slider是什么意思   slider怎么读

英式:['slaɪdə(r)]    美式:['slaɪdə(r)]


n.滑雪者,滑冰者; 会滚动之物 ; [棒]弧度不大的曲球; 滑块
n.滑雪者,滑动器, [棒]滑行曲线球
n.滑雪者,滑冰者;会滚动之物 ;[棒]弧度不大的曲球;滑块




1. a person who slips or slides because of loss of traction

2. someone who races the luge

3. freshwater turtle of United States and South America; frequently raised commercially; some young sold as pets

4. a fastball that curves slightly away from the side from which it was thrown

名词 slider:

a person who slips or slides because of loss of traction

同义词:skidder, slipper

someone who races the luge


freshwater turtle of United States and South America; frequently raised commercially; some young sold as pets

同义词:yellow-bellied terrapin, Pseudemys scripta

a fastball that curves slightly away from the side from which it was thrown

slider[ 'slaidə ]n.a person who slips or slides because of loss of traction


someone who races the luge


freshwater turtle of United States and South America; frequently raised commercially; some young sold as pets

同义词:yellow-bellied terrapinPseudemys scripta

a fastball that curves slightly away from the side from which it was thrown


slider 滑杆,滑动器 slide,滑动,-er,名词后缀。


According to the work condition of pantograph slider, materials with improved friction wear performance was designed.

根据受电弓滑板的工况条件, 设计了摩擦磨损性能较佳的受电弓滑板材料.

Use to add a slider with adjustable tick style and slide button to an interface.


Move the slider to set the privacy level for this zone.


In appearance also followed the trend, the mainstream has taken the slider design.

在外型方面也紧随潮流, 采有了主流的滑盖设计.

Set the Time Slider to frame 120.


And you're supposed to be on the other side, so l can use the slider.

并且现在你应该是在另外一边, 这样我就可以用滑板了.


Then, ( and not sooner ) you jump down the step and push the other slider aside.

然后, ( 而不是早 ) 你跳下去的步骤和其他滑球抛到一边.

Scroll through the document using the slider bar on the right of the window.



Smartphone keys will be locked automatically at slider closing ( without confirmation message ).

智能手机按键,将自动锁定在滑块闭幕 ( 无确认信息 ).

Researches on the technology of application ultrasonic motors in linear coordinate slider and rotary coordinate rotor.


Press Test button to start tuning. Adjust the volume slider till you hear the sound properly.

按“测试”按钮启动调谐. 调整音量滑块直到音量适中.

If you prefer it at full opacity simply drag the slider back up to 100 %.


To the right of the Color slider, click the Map button.

在颜色滑竿的右边, 单击Mapbutton[ 图谱按钮].

To adjust the disk space allowed for games, select the drive, and then drag the slider.

要调整分配给游戏的磁盘空间, 请选择驱动器, 然后拖动滑块.

To create more space to store pages temporarily, move the slider to the right.

要创建更多的空间以便临时存储网页, 应右移滑块.

In the Time Slider, ensure that the Playback End Time is set to 240.

在时间标尺中, 确保播放结束时间设置为240.

In the Time Slider, set the Playback Start Time to 1.

在时间标尺中, 设置播放开始时间为1.

Traffic density can be controlled via the menu by way of a slider.


In order for the institutions of small, lightweight, wear crank slider leader mechanism of the bearing.

为了使机构笨重 、 磨损小, 曲柄不涩块导杆机构的不涩块是轴承.

As the first slider reaches 1, the other stays at 0.

当第一个滑条值调为1时, 另一个值呆在0值处.

Drag the current time indicator forward in the Time Slider until you reach frame 45.


Keywords: hard disk drive, slider bearing, flying height, simulation.

关键词: 硬碟机、座轴承 、 行高度 、 值模拟.

Click play on the Time Slider playback controls play back the clip.


In the paper , a new method designing slider crank mechanism is put forward.


In the Time Slider, drag the current time indicator to frame 6.

在时间滑块里, 拖动当前的时间滑块到第6帧.


"The changeup was good," catcher Jose Molina said. "The slider, he's still working on it - sometimes it's too high, sometimes it's too low.


"If you cannot hear anything or it's the wrong volume, make sure your speakers/headphones are plugged in and use the slider to the right to adjust playback volume.


"To adjust the playback volume, use the slider bar below. Click the Test button to hear a sample sound.


Hank Blalock fanned on a slider to finish the first, and Marlon Byrd missed a sinker to end the second.

Hank Blalock 则是被一颗滑球三振而结束了第一局。随后,Marlon Byrd 对一颗伸卡球挥空棒而结束了第二局。

This ED-ST series welding Seam Tracker consists of sensor, control box and actuator (motorized slider), etc.


"Tonight, the slider was a good pitch (for the strikeout).


The present invention relates to a controllable overrunning slider, which can be used on an automobile, a motor tricycle or a motor bicycle.


A mobile phone includes a case (11), a battery cover (12), a slider (131) and a clamp component (13).


Once in a while he'll attempt a backdoor slider to a left-handed hitter.


Unlike the mini floppy, to write-protect a microfloppy, you simply move a built in slider;no adhesive strip is required.


At right is the push Board crank (slider) guide rod mechanism, based on analytical method to extrapolate push Board line speed for the formula.


To facilitate the detach of the lining,could we change the original zipper to revolving slider on the left zipper?


Traffic density can be controlled via the menu by way of a slider.


We will make the lifter and (inner) slider in this position, will that be a problem?


"He had a very good slider and sinker, and he mixed in some changeups, too," Girardi said.


Introduces its makeup and control mode of linear coordinate slider and rotary coordinate rotor basing on rotary USM.


Choose a font style from the Family and TypeFace pop-up menus, and drag the size slider to change text size.


