n.卡路里; 千卡(食物热量的单位)n. 卡, 卡路里(热量单位) =calory
Noun1. unit of heat defined as the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree centigrade at atmospheric pressure
名词 calorie:
unit of heat defined as the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree centigrade at atmospheric pressure
同义词:gram calorie, small calorie
a unit of heat equal to the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water by one degree at one atmosphere pressure; used by nutritionists to characterize the energy-producing potential in food
同义词:kilogram calorie, kilocalorie, large calorie, nutritionist's calorie
calorie[ 'kæləri ]n.unit of heat defined as the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree centigrade at atmospheric pressure同义词:gram caloriesmall calorie
a unit of heat equal to the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water by one degree at one atmosphere pressure; used by nutritionists to characterize the energy-producing potential in food同义词:kilogram caloriekilocalorielarge calorienutritionist's calorie
a low-calorie drink/diet
低热量的饮料 / 饮食
No sugar for me, thanks─I'm counting my calories .
A glass of wine does have quite a lot of calories.
...calorie controlled diets.
High calorie food was excepted from the menu since last year.
From magical calorie burning pills to fat melting vaccinations, dieters are loosing everything but the fat.
从神奇的卡路里燃烧药片到熔化脂肪的疫苗, 减肥者失去了一切但就是没有减掉脂肪.
Most have a high calorie value answering the demands of the cold northern climate.
The calorie is the unit usually used for measuring the amount of energy transfer in biochemistry.
In this example, 3000 calories is what's known as a calorie maintenance level.
在这个例子中, 3000卡热量是所谓的热量维持原有水平.
And just so you know, exercising while consuming small calorie intake just makes the situation worse.
如你所知, 运动却摄入少量的卡路里非常糟糕.
Circuitdropout rate, is an efficient calorie burner, increases muscular strength and decreases body fat.
同时这种方式可以有效的消耗热量, 增强肌肉力量以及减少体内脂肪.
They also want compulsory labeling of the calorie content of restaurant menus.
It is easy to adjust your daily calorie intake so that you gain or lose weight.
Bonus: drink four cups a day, and you'll kick up your calorie burn by 80 calories.
你 想 不到的是,每天喝绿茶四杯, 可以让你额外多消耗80卡路里的热量.
It's always hard for me to maintain a balance between calorie intake and expenditure.
We store fat on our body when our calorie intake exceeds our calorie expenditure.
This sesame paste improves your Breakfast By its special taste and proper calorie value.
Nutritionists say only 33% of our calorie intake should be from fat.
A glass or two of wine will not significantly add to the calorie count.
There seems to be little difference whether you eat all your calorie allowance in one go, or spread it over the day.
Your lunch looks delicious. BUT, it looks like there was a dessert cup. What was it? How much calorie and cholesterol were in it?
For 10 years, they were screened annually for 10 symptoms of depression, including those related to mood, irritability, calorie intake, concentration and sleep.
Twele were assigned to a diet-only group; they reduced their calorie intake by 25 percent.
Before intervention, the percentage of unreasonable diet and exercise in 92 cases were respectively 92.4% and 89.1%, the percentage of uptake of high quantity of calorie and fat were respectively 100% and 94.1%.
"Vitaminwater is a great tasting, hydrating beverage with essential vitamins and water, with labels showing calorie content," it said.
Some research shows that when people include nuts in their diet, total calorie intake does not increase, and appetite may actually decrease.
一 些 研 究 表 明 当 人 们 在 饮 食 中 加 入 坚 果 时 , 摄 入 的 总 热 量 并 未 增 加 , 而 且 食 欲 很 可 能 会 因 此 下 降 。
One night, we ate so how high calorie things, I hastened to heal.
Some purported juices are filled with additives that offer color and calorie s, but nothing of health value.
Some research shows that when people include nuts in their diet,total calorie intake does not increase,and appetite may actually decrease.
