skewing是什么意思   skewing怎么读

英式:['skju:ɪŋ]    美式:['skju:ɪŋ]


n.时(间)滞(后),(两个相关信号间的)相位差v.歪曲( skew的现在分词 ); 曲解; 使不公允; 影响…的准确性
n. 斜, 偏移, 时间滞后动词skew的现在分词形式



动词 skew:

turn or place at an angle


skew[ 'skju:iŋ ]v.turn or place at an angle

"the lines on the sheet of paper are skewed"

adj.having an oblique or slanting direction or position

"the picture was skew"





Compute texture parameters.The user have to select an areea and then the software compute parameters like: perimeter, area, form factor, mean, energy, skew, curtosis etc.


Skewing on stripes.

/ 弯纹条。

Cut veal loin into 2cm cubes. Season with salt, pepper and all-spice and mix well. With a bamboo skewer (Pic. 2), skew up onion, green pepper and veal loin in succession.


Some techniques, such as clock skew correction, local broadcast authentication and adaptive redundant messages were adopted in EETS to make the time synchronization in WSN energy-efficient and secure.


Kerberos assumes that the clocks of all the machines in the realm are closely synchronized within the limit of the allowed time skew.


The same machine was used by Pomeroy(1970)to explore the effect of skew.


The same machine was used by Pomeroy (1970) to explore the effect of skew.


"People will start to produce dozens of children in their lifetimes, and that will certainly start to skew our evolution.


However, this doesn't make much sense in this particular example because the grand totals skew the formatting in all the other cells so it's hard to spot any differences.


A voltage signal of rectangular pulse convoluted with even exponential pulse with normal skew and uniform offset and the variation of eye diahram for parameter of pulse rise time.


Some PLCs have special functions available to transfers blocks of “consistent data” to a PROFIBUS-DP master controller and guarantee that “data skew” cannot occur.


Not only is waiting inconvenient, but changing the timescale of the application can actually skew the results.


Do not italicize, skew or stretch the logo.


Karma will skew dreams in one direction or another.


Karma has the affect of skewing one's dream in a particular direction.


Chinese government planners have long known that the urge of couples to have sons was skewing the gender balance of the population.


Also intend to release and forgive all ancestral karma that might skew the dream in the opposite direction, or to a less desirable outcome than intended.


The article disscussed the forming of the Bow and skew in fabric,and the method of measuring,in orde to decrease the influeuce of apparenle of the finish.


The paper introduces the design techniques of PM moters-the torque fluctuation is reduced by skewing the magnet and an appropriate selection of the magnet arc etc.


Warning: Circuit may not operate. Detected 8 non-operational path(s) clocked by clock "clk" with clock skew larger than data delay. See Compilation Report for details.


He wears his hat on the skew.


He wore his hat on the skew.


The decrease of the timing consistency in design flow at ultra deep submicron(UDSM) induces the invalidation of traditional clock skew scheduling approaches.


But the layout of th e document, which includes words, images and graphics, is so complicated that th e correction of the skew images is very hard.


However, you must also become aware of the unconscious thoughts that may skew the visions into something that you did not anticipate.


You've got your hat on skew whiff.


This problem can be avoided by using three components which produce a skew symmetrical path curve.


The skew load factor (SKL) takes into account tolerances in sling lengths and stiffness properties of the lifted object.


We use a vectorization algorithm to extract form lines from run-length connect graph which is calculated first,and in the same time the skew angle is detected.


A few inaccurate figures could skew the results of the survey.


A geometric transformation can be used to translate, scale, rotate, or skew the image that defines the texture of this brush.


A geometric transform can be used to translate, scale, rotate, or skew the gradient fill.


Considering the complexity of calculation and the precision, a multi-scale Hough transition is used to detect the skew page.


Abstrcat>The article analyses the structure character of simply supported skew beam rectangle aqueduct and deduces the calculation formula of internal force and bearing force.


The methods of controlling the gram per square meter,capillary effect,skewing were analyzed in details.


First of all, using the theory of general states Markov chain, we define some character number of skew product Markov chain.


The south had threatened to postpone the census until the end of the year, concerned that many southerners had not managed to get home in time - claiming this may skew the results.


The conventional consumer goods have lost much of their glamour and the demand for new ones has yet to come. Consumer prices remain low,and thus people skew toward saving more than usual,and demand constraint on market clearly intensifies.


Export restrictions designed to protect national supplies have contributed by skewing prices.Reductions in agricultural aid to developing countries are being cited as another factor.


We supply various types of processing machinery such as : Kebab stick machine, barbecue skew...


This could be a result of blogging from mobile phones, and may be skewing the results, given that we are tracking the total number of posts in this analysis.


