relocatee是什么意思   relocatee怎么读

英式:[ri:ləkeɪ'ti:]    美式:[ri:ləkeɪ'ti:]


n.迁至新址者; 易地而居者
n. 迁至新址者






The job of Yamada's father at the Manchurian Railway Company led the family to relocate to Manchuria (now Northeast of China). They settled in Shenyang.

1933 1933年因父亲在满州铁道公司工作的关系,举家迁往满州(即现时中国东北),居于沈阳。

Dormant for more than 9,000 years, the volcano rumbled back to life in May 2008 in electrifying fashion .On January 29 Chile announced it will relocate the village of Chaiten.


The 56-year-old said his wife, Beatrix, would be happy to relocate to Manchester, and that her agreement would enable him to commit to the English Premier League club.


Q:Would you be willing to relocate to another city?


IBM's International Warranty Service (IWS) provides our customers with warranty service even if they relocate their PC to another country.

IBM 个人电脑的全球联保服务(IWS)是针对携带IBM产品进行国际旅行的客户或移机至其他国家的客户所提供的全球范围的保修服务。

OEMs as well as many end-user industries are beginning to relocate to mainland China to take advantage of low-cost labor and materials.


A UST employee's note said anyone not asked to relocate to Richmond will leave the company and outplacement seminars are under way.


One tactic that can be used is to fire from a position, make yourself known, and then relocate to an adjacent position from which you can put fire on your previous location.


Three Gorges forced more than four million residents of villages, towns and cities in the path of the rising waters to relocate, most of them to bustling Chongqing.


Last month the company moved to Guangzhou for further development. I was reluctant to relocate because I love Nanjing so much.


A: Last month the company moved to Guangzhou for further development. I was reluctant to relocate because I love Nanjing so much.


Shanghai GM will relocate its Sail car production line to the new plant in Yantai, which will be Shanghai GM's second automobile manufacturing site outside Shanghai.


Do not attempt to relocate the MTA run directory as this can cause performance problems.


Do not attempt to relocate the MTA run directory because doing so can cause unwanted side effects.


If we feel more supervision is necessary we will relocate students to somewhere more supervised, such as a College Lodge or Homestay.


When used with RESTORE LOG, the MOVE option can be used only to relocate files that were added during the interval covered by the log being restored.

与RESTORE LOG配合使用时,MOVE选项只能用来重新定位在还原日志的那段时间内添加的文件。

Will you have to travel or relocate for your job?


To do this they are willing to uproot their lives , relocate and plunge themselves deep into debt.


It has urged the renegotiation of a long-stalled agreement to relocate marines and bases on the southern island of Okinawa, largely on the grounds of cost.


They found themselves compelled to relocate.


They are willing to relocate to the United States and live with me at my house and want a good life.


He decided to relocate in New York because be found a good work there.


His father eventually returned to Kenya and his mother later married an Indonesian man, which prompted the family to relocate to Jakarta, Indonesia in 1967.


"I really think that is short lived but it could also be contributing to its low ratings as a place for people to relocate," he explained.


He says plants that cannot move fast enough are in danger of getting killed off before they can relocate.


The Isla Gladstone experience is available as part of the club's decision to relocate some of its corporate hospitality from The Sandon.


That was not, he insisted, because he personally expected to relocate (he loves his kids' London school.


However, he insisted there must be “serious discussions” on revision of the 13-year-old plan to relocate the US marine air base within Okinawa.


In fact, feng shui is so big on the west coast, that a homeowner may tear down walls or even relocate an entire building to improve a home's asking price.


Low-end factories will have to relocate to cheaper provinces or countries.


And also, as China is a developing economy with large amounts of labor, industries are beginning to relocate in an effort to minimize costs and increase profits.


One can see that one need not be poor to ascend in this example;nor relocate to some mountaintop to become a monk.


Are you willing to relocate?


Would you be willing to relocate to the States.


Would you be willing to relocate to another city?


to pause to relocate a scent,used of hunting dogs


After an initial slow start, Kiribati families were "queuing in large numbers" for 75 places to relocate to New Zealand each year, Clark said.


The firm may be forced to relocate from New York to Stanford.


