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证券市场; 证券交易所; 证券行情






The quarter-point cuts in its federal funds rate and discount rate on December 11th were followed by a steep sell-off in the stockmarket.


The value of the London stockmarket more than doubled in 1975, in the midst of a stagflationary crisis and the year before Britain had to ask the IMF for an emergency loan.


A fall of 8.8% in China's main stockmarket index on February 27th rumbled around the world, clobbering share prices just about everywhere.


On September 18th Russia's main bourses suspended trading in shares and bonds for a third day in a row after the largest one-day stockmarket fall for a decade;


BAH introduces a quantitative element into its games, calculating the effect of each team's strategy on their company's profits and stockmarket value at the end of each turn.


ETFs are usually linked to a stockmarket index or asset class and give retail investors a way of diversifying their assets at relatively low cost.


In the hope of tapping new sources of capital, Fortress Investment Group, which offers both hedge funds and private equity, has announced plans to float 10% of itself on America's stockmarket.


Hurst exponent is valuable in the investment in stockmarket


David Shairp of JPMorgan Asset Management says that lower stockmarket volatility is reducing the perceived risk of investing in equities, relative to bonds.


“I was earnig US$85,000 a year, I was playing the stockmarket, I had a nice fl at and car and now it's all gone,” says the bespectacle IT whiz?


"I was earnig US$85,000 a year, I was playing the stockmarket, I had a nice fl at and car and now it's all gone," says the bespectacle IT whiz kid who is now back with his parents in an outer Delhi suburb.

“我那时一年挣85,000美元,我还投资股市,有漂亮的房子和汽车,可现在这一切全没了,”这位戴着眼镜的IT神童说。 现在他和他的父母住在德里的远郊。

"I was earnig US$85,000 a year,I was playing the stockmarket,I had a nice flat and car and now it's all gone," says the bespectacle IT whiz?kid who is now back with his parents in an outer Delhi suburb.


There may be wider gains.The plan's backers hope that fresh funds and cannier investment will give the Tokyo stockmarket a lift, by putting pressure on companies to improve shareholder value.


Volatility is the order of the day in the stockmarket.


Last week the benchmark Shanghai Composite index topped 5,000, a rise of 90% since the start of the year;and China's total stockmarket capitalisation now exceeds its GDP for the first time.


Shanghai's stockmarket was unfazed.Share prices saw their biggest gains in seven weeks.


All markets experience cycles of good times and bad times, whether you are talking about the stockmarket, currency market, commodity market or the local fruit and vegetable market.


And with the Tokyo stockmarket scraping 26-year-lows in mid-March before soaring 20% in the past fortnight, the reputation of equities as an investment is shoddy at best.


But the 1929 stockmarket crash put an end to that ambition and construction stopped at 28 floors.That is how the tower has remained to this day, stubby but stunning.


Executives at Chinese firms and the chastened survivors of other Asian stockmarket collapses worry that despite government restrictions lending trickles into the market indirectly.


A 60% plunge in the Chinese stockmarket, and a 50% drop in Hong Kong shares, has wiped hundreds of millions of dollars off the biggest fortunes.


The plunge in China's stockmarket has made any policy that would encourage capital outflows politically untenable.


The two main stockmarket indices have lost nearly 80% since their peak last year.


Viewing from the angle of economics, the aim of government behavior in the stockmarket is to standardize market behavior, reduce market risk and raise market efficiency.


Since then an entire stockmarket cycle has taken place and the position, although volatile, is worse than ever.


CONSIDER these two statements: the American stockmarket was overvalued in 2000;


They account for 55% of the capital raised in Hong Kong in that period and now make up nearly one-third of listed companies, half the stockmarket's capitalisation and 60% of its turnover.


They found that these shares outperformed both the overall stockmarket and shares issued in other IPOs not backed by private equity.Highly leveraged firms performed no worse than those with less debt.


They found the shares of the firms sold outperformed both the overall stockmarket and shares issued in other IPOs that were not backed by private equity.


They say that it was “communicated” to France's stockmarket regulator, and that everything was done in accordance with the rules.


He immediately received several large orders even though Bhutan is a landlocked Himalayan kingdom which then did not even have a stockmarket.


He says the stockmarket does revert to the mean, in that periods of high returns tend to be followed by periods of low returns.


A drastic interest-rate cut this week coincided with stockmarket upheaval.


But Emaar raised its money from local investors in an oversubscribed public offering.Such “stockmarket hullabaloo” was new to Saudi Arabia, one critic says.


But measures based on stockmarket values are subject to the same wild fluctuations as the market itself.


Yet,it is important to note that the stockmarket had also fallen substantially by about 37% in the first 9 months of 1998 alone.


