opaqueness是什么意思   opaqueness怎么读

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[化] 不透明性; 不透明度

n incomprehensibility resulting from obscurity of meaning
n the quality of being opaque to a degree; the degree to which something reduces the passage of light




opaqueness teeth 不透明牙

opaqueness symbol 不透明符号

opaqueness meaning 不透明意义

opaqueness example 不透明示例


No, these radiographic shadows are too opaque for bone.

不 这些射线成像的阴影并不像骨头那样透明

Water is opaque to the microwave part of the radio spectrum.


A certain threesome who are operating in a decidedly opaque manner.

一桩的确是 让人无法理解的三人行

I don't want our relationship to become just as opaque as the one I have with my father.

我不希望我们的关系 就像我和我父亲的关系一样不透明

While you're painting, the colors blend into each other without clear borders until they grow opaque.

在你绘画的时候 颜色相互融合 没有清晰的界限 直到它们变得不透明

That fragility which hides in the opaque cold of night or in the crystalline cold of midday.

那份隐藏在尚存一丝暖意的夜里 或刺骨寒午中的脆弱

Hydrogen transformed from being transparent to opaque, and then becomes a metal, like a shiny metal.

氢由透明转为不透明 然后变成了金属 亮晶晶的金属

Useful handwriting sample, but the message itself, rather opaque, until one considers your love of crosswords.

这是很有用的笔迹样本 不过讯息本身很难懂 直到我想到你对字谜的热爱

Did some tremendous work during the last two flu outbreaks, but their funding stream is, to say the least, opaque.

在前两次流感爆发里 他们做出了杰出贡献 但他们的资金流 往轻里说 不太透明

There has still been no official statement on reported abnormal magnetic activity, or why the temporarily opaque dome suddenly cleared.

依然没有官方声明 解释之前报道的异常地磁活动 以及为什么临时不透明的穹顶突然透明了