overhears是什么意思   overhears怎么读

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v.偶然听到( overhear的第三人称单数 )
v. 无意中听到, 偷听
v.偶然听到( overhear的第三人称单数 );



动词 overhear:

hear, usually without the knowledge of the speakers

同义词:catch, take in, overhear

overhear[ ,əuvə'hiə ]v.hear, usually without the knowledge of the speakers

"We overheard the conversation at the next table"

同义词:catchtake in




8. overhear and transmit everything spoken in the room to a accidental recipient;

8. 无意中听到并且传输对意外的接受者在房间被讲的每件事物;

Doubting Thomas is the story of a twelve year old boy known for telling tall tales who overhears a plot to kidnap the President's daughter.

Doubting Thomass是个12岁的小男孩,因喜欢说大话而远近闻名。他却无意中听到了一个绑架总统女儿的阴谋。

“Did I overhear that you haven't seen one of your falcons?


I beg your pardon,' said the Rat slowly, as he chewed a straw, 'but did I overhear you say something about "WE," and "START," and "THIS AFTERNOON?"


I beg your pardon,’ said the Rat slowly, as he chewed a straw, ‘but did I overhear you say something about “WE,” and “START,” and “THIS AFTERNOON?”


6. I beg your pardon,’ said the Rat slowly, as he chewed a straw, ‘but did I overhear you say something about “WE,” and “START,” and “THIS AFTERNOON?”


"I waited patienly, not to overhear what they said, but because I could do nothing else


"Maybe he's just a masochist," she mutters, but he overhears her and laughs.


4. “Dancing!” she boomed. I cringed, fearful that someone might overhear.


Directed by Sydney Pollack, the film revolves around a South African U.N. interpreter who overhears a conversation involving an assassination that could topple the government.


Go down to the game room and overhear part of the conversation between Judge Wargrave and Dr. Armstrong - A dangerous game, if it fails.


Never discuss company business and people where strangers can overhear。 Even in private, be reticent.


Don't discuss business in elevators. You never know who may overhear you.


Don't speak too loudly. Someone may overhear our secret. Walls have ears!


Chinese grannies would say that, if you stand under a grapevine, you can probably overhear what Zhi Nu and Niu Lang are talking about.


Danny overhears the secrets of an international gang of criminals that is planning to smuggle antique coins out of the country inside an Afghani boy's dead body.


Perhaps no adults knew, but the shy moon could see, the timid cicada might overhear, and of course, the heart itself unforgettably experienced.


It is said that on the night of Qixi, you can see the cowherd meet the vega in the Milky Way or you can probably overhear what they are talking about if you stand under a grapevine on that day.


They were standing near enough for us to overhear their conversation.


They stepped aside so that their child could not overhear their conversation.


They stepped aside so that their child could not overhear their conversation


He made all these exclamations in a carefully suppressed voice, lest the valet should overhear anything.


He is lodging near the Qinhuai river, and at night overhears two drowned ghosts conversing.


What is the designation of the weapons locker, a designation that might make science fiction fans chuckle, where Cally overhears Tyrol, Tigh and Foster having a meeting ?


Isaiah overhears God speaking within the Trinity.


Elizabeth Bennet, the liveliest and most intelligent of the Bennet girls, overhears the newcomer making condescendingremarks about the local provincial society.


4. Elizabeth Bennet, the liveliest and most intelligent of the Bennet girls, overhears the newcomer making condescending remarks about the local provincial society.


Kresk overhears information that - if he hires a hitman, hides a body and doesn't fall in love with the policewoman trying to arrest him - can make him rich today and forever.


But an empty house reverberates to her knocking, and while she unobtrusively awaits their return from church she overhears a wayside conversation Between Angel's two exemplary Brothers that sends her homeward with rended heart.


Did you overhear what she just said?


Jun Pyo asks the F3 to break his arm, but Jan Di overhears and gets angry.


Overhear snatches of conversation


to eavesdrop; to tap; to overhear


overhears thir discourse, thence gathers that the Tree of knowledge was forbidden them to eat of, under penalty of death;


For coordination functions of DCF, EDCA, PCF and HCF, the thesis proposes corresponding methods to reduce overhear, which is the greatest source of enegy loss for 802.11PSM.


overhear sb's talk


The private chamber was deserted, with not even a serving droid to overhear them.


