outlander是什么意思   outlander怎么读

英式:['aʊtˌlændə]    美式:['aʊtˌlændə]


n.外国人,外地人; 洋人
n. 外国人, 陌生人, 局外人




1. a person who comes from a foreign country; someone who does not owe allegiance to your country

名词 outlander:

a person who comes from a foreign country; someone who does not owe allegiance to your country

同义词:foreigner, alien, noncitizen

outlander[ 'aut,lændə ]n.a person who comes from a foreign country; someone who does not owe allegiance to your country





Summons and dismisses a rideable Plagued Proto-Drake. This is a very fast mount. This mount can only be summoned in Outland or Northrend.


- Most of Kael'thas' group chose to stay in Outland, but Grand Magister Rommath was sent back to Azeroth with a message of hope for the blood elves still in Quel'Thalas.

+ 在那之后凯尔带领着高等精灵中最为健康的一部分加入了联盟抗击天灾的最前线。但是血精灵们受到的是联盟充满怀疑和敌意的对待。

Oh, you must be outlander, where are you from?i cann't hear of your accent.


A comparatively systemic summary is maken according to main evaluation standards and evaluation methods of the structure vibration comfort between inland and outland.


The 80-degree V-twin will numb your senses and make you see why the Outlander 650 H.O.EFI has most power in its class.


"Welcome, outlander, to our glorious hovel. I know you're here to challenege the evil that has driven us from our ancestral home.


"I think I see what your problem is, my civilized friend. You are not sure if I will act in the best interest of the Empire, being an outlander."


Some great features on the Can-Am Outlander 500 H.O.EFI include the Visco-Lok automatic front differential, a SST frame, and TTI rear suspension.

一些大的特点就可以-上午欧蓝德500何电喷包括粘永乐自动前线差别, SST的框架, tti后悬架。

Many new high-level dungeons to explore in Azeroth, Outland, and elsewhere


Mitsubishi has released three teaser images of the Outlander GT Prototype, a concept set to make its official appearance next week during the 2009 New York auto show.


Mitsubishi has released a blurry teaser image of their upcoming Outlander GT Prototype which will be officially unveiled at the New York Auto Show next week.


Mitsubishi has released a few teaser images of its 2010 Outlander GT concept, which is meant to be Mitsubishi's main exhibit at the New York Auto Show next week.


Mitsubishi Outlander


Go down the steps and turn in "Through the Dark Portal". Accept "Arrival in Outland"


Go down the ste and turn in "Through the Dark Portal" ... accept "Arrival in Outland"


Fresh from your many victories in Outland, you have heeded the call. Brave adventurers are needed to battle the massing Scourge in Northrend.


Less high-concept than the otherworldly and wildly diverse regions of Outland we want the zones in Northrend to follow a geographic theme that's more consistent with the familiar geography of Azeroth.


2007 Outlander, the aid of laws group. All rights reserved.


The deal follows an agreement between the two whereby MMC will supply Peugeot with a new SUV based on the Outlander as an original equipment manufacturer, from this April.


Features of liquid fertilizer and present application situation inland and outland were introduced; the developmental ten-dency of liquid fertilizer and its application prospect were analyzed.


Emerging from the portal, Maiev and her soldiers found themselves on the shattered planet of Outland.


From this moment on, Outland and all of its denizens will bow to me.


He declared himself the ruler of the ruined world Outland.


Thinking quickly, Illidan told Kil'jaeden that he had only come to Outland to bolster his forces before making a final assault upon the Frozen Throne.


Illidan opened a portal to Outland, and Maiev arrived just as Illidan departed.


The ruler of Outland at the time, a pit lord named Magtheridon, became a feasible target.


In a storm of magic and fury, Kil'jaeden descended upon Outland, regardless of the fact that Illidan had closed all portals on the planet.


But unlike Mitsubishi's more performance-oriented Lancer variants, fuel economy is also a priority consideration with the Outlander GT.


However, Illidan's forces return from Outland and position themselves around the Lich King's tower before Arthas can reach it.


But should the pit lord ever break free, Outland will surely tremble once again beneath his terrible wrath.


For reference, you can check out Blizzard's overview of Outland right here, you can get a good idea of where all the cities and dungeons are with this map.


The Collector's Edition will come in a special box that contains many exclusive extras to enhance your adventure into Outland.


Despite Illidan's efforts to keep Outland's portals closed, the Horde and Alliance have anticipated Outland's role in renewed hostilities and ever more perilous threats.


"Teaches you how to summon this mount. Can only be summoned in Outland or Northrend. This is a very fast mount."


The only other race the blood elves get along with are the naga who left the seas to join them in Outland.


In a storm of magic and fury, Kil'jaeden descended upon Outland and demanded that Illidan once again try to destroy the Frozen Throne.


