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n. (Satchell)人名;(英)萨切尔





Oh, that's right. I left them in my satchel.

想起来了 我放进包里了

Satchel, tell the boss what you're working on.

撒切尔 告诉老大你在做什么

I need you to look for a leather satchel about so big.


Which means the test still might be in the satchel.


Flowery dress, big leather satchel, I hope.

穿的花裙子 大皮革书包 我猜

I double back with the key, empty the satchel, open the safe.

拿着钥匙走回来 把包倒空 打开保险柜

I'd like to make a concerned citizen report about a large satchel filled with hard drugs.

作为一名良好市民 我想举报有人非法持有烈性

And then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel and shining morning face, creeping like snail unwillingly to school.

然后是满腹牢骚的学童 背着书包 满脸红光 像蜗牛一般不情愿地挪向学堂

At the age of five, by carefully observing a neighbor's house, he deduced that babies were brought not by the stork, but by the midwife, in her satchel.

他五岁的时候 通过仔细观察邻居的房子 他推断出小孩不是鹳送来的 而是从接生婆的提包里来的