Eleven long ago, Li Jian and his wife overhear someone on the phone, his wife said, "do not intend to leave to go out on the good in the city.


Even talking about where you plan to go for vacation can hurt them if they overhear.


Oberon: But who comes here? I am invisible. And I will overhear their conference.


The miser chanced to overhear the remark and loudly reproached the servant: "Who allow you to fix the date?"


The miser chanced to overhear the remark and loudly reproached the servant: "Who allowyou to fix the date?


10. The miser chanced to overhear the remark and loudly reproached the servant: "Who allow you to fix the date?"


" The sad sack next to him at the bar overhears him and answers: "That about sums it up for me.


Shane (Joe Jonas)- who is seeking inspiration for his own music - overhears Mitchie singing, but never sees her face.


overhear a remark


How shocked Hainan must have been to overhear this conversation between the king and queen!


Hmm. Well, I did overhear one of the chaps describing a trapdoor above Barrack B, sir. There's no way to get up to It, apparently, but I assume If you could find where It leads from that might be your way In.


As she spoke rather loudly we could not help but overhear what she said.


Why isn't Anders at the meeting of the secret Cylons that Cally overhears in "The Ties that Bind"?


In the film, Christensen's character is on the operating table, supposedly under anaesthetic, when he overhears a plot to kill him.


Meanwhile, MS attends a police station colleauge's wedding, and catches the bouquet. Coincidentally YI overhears MS telling/pestering TY they need to get married within 6 months.


It would be unusual not to overhear at least one conversation being held in Mandarin on almost any train, tram or bus in Australia's main cities.


It frequently occurs in a state prison like this, that persons are stationed outside the doors of the cells purposely to overhear the conversation of the prisoners."


The other traders sitting around the board room would overhear these frantic orders and became quite interested in this strange trading advice.


Did she overhear us just now?


N. interpreter from a fictitious African nation, who overhears an assassination plot against her troubled country's leader and becomes a target herself.


She tries everything but comes up short, until a passing woodsman overhears the gnome bragging about how he's so clever no one will guess his name is Rumpelstiltskin.


131. When a front line soldier overhears two General Staff officers conferring, he has fallen back too far.


If you overreact with what you overhear or something you heard by word of mouth, if you don't stay calm, maybe you will take some inappropriate steps to solve it.


If you want your children to improve, let them overhear the nice things you say about them to others. ----- Dr. Haim Ginott


If you want your children to improve, let them overhear the nice things you say about them to others.


If I am talking to a friend about a personal matter I don't need to worry that people nearby will overhear me.


On day she overhears from two hunters, that she is the last unicorn left.


She overhears him singing his name by a fire and so she guesses it correctly.Rumpelstiltskin, furious, runs away, never to be seen again.


Sorry,I can not help overhear,do you mention something about the accident?


Sorry, I can not help overhear, do you mention something about the accident?


8. Sorry,I can not help overhear,do you mention something about the accident?


Young lady, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with the gentleman who just gave you directions.


It's just as I overhear a bird chirp in its dream and then I would like to sing for her silently all my life.


Prospero, who had set Ferdinand this task merely as a trial of his love, was not at his books, as his daughter thought, but was standing by them unseen, to overhear what they said.


Palmer and Mike Novick talk about the Ferragamo situation, and Keith overhears part of the conversation.


Senior Young man,I couldn't help but overhear your conversation just now.


Frank overhears this, and Rick is forced to admit that Dan was killed.


Elizabeth Bennet, the liveliest and most intelligent of the Bennet girls, overhears the newcomer making condescending remarks about the local provin-cial society.


When he overhears the guard captain complaining about losing most of an inheritance to taxes, he offers to trade his advice for three beers for each of the men who are working with him that day tarring the roof.


When checking into your hotel, ask the clerk to write down your room number, rather than announcing it so that others can overhear.


When the farmer Shi Two, who had travelled to the city to sell his goods, is staying at a dilapidated temple, he overhears the conversation of two male ghosts in the adjoining room.


Native 2: Young lady, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with the gentleman who just gave you directions.


That night Shi overhears an apparently one-sided conversation, as Xu's rage becomes despair.



I managed to overhear a few interesting snippets of information.

People say in the Tanabata night, can see the cowherd meet, or in the Milky Way under the melon and fruit can overhear in heaven when they meet silently whispers.