n. 困惑, 模糊
[医] 模糊化, 发暗
n. darkening or obscuring the sight of something
obfuscation circuit 模糊处理电路
obfuscation confusion 混淆混淆
obfuscation cryptography 模糊加密
obfuscation c# 混淆c#
obfuscation ceh 模糊ceh
obfuscation defined 模糊定义
obfuscation c++ 混淆c++
obfuscation define 模糊定义
eschew obfuscation 避免混淆
obfuscation js 模糊处理
obfuscation example 模糊处理示例
It's meant to obfuscate, and does so commendably.
这本来就是为了迷惑人 效果很好
II don't care if you lie or obfuscate.
It was obfuscated by the blunt force trauma that fractured the sternum.
令胸骨骨折的钝器损伤 使它变得很模糊
So, we're looking for a third accelerant, something that the gasoline could obfuscate.
所以我们要找第三种助燃剂 一种可以被汽油遮掩的物质
But it means the likelihood is that you lose in the hearing, unless you obfuscate.
可那就意味着除非你混淆视听 否则 你很有可能会在听证会上输掉
obfuscation, administration unavailability, everything points to a crisis, a threat.
混淆视听 政府人员失踪 这一切都说明发生了危机 出现了威胁
There have been so many crucial battles in this war against the northern aggressors that have been obfuscated and obliterated.
在这场针对北方侵略者的战役中 有很多至关重要的战斗 不是被模棱两可 就是被删掉了
Not everything is a labyrinth of dark conspiracy, and not everybody is plotting to deceive, inveigle and obfuscate.
不是一切都是阴谋 不是每个人都会欺骗和设圈套
They lie, they obfuscate, and then if that wasn't enough, on top of it all, they think they can get away with it because everyone else does.
撒谎 犯迷糊 这些还不够 更重要的是 他们还觉得没关系 因为大家都这样
The amplifier's radiation obfuscates the cannon's energy signature, which makes tracking it quite difficult.
放大器的放射会模糊聚合炮的能量特征 因此追踪起来非常困难