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英式:['æmbəlaɪt]    美式:['æmbəlaɪt]








Concentration and separation of gold with 2-aminobenzolthiazole and Amberlite XAD-4 resin

2-氨基苯并噻唑和Amberlite XAD-4树脂分离富集金的研究

The comparison between the SPE resins Amberchrom ~(TM)161C and Amberlite XAD-16 for the sample preparation of microbial broth

Amberchrom~(TM)161C与Amberlite XAD-16在微生物发酵产物预处理过程中的比较研究

Applications of Amberlite XAD-2 Adsorption Column Chromatography

Amberlite XAD-2树脂吸附柱层析的应用

Absorbed by Amberlite XAD-2 resin. Elute with ether and pentane mixture (1:1) and methanol, the bound and free aroma can isolated efficiently.

Amberlite XAD-2树脂吸附,结合乙醚戊烷混合液(1:1,V/V)、甲醇的依次洗脱,可以将苹果汁(皮)中的游离态与键合态芳香组分进行有效分离。

In Situ Preconcentration and Determination of Trace Lead in Water Sample with Amberlite XAD-2 Functionalized with Dithizone

Amberlite XAD-2键合双硫腙螯合树脂现场预富集测定水中痕量铅

amberlite XAD-16


Amberlite XAD-2 Resin Microcolumn Coupled On-line to a Flow Injection Approach for the Preconcentration, Clean-up and Determination of Trace Phenols in Waters


The adsorption capacity of NK 110 for cholic acid was 93% which was better than Amberlite XAD-4 resin (75%) .

NK110树脂对胆酸的吸附(吸附率93%)化于Amberlite XAD-4树脂(吸附率75%)。

The adsorption capacities of new H and NK to 4-methylaniline are obviously much higher than that of Amberlite XAD-4,which is attributed to micropore mechanism and partial polarity.

两种新型吸附树脂对对甲苯胺的吸附能力明显强于 Amberlite XAD-4 ,微孔作用机制及表面部分极性起决定作用 .

Studies of the Na+/H+ and Ca++/H+ exchanges on Amberlite IR120

从以上结果可导出式:(?) _X_y=(0.62+0.027((V_H)/(V_H-V_Y)(1-(?)

By means of HPLC,comparison of the efficiency of purificationof glycyrrizic acid (GA)with domestic DA-201 resin,and Amberlite XAD-8resin was made.

以 HPLC 为检测手段,比较了 DA-201(国产)与 Amberlite XAD-8(美国)大孔吸附树脂在纯化甘草酸方面的效果,结果表明 DA-201优于 Amberlite XAD-8。

Compared widi die nonspecific Amberlite XAD-7 adsorption, immunoadsorption might be a specific and more effective therapy of endotoxin shock.


The column breakthrough experiment indicates the adsorption capacity of NJ-8 toward benzoic acid is about 1.6 times as high as that of Amberlite XAD-4.

动态穿透吸附实验进一步验证了NJ-8超高交联吸附树脂对苯甲酸的吸附能力约为Amberlite XAD-4的1.6倍。

In solid phase extraction, extraction yield of CL is 91.25% and extraction yield of SA is 86.10% by Amberlite XAD-2 resin.

固相萃取法中,采用Amberlite XAD-2大孔吸附树脂,效果较液-液萃取更好,萃取率为91.25%和86.10%。

amberlite XAD


A comparison study is made between Amberlite XAD-4 and the new type adsorption resins NK and new H on the static adsorption behaviors,including the static equilibrium adsorption isotherms and the adsorption thermodynamic properties.

对比 Amberlite XAD-4与两种新型吸附树脂 NK和新 H对对甲苯胺的静态吸附行为 ,根据吸附等温线研究并讨论吸附热力学性质 .

Free and glycosidically bonded volatiles from fresh pascal celery were isolated and separated by an Amberlite XAD-2 resin.

应用Amberlite XAD-2柱及溶剂洗脱法从新鲜芹菜中提取与分离游离态和糖甙键合态的挥发性香气组分。

The isolation and identification of free and glycosidically bound volatile flavor compounds from Hami melon by Amberlite XAD?2 absorption and elution with various solvents were described.


