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英式:[ˈpraʊəs]    美式:[ˈpraʊəs]



n.英勇; 高超技艺
n. 英勇, 非凡的能力




1. a superior skill that you can learn by study and practice and observation;

"the art of conversation"

"it's quite an art"

名词 prowess:

a superior skill that you can learn by study and practice and observation

同义词:art, artistry

prowess[ 'prauis ]n.a superior skill that you can learn by study and practice and observation




academic/sporting prowess


He's always bragging about his prowess as a cricketer...


The best and the brightest pupils competed to demonstrate their intellectual prowess.


Mr Obama's fundraising prowess gives him momentum.


This magnificent work of engineering prowess sports a Martini racing fascia.


It cannot grow out of trouble because of fiscal retrenchment and its lack of export prowess.


Marcus had proved his prowess in the ring by pulverizing all challengers.


He shows great prowess at acting.


The soldiers song of victory , describing their prowess in battle.


With incredible aerial prowess and power, there are few players in the world as strong.

德罗巴头球能力惊人、空中力量十足, 其雄健的体魄在球员中十分罕见.

Take BASF , a German chemicals giant renowned for its pricing prowess.


It turns out that he's even got more guts and athletic prowess than they do.


Second, no conceivable revaluation of the renminbi is likely make a dent in China's exporting prowess.

第二, 对人民币进行幅度可以想象的升值,不太可能削弱中国强大的出口能力.

This military parade is not necessarily a good measure of the PLA's combat prowess.


The tribesmen sang a song of victory, describing their prowess in battle.

部落的男子们唱起胜利之歌, 歌颂他们战斗中的英勇.

TYPICAL USE : The tribes men sang a song of victory, describing their prowess in battle.

族人唱着胜利之歌, 歌颂他们在战场上的英勇.

Like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea , each one shows his or her special prowess.

八仙过海, 各显神通.

The shelves in his house were filled with trophies that attested to his prowess.


An expo visitor displays his prowess in that most Chinese of super a nap anywhere, anytime.

一位世博游客展示了大多数中国人的超能本领:任何时间, 任何地点,哥都能睡着!

Now the heroes are ready to demonstrate their prowess!


Such a regale, new media can show martial prowess greatly more.

如此一场盛宴, 新媒体更能大显神威.

Despite Chinas manufacturing prowess, quality can be a problem.

尽管中国的制造业很强大, 但质量可能是个问题.

The prowess and endowment are the prowler's wager to the dowdy dowager.


Their unique brand of magic and fighting prowess allows them to command the powerful Champions.


Your dedication and prowess serve as an example for all Blood Knights.


He was famous for his prowess as an athlete.



Anxiety is also rising over China's emerging technological prowess and rapidly growing supply of skilled workers.


Each chef shows his own prowess , and makes his special dishes.

这几名厨师各显神通, 亮出了他们的拿手好菜.


I was'nt trying to impress anyone with my song writing prowess, i was just thinkin up tunes to impress the lads down at the boardwalk on a Friday night.

- Noel on Definitely Maybe 我在作曲的时候并没考虑要去影响改变任何人,我只是想写些娱乐周五晚上郁闷无聊的小青年的歌。

The MINI 50 Camden, with its principal Silver, White and Black colors that emphasize its technical prowess and sportive traits, is a true head-turner.


Of course, what the Bobcats, like most NBA teams, most sorely need is the next MJ, for reasons of increased ticket sales as much as on-court prowess.


Like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each one showing his or her special prowess.


"I hear people talk about it every now and then," Paul said of his defensive prowess.


At the weekend, it launched a locally built nuclear-powered submarine, based on a Russian design, to join only a few countries with the technical prowess to produce such a war machine.


Don't be afraid to ask other players for advice. Most DDR players are nerdy and love helping out others to show off their amazing prowess at the game!


But Yasuo Fukuda, prime minister, praised Mr Shirakawa's technical prowess and international experience.

不过,日本首相福田康夫(Yasuo Fukuda)很赞赏白川方明的技术实力和国际经验。

Fellow midfielder Steven Gerrard will pose an additional threat thanks to his long-range shooting prowess.


