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“Giocatori come Santon e Balotelli devono giocaree non in allenamento.Purtroppo nei frangenti decisivi di una stagione si preferisce dare spazio a giocatori di esperienza. un peccato.
Altrimenti rischia di perdere il mondiale ” “像巴洛特利和桑顿这样的球员必须要上场比赛,而不只是随队练习。
“At first I was extremely excited, but thankfully my team mates calmed me prior to the commencement of the match, and eased my nerves,” Santon said in the interview.
"It was a similar case like that of Macheda, that almost happened with Santon," he told Sky Italia.
"And with Manchester there was Chelsea, another club who has a scout here in Italy and they were watching all our matches to follow Santon.
He is widely regarded as one of the best young full-backs in the country along with Inter's Davide Santon.
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With Maicon ruled out through suspension, young right-back Davide Santon could make his debut against the Rossoblu tomorrow night."Santon has been called up," said Mourinho.
“In my opinion, Santon has all the potential necessary to become a champion and will surely have the chance to play for the Azzurri one day.
As for the possibility of Davide Santon playing in midfield, Mourinho commented: "Whoever wrote that he will play in midfield was up in the trees spying on our training session."
Inter Milan have revealed that Manchester United almost lured starlet Davide Santon to England as they did with Federico Macheda.
“I must confess that I didn't know Santon before his debut a few weeks ago,” Lippi admitted to Sky Sport Italia.
So, before talking about Santon and Inter, Cannavaro should think about his own team".
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Santon: "In general I can play on both sides, but I am at my best on the right."
And now Inter have revealed that Santon, who has just broken into their first-team, almost went the same way.
Davide Santon can finally give a hearty welcome to his first convocation with the Under 21 Italian representative coached by Pierluigi Casiraghi.
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As for my defence, I can only tell you that Maicon and Davide Santon will play.
There were a number of strong performers in the match tonight, including Davide Santon of Inter, who made his debut for the club at the tender age of just 18.