Methods The organic extracts of output water were sampled with amberlite GDX-120 resin at 5 waterworks and seasonally at winter, spring and summer respectively.

方法 采用GDX 12 0大孔树脂 ,于春、夏、冬季在分别位于城区上游、城区中段、城区下游以长江、嘉陵江水源的五个水厂对出厂水进行有机物的浓缩及提取。

In the text, we identify the phytotoxic substances in root exudates of cucumber by GC-MS, the root exudates was collected with Amberlite XAD-4 resin.


The volatiles of Yiang-Ylang flowers were trapped with a circulating purging and adsorption device with Amberlite XAD-4 as adsorbent and were analyzed by GC and GC/MS after desorp-tion by elution with ethyl ether.

本文采用循环吹气吸附法采集依兰鲜花头香。 用毛细管气相色谱双柱保留指数和GC/MS/DS联用方法分析了依兰鲜花头香及其净油并进行了比较。

The adsorptive behaviour of 16 elements in trace amounts as hydroxides and chelates of pyrrolidindithiocarbamidate of xylenol orange from aqueous solution on Amberlite XAD-4 resin was examined by using a short column.


Focusing on aroma-enhancing regulation of apple juice, the following research works have been conducted: (l)separate the free and bound volatile by Amberlite XAD-2 resin, and survey the form and mechanism of apple aroma ;


The sample,after being purged by reversed extraction and purified byPVP-kieselguhr column,was enriched through Amberlite XAD-7 column.



活性炭、大孔树脂Amberlite XAD-7血液灌流对大鼠内毒素休克的防治作用

Amberlite resin


A study was made of boron removal by Amberlite IRA-743 and 564 resins, the various factors of effect on the boron adsorption including varing of pH value.

用 Amberlite IRA-743和国产 564型树脂来吸附硼,研究了pH、硼的 浓度、温度、杂质高子等因素对吸附的影响。

Experimental comparisons of the adsorption properties of ZH-05 with granular activated carbon(GAC) and Amberlite XAD-4 toward 2,4-dichlorophenol were performed.

用活性炭GAC和Amberlite XAD-4树脂作为参照,测试了ZH-05吸附树脂对2,4-二氯苯酚的吸附性能。

The thermodynamic properties of hypercrosslinked resins AM-1 and macroporous adsorbent Amberlite XAD-4 in adsorption of aniline and 4-nitroaniline in aqueous solution have been studied under the static conditions.

研究了在静态条件下水溶液中超高交联树脂AM 1和大孔吸附树脂AmberliteXAD 4吸附苯胺和对硝基苯胺的热力学特性 ,测定了不同温度时的吸附等温线。

The kinetics of adsorption and desorption of AuCl_4~- on maororecticular polyacry-late resin(analogous to Amberlite XAD-7)has been studied.

研究了大孔交联聚甲基丙烯酸酯树脂(相当于 Amberlite-XAD-7)吸附和解吸 AuCl_4~-的动力学.

The adsorption equilibrium and breackthrough process of AuCl4- in the medium of hydrochloric acid on MET-802 (corresponding to Amberlite XAD-7) has been studied.


The therapeutic effect of hemoperfusion with activated charcoal or Amberlite XAD-7 on endotoxicshock rat were observed.


Characteristics of adsorption for aniline,phenol and benzoic acid were reported at different temperature onto the three adsorption resins of Amberlite XAD-4,AM-1 and JX101,and interpreted with frontier orbital theory.


The adsorption and thermodynamic behavior of sorbic acid in aqueous solution by three kinds of macroporous polymeric resins:NDA-150, CHA-111 and Amberlite XAD-4 have been investigated by static method.

通过静态吸附实验 ,研究了NDA 15 0等 3种大孔吸附树脂对水溶液中山梨酸的吸附行为及其热力学性质。

The capacities of equilibrium adsorption of AM-1for all four phenolic compounds increased around 20% over that of Amberlite XAD-4, which may be contributed to phenol hydroxyl group on the surface and the unusual pore distribution.

酚类化合物在AM-1上的吸附容量比在Amberlite XAD-4上的吸附容量增加20%以上,这主要得益于AM-1表面的酚羟基及树脂的微孔结构。