After the Legion came to Outland, however, it was Magtheridon who ruled from the brooding fortress.


In Outland, Kael and the high elves pledge allegiance to Illidan. Together, they seize control of the Black Citadel, a stronghold of the Burning Legion.


QAre there zones within Outland that require a flying mount to reach?


QIs there any city in Outland?


Northrend will be roughly equivalent to Outland in terms of size and scope.


On the technical side, the Outlander GT concept boasts several new technologies including a transmission equipped with Idle Neutral Logic.


The skies of Outland darkened as Kil'jaeden himself appeared before Illidan, furious at Illidan's failure to destroy the Lich King.


The Outlander Club, found on Vos Gesal Street in the Uscru District, next to the Snapping Septoid, is a popular hangout for a wide cross-section of Coruscant glitterati.


An outlander; a foreigner.


New flying mounts in Outland


The orcs of Outland were not the only ones to suffer the Burning Legion's demonic corruption.


Mobs in outland appear to be much more difficult. Priests were complaining that their PW: Shield was not lasting long enough b/c mobs hit harder.


outlander workers


Neither she nor any of her followers have been sighted on Azeroth since they followed Illidan to Outland.


Her successes saw her clawing her way up the social ladder of Coruscant, eventually reaching the strata that housed the Outlander Club in Coruscant's gaudy Uscru entertainment district.


Knowing that Zealots of Psusan were enjoying a flash of popularity in the trendy districts of Coruscant, she invited Cian to meet at the Outlander Club to discuss work.


If you must die this day outlander, keep your sword in your hand to prove you had a warriors death!


It enables the Outlander GT Prototype to turn tighter, transfer power to slipping wheels, and add stability during cornering.


For those who have not yet had the chance to venture into the perils of Outland, a free trial of the Burning Crusade is available for download.


Although the blood elves are primarily in Outland, some have begun infiltrating themselves back into the world of Azeroth for a variety of reasons.


Weather-Beaten Journals are not just found within Outland's Curious Crates. You can also get them from Iron Bound Trunk, Mithril Bound Trunk and Watertight Trunk.


When they do, there will be lots of content in Outland that was previously inaccessible to them, which they can now access.


Monstrous.Cyclopean.Terror incarnate.Words cannot begin to describe the terrible gronn of Outland, the immortal demigods of the ogre race.


We helped him seal the portals of Outland and cut off the Legion's reinforcements


We've come to end your reign, Illidan. My people and all of Outland shall be free!


Once I install the expansion, can I go to Outland, and how do I get there?


A war has erupted in the wastelands of outland and as a specialist soldier, you must do your part in claiming the enemy castle.


So, I would like to share with you all the experiences I have had in Outland as a Paladin.


The next-generation Outlander is on the way, and we suspect that the Outlander GT Prototype is a thinly-disguised version of it.


New for 2008, the Outlander MAX 800’s calibration improves fuel consumption by 11% and its Visco-Lok features a new, quicker engagement.

新的2008年,欧蓝德的最高800的校准,提高燃料消耗的11 %和其粘乐的特点一个新的,更快的接触。

The entire new continent of Outland, reachable through the Dark Portal


The paper introduced current research of puffed drying both inland and outland,the trend of development and application prospects of the product.


Getting to Outland, however, opened a new chapter, even if you had done the quests there before and new there was nothing new to see, they still felt like an actual "experience" of some kind.


Grizz was born on Devaron, in the fringes of a poor town where the neighborhoods faded from those settled by outlander immigrants to those home to Devaronian natives.


Outlander enter the market to initiate new ages of family cars


The Outlander GT Prototype's an indicator of the future design direction for this vehicle, and the obviously Evo-inspired looks are matched by improved handling and performance.


The remaining high elf forces gather under the leadership of Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider. Craving magic, they follow Illidan through the portal to Outland.


At the meeting, activities like “Outlander Meeting Mother-in-law”, “Young People Matching” and “Divorced Mid-age Party” are very hot.


Yet, as their hunger grows, blood elves--particularly those in Outland--are becoming increasingly inured to the things they must do in order to obtain more magic.


However, he dives through the open portal and escapes to Outland.


In a surprising upset, however, a local slave boy backed by a mysterious outlander bested him in the contest.


You can't fight on your Nether Dragon, nor use it outside of Outland, and it's slower than the current flying contingent of Griffons and Bats.


Now offering EFI (Electronic fuel injection), the 2008 Can-Am Outlander 400 H.O.EFI ATV delivers improved fuel economy and better performance in extreme temperatures and altitudes.

现在提供电喷(电子燃油喷射) , 2008年可以-上午欧蓝德400何电喷亚视提供改善的燃油经济性和更好的性能,在极端的温度和海拔高度。

JK : Right now the flying mounts will only be usable Outland, and because of that, they'll only be obtainable in Outland.
