recreates是什么意思   recreates怎么读

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v.再创造( recreate的第三人称单数 ); 再现; 消遣; 娱乐
v.再创造, 使得到休养,得到消遣, 休息娱乐
v.再创造( recreate的第三人称单数 );再现;消遣;娱乐



动词 recreate:

give new life or energy to

同义词:animate, recreate, reanimate, revive, renovate, repair, quicken, vivify, revivify

engage in recreational activities rather than work; occupy oneself in a diversion

同义词:play, recreate

give encouragement to

同义词:cheer, hearten, recreate, embolden

create anew


recreate[ 'rekrieit, -kri:- ]v.give new life or energy to


engage in recreational activities rather than work; occupy oneself in a diversion

"The students all recreate alike"


give encouragement to


create anew

"she recreated the feeling of the 1920's with her stage setting"




ASP.NET then recreates the page, runs your code (in this case, the Button control's Click event handler runs), and then sends the new page to the browser.


The ID-SIM component of the LAB -ID system recreates the process outputs based on process inputs (manipulated and disturbance variables) and process models from LAB -ID.


"Klee is an angel," said Sartre, "who recreates the miracles of this world."


An exception is Sunday, Old Russia (1904) where Kandinsky recreates a highly colorful (and fanciful) view of peasants and nobles before the walls of a town.


Celebrating turn-of-the-century life, the museum recreates a typical village from the Wallachia region in the hilly forests and pastures of the Czech Republic's far eastern corner.


The film recreates the doomed trip in real time, from takeoff to hijacking, to the realization by those onboard that their plane was part of a coordinated attack.


" They have said that the exhibition recreates the earthquake scene, showing China's rapid and effective relief feat, to feel the unity of the Chinese people, the great strength ahead.


He recreates himself with music.


Galileo Galilei traces the great scientist's education, describes his maverick experiments in Padua and Pisa, and recreates the ingenious pathway of his famous discoveries.


The couple walks to the church hand in hand, and the village scene recreates the picturesque background for the festival procession.


The couple walks to the church hand in hand, and the village scene recreates the picturesque background for the festival.


This series of spectacrlar and astounding films recreates evolution before your very eyes,as it withesses the key breakthroughs and details the crucial moments in life's journey to dominate the earth.


The festival recreates the frequent Viking raids in this area and is celebrated annually every first Sunday of August.


Mini Cathay recreates in miniature, architectural masterpieces built in the Republic of China. 4.


The former residence of Lord Kitchener, rebuilt to a new magnificence, Wildflower Hall recreates the grand style of the colonial era.


This bundle recreates the warm sound qualities of classic equalizer analog hardware.


It recreates the dry summers and cool, wet winters found in Chile, California, South Africa, Australia, and the Mediterranean.


The pavilion recreates this kind of situation offering a space in which everybody can have a little break enjoying a book, a rest, a glass of water, a movie.


"The team puts its put experimental roofs on top of metal insolated insulated boxes, to recreat recreate green roof conditions.


Pompeii - The Last Day recreates the greatest natural disaster of the ancient world - the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, almost 2000 years ago in AD79.


The delicate fiber-shaped structure recreates the interlacing shadows of the bamboo forest.


Indexing is to create a portfolio with a weighting that recreates and matches the performance of a broad-based index.Investment funds constructed in such a manner are known as index funds.

指建立一个资产结构与某一市场指数一致的资产组合,令该组合的表现紧贴该市场指标. 以这种方式建立的投资基金称为指数基金.

Indexing is to create a portfolio with a weighting that recreates and matches the performance of a broad-based index. Investment funds ...


Scarface: The World is Yours will offer a gameplay environment that authentically recreates the historical time period of the film, touching on politics, news items and events of the day.


THX Advanced Speaker Array (ASA) recreates the studio sound field in your home by digitally reconfiguring the surround channels for whatever content you are playing.


When you update the application, Notification Services drops and recreates the event class tables, views, and their associated indexes if there are any changes to the event class.

