rollout是什么意思   rollout怎么读

英式:['rəlˌaʊt]    美式:['rəlˌaʊt]





RolloutA rollout is an analysis technique for backgammon positions and moves. A rollout consists in playing the same position many times (with different dice rolls) and recording the results.





Application Rollout has been added as a built-in application update option.

Application Rollout已经作为一个内建的应用程序更新选项添加。

But Mr Gibson said the ATO still planned to rollout the FBT component and would “continue testing income tax until we are satisfied it is ready”.


The auto-UI connection between the parameters and rollout items via the ui and keyword is the same as the support in Scripted Plug-ins.


"You're asking us to invest into using this service in our homes and small businesses, you have a rollout DISASTER like this, and then try to blow it off as a pebble in the road?


"We are pleased to be able to share this film with a large international audience and Potter fan base due to the continued rollout of our digital projection system," said IMAX CEO Richard L.


"Apple is still clinging to the phrase, 'rocky road' in describing the rollout," said David Farrow on another thread."GIVE US A BREAK.

“苹果仍然死抱着以这句话, '岩石道'在描述推出, ”大卫说,法罗对另一个线程。

"None of this," he predicted of the surge and its coming rollout, "is going to work.


"That's helping to pay for the rollout of digital cinema, and that is helping studios create more 3-D production.

“这是帮助支付推出的数字电影,这是帮助电影公司创造更多的3 - D生产。

Unlike the recent staggered rollout of the .asia domain, the .me registrations are open to everyone from day one.

不像最近交错铺设。亚洲域, 。我登记的是开放给所有人从第一天开始。

In order to display "Super Material" correctly, Please make sure there is no any other Rollout docked left.


Space shuttle Atlantis sits on Launch Pad 39A after rollout from the Vehicle Assembly Building. The shuttle sits atop the mobile launcher platform, which is carried by the crawler-transporter beneath.


ZZ Masterpiece Rollout!


They create a rollout plan and certify release candidates for shipment or deployment.


Broadband Service Rollout of Incumbent Telcos


Wen, the premier, said in March that the government would put together a plan for a nationwide rollout of the new VAT system this year.


You can treat attribute scripting as basically identical to scripting plug-ins, in terms of parameter, rollout setup and handler programming.


8.ERP system rollout implementation project manager and post-implementation ongoing support and maintenance.


Purpose of the job:-Development Management and Insight System (DMIS) design, implementation, rollout and support...... ...


Job Scope:The position will be responsible for the project management of Business Internet Banking rollout in Ch...... ...


Responsibilities 1.Participate weekly DW release process, create change request and complete code rollout by working wi...... ...


consulting Company Role : Oracle EBS Application Finance Consultant...Experience: 5-7 years of Oracle ERP implementation or rollout.....


Compatibility allows for easy rollout and administration of networked printers in addition to expanded printer functionality.


Staging your rollout for Cached Exchange Mode is necessary because users will effectively download a complete copy of their mailbox from the Exchange server to use on their local computer.


Chheda will oversee Bing's regional rollout in the coming months, focusing on Japan, China and Australia.


We will sign a contract with you, after mutual discussion &agreement. Detailed implementation design, rollout plan, as well as visual effect pictures will be prepared for your project.


Some Democratic aides on Capitol Hill were similarly struck by the partisan nature of the appointment -- and even more so by the extended rollout.


Issue third generation mobile communications licences in 2001, with service rollout along the same time as that for other advanced economies


Baidu, the dominant player in China's Internet search market, has fended off worries about an advertising downturn with the aggressive rollout of the advertising system.


Opening $weapon01 in the Modify panel will now display the "Weapon Parameters" rollout and allow them to be edited as can normal objectparameters.


In the Modify panel, open the Modifier rollout, and select PathDeform (WSM).It's very imortant that you choose the World-Space Modifier version (WSM), and not just the normal PathDeform.


A global rollout would be even more attractive with an expectation of breakeven within the first few months.


Under the Brazil: General Options rollout, change the Bucketing Options from the size of 64 to 16.


On the Environment/Background Camera Map (mi) Parameters rollout, click the Browse button and again open the background image.


Contains Aircraft model in ROLLOUT Colours, Fully Featured Panel, Sound Set and More ) FOR FS2004 Only!!


The R8 Targa is, according to the leaked rollout schedule, also due for launch in the next couple of months.