The company is to relocate its headquarters in theMidlands.


Relocate some the plant of yellow, green, La Zi is had better not pass, both neither breaks quiet result, unapt appear beyond the mark and inflexible.


It is very important to relocate the real positions of the hydrophones on seabed.First break second positioning technique can provide accur...

初至波二次定位方法 ,能够利用准确的速度模型和大量的数据进行冗余计算 ,从而提供准确的检波器位置 ,为后期的资料处理和解释增加可信度。

Manufacturing industries have been able to relocate from high-cost to low-cost locations.


Manufacturing industries have been able to relocate from high-cost to low-cost locatio .


Click Move to relocate an item.


Opposition sounds point to recordagos love that as the massive cost of the project , the commor to relocate millions of local residents or destruction of the unique union environment .


Opposition oices point to drawbacks such as the massie cost of the project , the need to relocate millions of local residents and destruction of the unique natural enironment .


Forward-thinking rich-world multinationals will relocate more of their bosses to developing countries, so that they can better understand those markets.


You can use Exchange System Manager to relocate the MTA database (also known as the X.400 message queue directory) to a different location.


The WITH MOVE clause can be used to relocate one or more files.

可以使用WITH MOVE子句重新定位一个或多个文件。

Meanwhile, the government of Uttar Pradesh says that they are planning to relocate the farmers.


Recoil is often used to relocate shoulders thrown out by the previous shot.


Eventually her husband’s career prompted their family to relocate to Albany, Georgia, a small town in the southeastern portion of the United States.


Adds a. Reloc instruction to the code base.


Those who listen and trust are more liekly to take action and relocate .


Employees are reimbursed for any legal fees incurred when they relocate.


I believe love as i told, so I would like to relocate if necessary and devote to the person I love.


So it's absolutely right and necessary to criticize the historical Confucius, and it can even be said to be a revolution to object to feudal autarchy and to relocate realistic Confucius as a saint.


Therefore making this intent shall set in motion a future in which one will relocate to a place that provides space and room enough to thrive into the entry of the Great Central Sun and beyond.


The State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters urged local departments to monitor the situation closely and promptly relocate residents along the storm's route.


When plans for the dam were first approved in 1992, human rights activists voiced concern about the people who would be forced to relocate to make room for it.


Logistics and support services are the functions next most likely to relocate offshore, followed by distribution and sales.


In cases where you need to relocate the data files, you need to update the control file by issuing the following command.


In some cases, your BCP and DRP may even require a 'cold?or 'warm?site where you can quickly relocate your staff to continue operations after a disaster or terrorist attack.


During these tough times, many individuals are opting to relocate for a better job.


In details view, you can use Delete and Move buttons to remove and relocate items in the folder.


Coastal erosion is a problem in Alaska as well, forcing the United States to prepare to relocate several Inuit villages at a projected cost of $100 million or more for each one.


Tarun Chopra, a 29 year old senior software consultant at KPMG Consulting's Wa shington DC office, is also worried about the pitfalls of trying to relocate to India.


Hawaii holds keys to our continued ascent and therefore it was a necessary step to relocate unto the islands for our continued evolutionary journey.


I tried to relocate the mountain of stars, only to find nothing in sight.


David:Yes, I would be happy to relocate for a job at Eminent Tech.


No Sirian Grand Master human desired to relocate to Earth.Therefore 48 Grand Masters were incubated in a laboratory from DNA derived from present time Sirian spiritual elite.


She should be willing to relocate to the USA.


If the two of you want to relocate to a new city or country, this is a great time to do so.


You'll get bonus points if you are willing and able to relocate without a company's assistance.


If the loader must relocate a module but no relocation section exists for the module, the loader kills the entire process and displays an "Abnormal Process Termination" message to the user.


If scholar alumni relocate outside their sponsor district, alert the new district to their presence in the area.


If a file must be moved because of a hardware failure, follow these steps to relocate the file to a new location.


In word processing, the facility to delete a section of text and relocate it elsewhere, in one or more places, of the stored document.


Rampaging elephants force Indonesians to relocate Thousands of Ind.


It is a complicated process to relocate peasants from land designated for other uses.
