11日,潍柴动力H股在香港上市,我们所持股票市值当日即增加10 倍以上。
Can have bavin fish boiling water, conduce bone cicatrizations.
BMC market and Fei of bavin of channel chief inspector think, the whole world begins to execute price unifinication stage by stage is BMC the important matter this year.
A primary foreign capital casts public figure of travel China group to comfort these frustrated graduate people, "Stay so that green hill is in, do not be afraid of do not have bavin to burn " .
Flash most passes, after autumn unplugs the season of cotton bavin, heart column cousin is masked slip into Chang Le inland to scout, abduct of the latter half of the night reachs my home.
In cling to the door of the car slowly open, bavin governor appeared.
World various places (country) for instance watch 1 place shows bavin steam.
the bavin of state-owned name amounts to wooden basin to be located in Qinghai-Tibet Platean in.
People nature can think of the Wei bavin of backside.
Perform occurrence field comedicly to the scene from the studio of the film studio, the belle stars true it may be said is nowhere disappears like club of the thin bavin that get reed.
His wife sees he is so muddleheaded and forgetful, remind him seriously: "A moment ago you are taking ax to chop bavin, because go to the side defecate, just its ground, how do you forget so quickly?
is heated up in bavin litter all the time the Ying Lun island under Ou Liu, current situation also is changing.
Analytic bavin amounts to wooden basin oasis to form a condition, undertake bavin amounts to the oasis division into districts of wooden basin first.
分析柴达木盆地绿洲形成条件 ,首次进行柴达木盆地的绿洲区划。
" the person that sells bavin listens not quite know this word, but understand ' valence ' this word, tell a scholar price then.
On the metope of smooth simple but elegant, also can hang buy to wait for the basketwork of material make it with bavin, careless, reed, palm, hemp.
Be in malic company, thin bone of figure it may be said is like bavin, can look from his gaunt body reach his food and healthy state.
Generate electricity in wind-force domain, wait for wind- driven generation set and derv generation set composition normally generate electricity the system calls wind / bavin system.
Keywords PAHs;source profile;bavin combustion;coal combustion;
Resemble commanding Wei bavin motive force.
and measures should be put in practice to reduce the usage of bavin and the payout of energy resource, to intensify the investment and management to increase the farmers' income.
Fang Ge: Divide Meng of the phlegmy Xia Xing that install sleep, qin of bavin of reduce internal heat and Zhi dragon;
One day he is taking ax to chop bavin to Tian Li, his wife also went together along with him.
Bavin, rice, oily, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea opens the door 7 things, doing not have is not to be in the kitchen, someone says it is the 2nd housewife home.
Bavin old man uses what he masters to brood Yo fry technology, brood every year Yo fry 400 much end.
bavin drainage
Wei bavin and the harm that China weighs steam to give opposite party each other are deadly, who can overshoot smoothly difficulty, become the one big be concerned about inside the industry.
Jade bavin lost Wang Jianming, that many teenager by honour the person that is mental cacique.
Wang Jianming left jade bavin, the place that that he struggled 37 years for it.
Be certain this treasure father burns marsh gas bavin dad burns bavin, still burn bavin to our this generation, how many farmer lives this kind of backer to take the time of hill.
The 2nd year of strength is greater, to save cost the furnace of wood chip of the can that use bavin of his creativity assists Jiawenfa, its effect is very good also.
Result year answer a year, former some cultivates the light that be chopped to be burned when bavin on hill, hill still is " bald " , however neither one person feels regrettablly.
Turn over local newspaper, be full of " stay so that green hill is in, do not be afraid of do not have bavin to burn " encourage a word;
bavin combustion
This gives undoubtedly originally already fervent memory domain added a bavin again.
A day, son double happiness chops bavin to hill, when coming back, colour of sky is late already, hazy moon is illuminating hillside trail.
Kept simply in the courtyard, these crude antiques look just like bunches of bavin, ready for collectors to “sort out”.
When Lu Zhiyong sees this only big crock, see bavin room is in piggery namely nearby only, big crock is cheating a calico, put in the corner.
9 see joke: A scholar goes buying bavin, he says to selling the person of bavin: "Firewood of carry on one's shoulder person come over!