If the rollout is not in a dialog, no action is taken.


deliverable task / action / description kpi deliver cost effective rollout of high quality stores -...


The manufacturer's rollout of the new jet is scheduled for next month.


Select the camera, and add a Path Constraint by going to the Motion rollout, expand the Assign Controller rollout, click Position, click Assign controller and double-click Path Constraint.


application quality and the best practices for improving the rollout of high-quality applications.


To lead in Plan China on the implementation of Plan's global strategy for protecting children; rollout and mainstreaming of child protection policy within Plan China;


“It will be a slowish rollout,” Johnny G said, on the phone from California. “We'll be in forty countries by March.


It's a big step in our rollout to just take the pen and be able to go.


66. Let's talk about the rollout phase of your online shopping.


Most of my test loops consists of rolling to moderate hills with the occasional flat rollout after good long decent.


Open the Luma Server rollout in Brazil r/s and under Direct Illumination, enable the Skylight option.


We are looking to recruit engineers work with system integration and network rollout , mainly focus on Mobile Soft Switch and Packet Backbone Network.


Steere becomes Chairman of the Board. His goal is to refocus the Company on its core competencies. Pfizer has triple rollout of major new drugs: Zoloft, Norvasc, and Zithromax.


Some experts worry that the rollout strategy could backfire.


This week's rollout is KFC's most ambitious attempt to win over health-conscious customers as the chain known worldwide for fried chicken tries to reinvigorate lackluster U.S. Sales.


Progress of rollout of wireline-based local fixed telecommunications networks


Next we come to the Brazil: Image Sampling rollout, this is where you are going to set your AA settings.


Global Product and Rollout Manager


In the Path Parameters rollout, click Add Path and click the spline in a viewport.


You seem to have space time to study CSP. Expect your all functional CSP rollout early.


Realistically speaking, the likelihood of seeing such a rollout within the next two decades was "low", according to a spokesman from the Energy Department.


Comprehensive Public Rollout Information, listing previous product versions as well as currently shipping versions, has been compiled in a separate set of reports.


their failure to do so is currently one of the major issues preventing rollout of 802.1X on heterogeneous networks.


Landing Rollout Control Unit


Network of more than 240 First Book volunteer boards. First Book has a powerful national marketing and communications network that will support the rollout of the Marketplace.


The gate to Launch Pad 39A at NASA's KennedySpace Center in Florida welcomes space shuttle Atlantis onto the padmound after rollout from the Vehicle Assembly Building.


UK supermarket chain Asda has announced plans to rollout a packaging scorecard similar to that used by parent company Wal-Mart in the US, in early 2009.


For a successful software rollout, plan early


Computer simulations made it possible for the "real" development prototypes to exhibit a very high level of maturity during the first rollout.


Its planned rollout sparked widespread disapproval inside China, legal challenges and overseas criticism.


The technology of early aircraft and an airstrip for the rapid rollout of military technology, after the market for all types of rural areas and the occasion of the construction of highways traffic.


The last software testing phase before a production rollout.


Kondo recommends giving every stakeholder who will be impacted or involved in the project on the business side a high-level overview of the entire project, from design to rollout.


However, scientific advancements in our understanding of bone physiology, structure and nutrient interaction have resulted in the rollout of a number of new ingredients besides calcium.


With the daylight selected, click the Setup button in the Daylight Parameters rollout found in the Modify panel.


To contribute to the effective rollout of Business Unit Customer Service projects, through contribution of professional expertise and leadership.


4. the rollout stage, where project features are frozen. In the second and third stages, you must avoid insidious scope creep (and stop being such an accommodating person).


The locking snaphook provides the best protection against rollout of the lanyard.


Esko, provider of packaging design and preproduction solutions, has announced the rollout of Esko Software Suite 7, a complete collection of Esko software tools.

阿霍,提供包装设计和试解决方案,日前宣布推出艾司科软件套件7 ,一个完整的收集科软件工具。

The Group has already obtained all necessary quality accreditations for the new corded phone production line to facilitate export sales rollout.


Estimation of release cost, including development, collateral material, marketing, training, and rollout.


Foods, Orinda, CA, demonstrated a creative way to pretest a package rollout in a "live test" situation.


The rollout of the new finance masters program is just the latest in a series of changes Schmittlein has implemented since his appointment as dean last fall.


Remove About and Parameter rollout in the utility panel.