A calorie is defined as the quantity of heat required at one atmosphere to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water through 1℃, usually from 14.5 to 15.5℃.
A whole ban of chocolate(100 grams) contains only about400 calorie, much less than a Macdonald middle-size fry potatoes.
A whole ban of chocolate (100 grams) contains only about 400 calorie, much less than a Macdonald middle-size fry potatoes.
A good food source of folate contains a substantial amount of folate in relation to its calorie content and contributes at least 10 percent of the U.S.
Consistent exercise can balance out and make up for the occasional high calorie fast food meal, while at the same time providing countless other health benefits.
Poor calorie “eyeballing” (studies show 50% too low).
Avoiding rice and eating protein foods only: actually the calorie content of rice is not very high.
Does not contain the calorie, simultaneously will have the full feeling, therefore the diet will reduce.
Do not let appearances deceive you, the embedded small fireplace equipment can produce 55,000BTU calorie.
Still, the animal studies suggest that the effects of alternate-day fasting on chronic disease prevention are similar to those reported for chronic calorie restriction.
WCRF said it was highlighting calorie content, because after not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight “is the most important thing you can do to help prevent cancer”.
Levin said she'd suffered from an eating disorder during a part of her life, and that placing calorie contents on menus at restaurants could fuel the calorie-obsessive behaviour that some people with eating disorders have.
Beside racking up a higher calorie count, the group that produced more males were also more likely to have eaten a wider range of nutrients, including potassium, calcium and vitamins C, E and B12.
Enjoy a large glass of ice water hot tea or another calorie free beverage. Garnish with a twist of lemon or lime. Drink slowly. Try having this before a meal.
High calorie food was excepted from the menu since last year.
Extrapolating from the mouse data, you would need to keep your calorie intake to three-quarters of the amount recommended by dieticians.
They found that when participants in the study ate a first course of soup before lunch they reduced their total calorie intake by 20 per cent, compared with those who did not begin the meal with soup.
They note that while snacks may blow the calorie budget of younger adults, older adults tend to get fewer calories and may need snacks to make up their calorie deficit.
They also want compulsory labeling of the calorie content of restaurant menus.
It is heartening to see that some corporations have already volunteered to disclose calorie counts.
Ginger soft candy with low calorie using ginger juice,isomalto-oligosaccharides,glucose,carrageenin and lemon acid as materials were studied.
This paper deals with the development of low calorie fruit-flavored jel ly.
The healthy solid drink with low calorie was made from such main ingredients as bitter gourd flesh, functional sweeteners and maltodextrin by appropriate processing technology.
As we all know the high calorie beef and mutton, which helps people living in high altitude cold areas.
But the person chews it needs the 4 quantity of heat to 5 calorie, enter the quantity of heat that about 5 calorie need again in intestines and stomach.
"I think studies like this are a disservice to the consumer because they oversimplify the causes of obesity," registered dietitian Beth Hubrich of the Calorie Control Council tells WebMD.
But studies suggest that if you cut calorie consumption too drastically, your body counteracts the effect of dieting.
But this non-prescription version of Xenical is hardly a magic pill. Users must also eat a low calorie, low fat diet and exercise.
But these studies were small, and none was designed to test how calorie restriction might affect cognitive performance.
The authors anticipated a weaker relationship between soft drink consumption and body weight, because there are many other calorie sources in the diet.
Example: A bagel might seem healthier than a doughnut hole, but dense bagels have the calorie content of six slices of bread.
If you did not realize,gobbled up a large number of calorie already, still ask to add one ball ice-cream on coffee, perhaps want cake of a cheese, so you had eaten finished dinner.
The diet of urban and rural people throughout the country has greatly improved, the per-capita daily calorie intake has reached 2,600 Kcal. and that of protein has reached 75 grammes, having reached or approaching the world average levels.
The public outcries about empty calorie and junk foods have been loud and frequent.