But this result also suggests yet another thing that stockmarket analysts might care to take into account when preparing their reports: the physog of the chief executive.


After plunging by 9% on February 27th, the Shanghai stockmarket has since rebounded past its previous high.


For example, the manager could be selling insurance against a big stockmarket fall.


Both the credit and money markets became frozen, while in the stockmarket, computer-driven trading models that had worked for years suddenly failed (see article).


In the event of an inflationary blow-out - resulting from excess credit, - the US stockmarket would likely rise further, but in a volatile fashion.


Suppose the authorities were to find a way to bludgeon the stockmarket, knocking, say, a quarter off share prices.


If these analysts are right, you might expect investors to be snapping up the stockmarket bargains that distressed selling has created.


Developing economies such as India's prevent foreigners from buying debt but freely allow them into the stockmarket.


At best, that reflects poor analysis: the stockmarket tumbled 41% during the year.


Indeed, investors seem upbeat about the KMT victory, giving Taiwan's stockmarket a boost at a time when other bourses across the region are sliding.


it often did not match the stockmarket in the bull years but made up for it by outperforming during bear markets.


India cannot absorb a lot more foreign capital without worrying about stockmarket turbulence or the strength of the rupee.


India cracks down after a stockmarket and rupee rally


India has a vibrant local stockmarket and sophisticated retail investors, but currency and other controls make it a frustrating place for international brokers.


Even during the stockmarket crash of 1929, there was a mere hiccough before prices sailed higher.


Listing even a small stake helps keep managers on their toes, by subjecting them to the scrutiny of the stockmarket.


Last year, when coal prices were at their height, several local firms listed on Jakarta's stockmarket.


In turn, volatility tends to fall when the stockmarket is rising.


The hedged apartment indexreflects the returns of apartment REITs after the effects of equity REITs and the stockmarket are removed from the apartment REIT returns.


Thanks to a stockmarket boom in China, its banks are now in a position to do the reverse.


Companies thus turned for loans to India's unfashionable state banks, which hold almost 70% of bank assets, rather than borrowing overseas or raising money on the stockmarket.


Therefore, investors should be mindful of the volatility of the stockmarket.


Domestic and foreign investors are pouring money into the country's stockmarket, and bankers and accountants are falling over themselves to pick up lucrative business.


In December, to stem the rise of the baht and regain control of liquidity, the government made a bungled attempt to slap a tax on inward portfolio investment.The stockmarket plunged.


Russia's stockmarket was already trending downwards before the short war with Georgia in August 2008, but the outbreak of hostilities accelerated the sell-off.


After falling by more than 4% on June 13th, the Nikkei 225 stockmarket index is almost a fifth below its peak for the year, reached in April.


and China's total stockmarket capitalisation now exceeds its GDP for the first time.This has been hailed in the Chinese media as marking progress towards a more advanced stage of capitalism.


So did foreign investors, sending the Moscow stockmarket soaring.


Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR) was successful with its $5 billion fund flotation (a first) near the stockmarket peak earlier this year.


The admissions typically preceded the rebukes, and in the few weeks that followed the firms' share prices underperformed the Shanghai stockmarket by an average of up to 6% (see left-hand chart).


This bursting of one bubble after the other is the very reason for the worries in Europe and the US that the property price trend could reverse and plummet in the wake of the stockmarket plunge.


Revenue Forecast on StockMarket Based on its Turn Over Rate


Thanks to them, Softbank is still the stockmarket's most heavily traded company.


She put out all her savings at stockmarket.


With stockmarkets around the world jumpy, China's stockmarket bubble continuing and 3-4% of the broad money supply estimated to be flowing underground, it is no wonder the authorities are alarmed.


If you do, you must have already performed some sort of industry analysis on the electronics and property industries (or sectors as commonly referred to in stockmarket terms).


IF EVER an industry had reason to complain about the whims of the stockmarket, it would be investment banking.


Together they could target as much as $17 billion, lopping a fair chunk from their combined net debt of $62 billion, and equivalent to just over a quarter of their stockmarket value.


Indeed, that was an important part of the appeal of the hedge-fund industry; it often did not match the stockmarket in the bull years but made up for it by outperforming during bear markets.


Households are withdrawing money from low-yielding bank accounts to bet on the stockmarket.


Like an index mutual fund, they track baskets of assets, such as stockmarket indexes or commodities.


[b][/b]JUST when it looked as if prices of domestically traded shares in China were approaching lunatic levels, a reassuring thing happened: the stockmarket cooled down.


People nevertheless use the stockmarket as a barometer of economic health.


Although precise figures are hard to come by, analysts estimate that around 20m people have invested directly in the stockmarket, after a huge spurt of interest over the last year.