Strong crosswind after a typhoon made the airplane skew while landing. Look at the angle between the airplane and the runway - seems extremely dangerous.


In addition, it was studied that the Ore extensions and skew power series of generalized PP rings, weak PP rings, p. q-Baer rings and PS rings.

同时讨论了Ore扩张和斜幂级数的广义PP性、弱PP性、p. q-Baer性以PS性。

The objective of commercially available layout tools is often zero skew or a fixed skew bound.


Accordingly, skew detection and skew correction of images for text documents and form documents is the first step for form recognition and image analysis and the precondition of layout analysis, word pick-up and OCR of the form as well.


Always use the global clock buffers on the FPGA to drive internal clock signals. These clock buffers and the associated clock distribution network have been carefully designed to minimize skew.


And tiny tectonic motions of the ground beneath the APOLLO observatory, typically a few centimeters per year, could skew the long-term results.


There is so much karma in the human dance for the skewing of dream, that it is difficult for initiates to manifest much of anything that they intend in our experience.


For the beam transport system in storage ring, linear coupling is mainly caused by skew quadrupole and longitudinal solenoid field.


An algorithm based on Wingner-Ville Distribution and Horizontal histogram was presented in skew angle correction of image. The proposed algorithm of special synchronous region smoothing was applied to image smoothing.

在图像二值化过程中采用全局阈值法 ,在图像偏斜纠正过程中给出了一种基于Wingner Ville分布和水平投影直方图的偏斜纠正算法 ,在图像平滑过程中采用特定的同步孔平滑算法 .

In several recognition systems, the recognition result of musical notation has serious effect for skewing and warping.


In this paper, we use Adjustable Delay Buffers (ADB) whose delays can be tuned or adjusted to minimize clock skew under different power modes.


The delay difference between pairs is called delay skew.


In this range the designer must compensate for the issues listed in the above drawing and remove fixed errors such as impedance mismatch and data/clock skew issues.


Skimp onthis and it is very easy for both your relationship with her and hereffectiveness in the company to skew sideways.


Where the speed distribution is skew, it's better to quote the median speed.


Rolling process in high-speed wire line can be conducted successfully without skew and twist if the line can be regulated automatically.


Genetic mutations and environmental pressures skew symmetry, and the results have lifelong implications.


The picture on the wall is a bit skew.


Central banks are busy bolting crude analyses of financial markets onto their workhorse models.Financial economists are studying the way that incentives can skew market efficiency.


If a colored wristband is enough to skew your moral judgment, imagine how you are affected by the “D” or the “R” label on your voting registration.


As you integrate all 36 planes of reality, you release all unconscious thought forms that could skew your vision entirely, making it possible to manifest your vision with great ease and without distortion.


If the focus within the script of the play or movie is less than peaceful or loving, it will skew your personal script in another direction than intended.


De-Lei Lee. Architecture of an Array Processor Using a Nonlinear Skewing Scheme[J], IEEE Tans. Co,put., Vol, 41, Arpil 1992.


This skew can be caused by variables such as a length mismatch between traces, non-uniform bends in the signal traces, via stubs, and via transitions.


It is bent and twisted into the shape of a skew curve.


Experimental results show that our incremental slack distribution algorithm has the optimal clock skew scheduling result with more safe margin and has more robust tolerant to process variations.


Skewing of furniture and bedding is common.


Frequent movement of household and workplace items so that the target knows this has been done by an intruder but cannot prove it. Skewing of furniture and bedding is common.


A new point is proposed to solve two-dimensional wave equation on square space region, and applying skew direction difference schemes leads to a calss of explicit parallel difference methods, which can be very cheaper to solve in practice.


Averages can include data for service startup or other events that might cause the numbers to go far out of range for a brief period, thereby skewing results.


Animal Behaviour , shows not only that some do, but also that the presence of such traits is skewing the way data are collected by researchers.


Fortunately the skew does not vary rapidly as the tape is being read.


Fortunately the skew does not vary rapidly as the lape is being read.


In this paper, the formulas for internal forces of skew curved beam bridges with arbitrary skew degrees are derived by using the principle of force-method in structural mechanics.


Unscented particle filtering algorithm using minimal skew sampling[J].

引用该论文 刘贵喜,马涛,陈石磊.

Lead true Coplanarity, Spacing, offset, Skew and Standoff, Missing, Broken, Twisted, or Un-plated Leads.


As the karma is released and there is none remaining to skew one's intentions, then one's intentions will come to fruition.


It is, after all, a simple matter to find any number of ridiculous employments if one wishes to skew one’s analysis of work in that direction.


Our basic idea is to make use of the permissible clock skew to enhance the timing reliability of a circuit.



The energy salvos and counter-salvos sent narrow beams of blindingly bright light and streams of angry red-orange annihilation disks skewing through the blackness.