更新应用程序时,如果对事件类进行了更改,则Notification Services将删除并重新创建事件类表、视图及其关联的索引。

This book recreates the story of how a living document- the Constitution, has influenced the course of American history.


The Perlin Noise function recreates this by simply adding up noisy functions at a range of different scales.


In some cases the underlying operating system does not support changing these attributes directly, and in these cases the.NET Framework automatically recreates the forms.

某些情况下,基础操作系统不支持直接更改这些属性,而在这些情况下,.NET Framework将自动重新创建窗体。

It is as a human moves into the karma associated with the cellular trauma from a prior ancestral experience that the trauma recreates itself in present time.


The play recreates the pathetic process of fascination; the heroine was labouring under and demonstrates how the German people fell under the spell.


This example recreates the same symmetric key in the subscription database using the same values for ALGORITHM, KEY_SOURCE, and IDENTITY_VALUE from the first example.


This statement recreates the statistics that Adaptive Server Anywhere uses to optimize database queries.

此语句重新创建Adaptive Server Anywhere用于优化数据库查询的统计。

Note: The database does not store the view data! The database engine recreates the data, using the view's SELECT statement, every time a user queries a view.


The database engine recreates the data, using the view's SELECT statement, every time a user queries a view.


Recreates the child controls at design time.


Erases and then recreates an identified entry in the File Dependency List.


The park features an East-meets-West theme, with a trademark Sleeping Beauty Castle and a Main Street that recreates small-town America.


The game recreates real structures of the armies and features truthful weapons, equipment and uniforms.


One in a series of themed games developed by IOMO, Pub Darts totally recreates the experience of playing the sport, right down to the chalkboard and the pub landlord.


Visualization software then takes that data and recreates the source image and displays it on a monitor screen.


On the other hand, Wang Qingsong makes use of photography and recreates critical and ironic scenes, not only focused on the Chinese context but also his position in the face of world issues.


bottle1: The delicate fiber-shaped structure recreates the interlacing shadows of the bamboo forest.


Recording and Sequencing software recreates the functions of a recording studio on your computer. A combination of Digital Audio and MIDI is generally used.


Using the Moon to view Earth recreates the basic geometry of exoplanet searches, as well as averaging the effect across the entire atmosphere.


With the camera as the major tool, the filmmaker recreates the external world.


Eternity recreates what time has destroyed. Time is linear, but eternality is circular.


God creates, sustains, recreates, and carries the world along to a great and glorious future.


FaceAPI FaceAPI replicates your three dimensional view of an object and recreates it on screen.


Patchwork recreates images as mosaics such as light pegs, ASCII art, ceramic tile, and cross-stitch.

补缀品 再创造作为镶嵌画例如浅钉,ASCII 艺术,瓷砖,和穿过针脚的图像。

Try Zorbing, which recreates the feeling of being inside a spinning washing machine.


Enter code that recreates the functionality that the title bar provided, such as moving the form and closing it.


In this work, the artist recreates memories of Shanghai and immigration then uses sweet yet easily melting sugar to cover the fading and fusing memories.


2.The bed rest recreates as closely as possible conditions which astronauts in space must endure.


The movie recreates the glamour of 1940s Hollywood.


Many might find faults in a television show that recreates the streets he or she grew up on, but Carmelo endorses The Wire, “It's the best show on television.


A join operation recreates a larger table using the information from two or more tables (or views).


reload() Reloads the XML file from the server and recreates the children of this node.


Reloads the XML file from the server and recreates the children of this node.


Recreates the specified mining model and its associated mining structure.


audio spectrum and in a way that recreates the original sound field better than any other system.


Straight from the pages of a pulp comic from a past era, the Rocketeer recreates 1930?s Hollywood, complete with gangsters, Nazi spies, and the growth of the Age of Aviation.


Furnished with farming implements and village period furniture, the folk museum recreates the atmosphere and environment of a small Hakka village.



The museum attempts to recreate the sights and sounds of wartime Britain.

I tried to discover and recreate exactly what the composer was trying to convey.

I often recreate myself with gardening.

They recreate themselves with playing bridge.

I charge you not to hunt or recreate yourselves on that sacred day