v. 实现(realise的过去分词)
a. 实现的
v earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages
v convert into cash; of goods and property
v expand or complete (a part in a piece of baroque music) by supplying the harmonies indicated in the figured bass
v make real or concrete; give reality or substance to
v be fully aware or cognizant of
v perceive (an idea or situation) mentally
s successfully completed or brought to an end
原型:realise 过去式:realised 过去分词:realised
chargeable realised development value [经] 实现开发后应征税价值
I've not even realised and the people I'm speaking to probably didn't realise themselves.
我没意识到 我交谈的对象 可能也没意识到
I didn't realise that you were in here... or here at all.
我不知道您在这里 在英国
I mean you do realise, you do realise, you might've actually cost me my job.
你知道...你意识到 你差点就害我丢了工作吧
And it really makes you realise, makes you appreciate life, makes you realise what's important and what's not.
真的能让你更加珍惜生活 能让你意识到真正重要的是什么
You don't realise how close you are when you're with someone, and then when you get separated you realise how much you, like, miss them and, like, need them, almost.
当你们在一起时 你意识不到你们有多亲近 但分开之后 你就会意识到 你有多想他们 有多需要他们
At first glance, you don't even know what you're looking at, and then the more you look at it, the more you realise that there is an unborn baby being operated on, and this tiny, tiny hand, and I realised this baby actually has spina bifida, just like me.
第一眼瞥过去时根本不知道这是什么 然后等你仔细看过去才明白这是 在给未出生的胎儿动手术 看这个小手 然后我才意识到这个胎儿有脊柱裂 就和我一样
I was wrong before. I didn't realise.
我错了 我之前没意识到
How's it going? I didn't realise you'd be here.
最近怎么样 我没想到你会来这
You do realise that we are not made for this.
I should have stopped it, I should have realised.
我本应该制止这一切 我本应该明白的