In each case the setting will be the first notch of its type in the slider.


Remove the lie and loft slider assembly from its packaging and inspect it for damage.


His out pitch as a collegian in Taiwan was a slider.


He uses various grips,such as the curve ball,the knuckle ball,the slider,and the fast ball.


Any control that restricts the available set of values that a user can enter is a bounded entry control. A slider that moves from 1 to 100, for example, is bounded.


But LG's KF-510 is a slider that checks in at 0.43 of an inch--and yet still manages to bundle a 3-megapixel camera, MP3 player, and an FM radio.

但LG的氟化钾- 510是一个滑块治理整顿中,在0.43的一寸-但仍然能捆绑3 00万像素相机, M P3播放器,以及F M调频收音机。

You can test the character repeat rate in the box below the slider.


You can test the delay in the box below the slider.


You can also see the HSB slider and how the Hue, Saturation and Brightness are set for one of those colors.


You lock the back piece with a small slider on the side of the phone.


Select it to activate the slider bar on the right, then use the leave and right arrows to adjust the volume.


Use this slider to change the thickness of the edge of the chart.


Use the slider to change the angle of the text in the point label.


Set the duration of the transition using the Speed slider.


A conservatively styled slider, Sony Ericsson Yari focuses on gaming, promising a whole new user experience.


He mixes in four-seam fastballs and yesterday relied more than normal on his slider.


The intensity of the Halo can be regulated with the HaloInt slider (Halo Intensity Slider.).Lower values corresponding to weaker halos.


Keywords: hard disk drive, slider bearing, flying height, simulation.


Other innovations include a single-serve metal cup for wet cat food and a multiwall paper bag with a slider zipper for dry dog food. 3.

其他创新包括一个单一的服务金属杯湿猫食和多层纸袋的滑块拉链干狗食。3 。

DBS refers to Disc Slider Box,hence making reference to the unique interactive nature of this packaging.


Gem Slider for Windows PC is a new arcade game on a board featuring lots of combinations.


Click the Privacy tab, move the slider to the level of privacy that you want to set, and then click OK.


Click the Privacy tab, and then move the slider to a position between the top and bottom so you are not blocking or allowing all cookies.


Click a category in the list, and then move the slider to set the limits you want to use.


Click a drive, and then move the slider to change the percentage of disk space allotted to games.


When you double-click correctly, the slider will move up to the bell and hit it.


Just drag the intuitive slider to choose the size that's right for you.


You can filter the edge of the nodes by using the slider at the left of the tab.


He can also bury it (back foot slider) to right-handed hitters out of the strike zone and get swings and misses.


Drag the slider up or down to fine-tune the size of the file and folder icons.


As you lower the slider, only the attributes that have the greatest effect on the Bike Buyer column remain.

向下滑动滑块时,将只显示对Bike Buyer列影响最大的属性。

And move the left slider to the right and right slider to left.


Move slider to the left for more memory to run programs. Move it to the right for more storage space.


Under Resolution, drag the slider to change the screen resolution.


Under Screen resolution, drag the slider to change the screen resolution.


Under Screen area, drag the slider to change the screen resolution.


Under Duration, drag the slider bar to the number of seconds for which you want new Desktop Alerts to remain visible on your desktop.


In the Pointer Trail area, drag the Length slider.


On the Privacy tab, move the slider up for a higher level of privacy or down for a lower level of privacy.


After relying so much on his sinker, Wang has begun mixing in a slider as well as a four-seamer.


Drag over all the objects that make up the cannon object in the Front viewport and drag the Time Slider to frame 10 again.


The Single Axis Robot KK is a slider actuated by a motor-driven ballscrew and guided by a linear guideway with a U-shaped rail.

在单轴机器人KK是由电动机驱动滑块驱动滚珠丝杠和带有U形轨道的线性导轨指导。The slider acts as the ballscrew's nut and the guideway's block.该滑块充当滚珠丝杠的螺母和导轨的块。

In many cases, a slider is a nice choice because it telegraphs the range of valid entries.


In the Time Slider, drag the current time indicator to frame 36.


In the Time Slider, set the Playback Start Time to 1.


Click play on the Time Slider playback controls to play back the clip.


In the Time Slider, drag the current time indicator to frame 6.


Wang had shaken off Posada only once all day, saying no to a slider to throw his sinker early in the game, and with good reason.


As you move the slider, Internet Explorer provides a description of the types of cookies that are blocked or allowed at that privacy level.

在移动滑块时,Internet Explorer会提供对所对应隐私级别上阻止或允许的各类型Cookie的描述。

There will be a short delay between the time you speak and the time you hear your voice. If you hear feedback, move the playback slider to lower the volume.


Large and small slider on the template by two strut, consisting of two hinged-link the implementation of sector-led expansion.


Step 3 : Click the colorize checkbox (circled in red below), and pull the Saturation slider all the way to the left.


Click the little arrow at the top right in the color window and chose “HSB Slider” in case you are in RGB or CMYK.


If you lower the slider, only the strongest links are shown in the viewer.


If you don't hear anything, or the slider isn't working, press the "Volume" button.

如果您听不到任何声音,或滑块没有作用,请按 “音量” 按钮。

If you prefer it at full opacity simply drag the slider back up to 100%.


If you don't want a screen saver to start at all, set the slider to Never.


If Kuroda wants to throw the slider for a strike, he can reduce the spin and keep the slider on the outside corner.


That represents a left-pointing track bar slider in the normal state.


That represents the slider of a vertical track bar in the normal state.


That represents the slider of a horizontal track bar in the disabled state.


Spacious Master bedroom with bathroom and slider to rear yard.


Our zip-lock bags, fruit slider bags with BRC certified are in great demand in Americas, Europe, Africa.



A slider button adjusts focus.

You can test the delay in the box below the slider.