Anxious to prevent protests that might steal headlines from the glories of Chinese modernist architecture or athletic prowess, the authorities have hounded dissidents with more than usual vigour.


Lord Krsna blew His conchshell Pancajanya and Arjuna blew his conchshell Devadatta and Bhima that activator of incredible prowess blew the great conchshell Paundra.


It has shown its athletic prowess by climbing atop the medalstable in the opening days of competition.


In fact, personal growth and a prospe rous U.S. economy are considered to be the long range rewards of individual and collective technological prowess.


The intimate conversation became a talent show, a challenge to prove your intellectual prowess in 140 characters or less.


Fans in the crowd were mostly appreciative of the photograph, though some were more impressed by his football prowess than the media hype for this latest underwear campaign.


This year, it signed up landlocked Laos, not previously known for its prowess with harpoons.


In my opinion, no ruler in any dynasty from Yu, Tang, Wen and Wu down to the Ching emperors and the presidents of the Republic has ever shown as much prowess in eliminating banditry as have the peasant associations today.


Catharanthus roseus's delicate appearance belies its powerful pharmaceutical prowess.


Not only many of them set standards for performance prowess and stamina, each embodies a redefining of the technical limits of instrument.


They were kidding one another and nudging and joking over their skiing prowess.


All have the talent to use their physical prowess, and all have the burning ambition to achieve a life free from the worry of having to find enough food and shelter to survive each day.


He was famous for his prowess as an athlete.


He did not ascend to heights of intellectual prowess, he was not schooled by the finest tutors in the land nor taught the blade or axe by noble mentors.


He said some genial words about Pug's football prowess against Army in the old days.


He was boasting as usual about his prowess on the tennis court, but Pam soon cut him down to size by beating him effortlessly in straight sets.


He is a football player of great prowess.


He shows great prowess at acting.


He is full of talent but has no chance to display it; what a hero is he who has no place to display his prowess.

他满腹才华, 却得不到施展, 真是英雄无用武之地!

He gives us really an extra advantage, I think, a weapon that's really important to us simply because it shores up our rebounding and defensive prowess.


He is a hero with no place to display his prowess.


He considered their military prowess an asset for the democracies.


He is unflappable in the face of danger, and even welcomes the opportunity to pit his formidable skills against the legendary prowess of the Jedi Knights.


Better known for his kung fu prowess, the 44-year-old Chinese action star was named best actor at the 27th Hong Kong Film Awards on Sunday for his performance in the Chinese epic "The Warlords.


Take the case of Professor John Nash,who,despite being stricken with severe schizophrenia,was allowed to teach at America's Princeton University because of his mathematical prowess and who eventually won a Nobel Price for economics in 1994.


Mr Woods had built his image around a supposedly squeaky-clean personal life as well as his golfing prowess.


But the F-22’s electronic-attack skills have remained dormant, while the Air Force focuses on honing the jet’s air-to-air prowess, and improving vexing maintenance problems.


They're not celebrating their road prowess yet, especially after squeaking by Minnesota on Sunday, 111-108.


But China's market clout is not matched by its governance prowess.


But that has less to do with its filmmaking prowess than with the global frenzy for high-tech stocks.


As a classically trained musician, does Wang ever feel stifled having to make commercial pop music that basically cashes in on his good looks and dance moves, rather than his musical prowess?


You should learn which color stands for what, so you can apply its prowess to the areas that are lacking in your house and life.


Your dedication and prowess serve as an example for all Blood Knights.


Peggy showed off her new dancing steps and Walter, not to be outdone in a matter of entertaining visitors, his prowess at handstands, cartwheels and backward somersaults.


Apple's marketing and product design prowess have sparked huge interest among consumers and forced other manufacturers to come up with new phones to blunt their new rival, said Paul Jacobs.


Pheromones clearly act as sexual attractants in the animal world. Older male elephants, for example, exude sexual prowess with a mix of chemicals the younger bulls can't muster.


In its place GE touts its manufacturing and exporting prowess.