After six months, the calorie counters lost more than twice as much weight as the fat counters!
六 个 月 后 , " 低 热 量 组 " 体 重 下 降 是 " 低 脂 肪 组 " 的 两 倍 。
After six months,the calorie counters lost more than twice as much weight as the fat counters!
A unit equal to one gram calorie per square centimeter of irradiated surface, used to measure solar radiation.
On one hand, calorie restriction turns on a gene called PNC1, which produces an enzyme that rids cells of nicotinamide, a small molecule similar to vitamin B3 that normally represses Sir2.
The crispness is low in fat and calorie.
Loss of muscle weight lowers our metabolism, which in turn lowers our calorie burning potential, and in turn our eating potential.
By the 19th century, potatoes supplied 80 percent of people's calorie intake and was a major source of livestock feed.
Don't jump on a 2000 calorie diet. Only cut calories when you don't progress.
Include lower calorie options in your diet, such as fruit and vegetables.
The calorie is a historical relic.
A calorie is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius.
CALORIE:A measurement of the energy provided by food. The sources of calories in a diet are carbohydrate, protein, alcohol and fat.
Also eat half a large watermelon Medium (Guarang weighing about two kilograms), it unwittingly calorie intake between 680 cards, or roughly Sanwan rice.
GCV(ARB): Reduction or increase of gross calorie value will be awarded or punished USD/MT accordingly, lower than will be refused to be accepted by the buyer.
Set out fruit trays with low calorie dips.
Coca-Cola introduced the first low calorie soft drink, "TAB.
Circuit training has a lower dropout rate, is an efficient calorie burner, increases muscular strength and decreases body fat.
As for the whole country, the cacoptrophia problem mostly happens in the western china, teenagers who are in the west part of china don't take enough calorie and protein so that it leads cacoptrophia.
The unit of heat energy commonly used in physics is the calorie.
In the United States, they supply less than that percentage, in fact only about 50%, of the human calorie intake.
Calculate your exhaused calorie under running or cycling mode.
Short, high intensity bursts of activity in your exercise programme can increase calorie burn long after the exercise is over.
Hell of slimming: Never go to extremes to reduce calorie intake. This body will collapse, leading to anemia and other health-damaging conditions.
The distance between junk food and the medical costs of obesity means that a calorie tax could have unintended consequences.
She 's on a low - calorie diet .
And just so you know, exercising while consuming a small calorie intake just makes the situation worse.
You can't gyrate your hips, bend over backwards, dip your partner, or do any other fancy (and calorie burning) dance moves if you can't control your core muscles.
They usually have almost the same calorie content as the regular version, and yet we subconsciously treat them as if they were caloric-free.
During breakfast and lunch, individuals were assigned toone of two calorie levels based upon reported average caloric intake in an effort to maintain body weight + 2 % from baseline throughout the study.
Tests on oerweight people show that a calorie is just a calorie, whether lost by dieting or by running, they said.
Drink less milk tea which may contains high calorie, high oil and no nutrition at all. Eat less salt, sootiness and barbecue food.
While some calorie restrictors prefer to eat five small meals a day, Paul and Meredith say it feels more natural for them to eat a big breakfast, small lunch and no dinner.
Chocolate contains the protein, calorie, ferrum, Vitamin A and other Vitamins.
Initiate a trial of lifestyle modi? cation alone with appropriate education for 3 months (see Lifestyle management), aiming to reduce calorie intake, salt intake, alcohol intake, and inactivity.
When it comes to any one person's weight, he said, "what ultimately matters is calorie intake and calorie expenditure.
It is easy to adjust your daily calorie intake so that you gain or lose weight.
Mental Note To Self: if I want to give a food gift to a friend this Christmas, make sure it's a low fat and low calorie diet food.
用作名词(n.)The calorie is a historical relic.
The calorie content in this ice cream is very high.
Diving can be as calorie consuming as you would like it to be.