As a protector, you protect your charge with both combat prowess and the supernatural powers of your dragon mark.


By evening Perrault secured another dog, an old husky, long and lean and gaunt, with a battle-scarred face and a single eye which flashed a warning of prowess that commanded respect.


Like his brothers, Edward had inherited his father's sporting prowess.


Like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each one shows his or her special prowess.


Kyle amazes one of Kern's colleagues with his mental prowess, but he gets no closer to finding out about himself.


With a consistent technical prowess and range of unimaginable dynamics, she can take you from a visceral frenzy to a deep breath of silence that cleanses the spirit.


It received a boost from Russia's launching of a space satellite, Sputnik, in 1957.This was a shock because Russia's scientific prowess was not taken seriously at the time.


The rupee's recent strength is only partly related to India's prowess in software and the mushrooming of "business-process outsourcing" in such projects as call-centres.


India plans to revive more bases close to the Chinese frontier, asserting its military prowess near China and central Asia.


The Indians sang a song of victory, decribing their prowess in battle.


The Indians sang a song of victory, describing their prowess in battle.


DARPA today is no longer engaging all the best talent in long-term research, which has been so vital to America's prowess in defense and essential to a robust economy.


Just 13 percent subscribe to the traditional view that the generalist nature of the in-house role blunts the technical prowess of corporate counsel.


WHEN taking the fast train to technical prowess, it pays to check that the drivers are competent, the engine is running smoothly and the tracks are clear.


Each shows his special prowess.


The incident was later blown up out of all proportion until a story was invented of how Zhang Fei's voice had caused the bridge to collapse and the river to reverse its course. Still it may give some inkling of Zhang Fei's martial prowess.


They may be tiresome to argue with, but their prowess is even greater than their pride.


Godric I must congratulate you on your prowess in battle. You have something of the warrior queens of old in you!


The manager is perplexed by the furore - and is simply intent on making the most of Owen's goal-scoring prowess after two injury-plagued seasons on Tyneside.


Paladins are indomitable warriors who've pledged their prowess to something greater than themselves.


It is more stunting to notice our artists never lost their great passion of singing by keep working on enhancing their performance prowess in any circumstances.


In their ability to get things done, their energy, their attention to detail, their sheer scientific and industrial prowess, they equal and perhaps surpass the Americans.


In their ability to get things done, their energy, theit attention to detail, their sheer scientific and industrial prowess, they equal and perhaps surpass the Americans.


But Rove got some of the blame last year when Republicans lost control of Congress, leading to a mixed assessment of his political prowess by the experts.


After the display of the student's acting prowess, we were led to the school computer lab, named "ETC" - Education Through Computers.


It's hard to be good-hearted and generous when the society immediately around you openly laughs at those qualities and values such things as sexual prowess or predatory business skills instead.


In Oslo, we see testaments to maritime prowess in Viking Ships and the celebrated Kon Tiki raft.


It has shown its athletic prowess by climbing atop the medals table in the opening days of competition.


The Chinese have long chafed at their poor showing in the Olympics' most high-profile sports and Liu's Athens triumph was hailed as a demonstration of national and even racial prowess.


In the end, he handed the devil his violin in order to put his musical prowess to the test.


America's war against Islamic extremists is at least as much about winning hearts and minds as about military prowess.


Over the centuries, the otherwise peaceful monks have occasionally used their physical prowess in battle to defend the temple and its allies.


In that place of refuge, surrounded by others of his own class. he attempted to live, secured in some measure from the outrages and exactions of the warrior caste, by his own prowess and that of his fellows.

在那个周围都是本阶级其他成员的避难所里,靠他本人和同伴 们的勇敢,他可以在某种程度上免受武士阶级的凌辱和勒索。

In that place of refuge,surrounded by others of his own class. he attempted to live,secured in some measure from the outrages and exactions of the warrior caste,by his own prowess and that of his fellows.



The soldiers sang a song of victory, describing their prowess in battle.

Your dedication and prowess serve as an example for all Blood Knights.

He shows great prowess at acting.