n. 烈酒私酿者, 烈酒走私者
n someone who makes or sells illegal liquor
The moonshiner was tiped off that they will be manhunt.
What we've got here is a story about a moonshiner makin' moonshine when something goes wrong and blows his entire moonshining shack to ithereens.
我们今天要讲的 是一个私酒贩子在酿酒时 由于某个环节出错 结果把整座制酒棚炸成了碎片
I want to see if moonshine can stand up to a real moonshine run when in a car.
我想看看私酿烈酒驱动的车能否经得起 私酒贩子真正的逃亡之旅
I've always heard the myth that a car running on moonshine will outrun a car running on gas, that the moonshine will outperform the gasoline.
我听说燃烧私酿烈酒的车跑得 比烧汽油的要快 也就是说私酿烈酒比汽油还给力
Let's also mess with the formulations for the moonshine, find the best proof to run in the car, put it headtohead against a gasfueled vehicle, and do, sort of, a comparison a moonshine run.
我们还可以试试不同的私酿烈酒 找出最适合车的酒精度数 然后跟烧汽油的车比试一下 然后做个对比 来一场私酒逃亡赛
I don't think this is how the moonshiners do it.
What I have here is traditional moonshine.
And I had such a delightful moonshine pairing for it, too.
Running better on moonshine than I would.
But, I guess they're moonshiners, so they don't care.
但我想私酒贩子们 肯定不会在乎的
You guys settle in, I'll pour the moonshine.
你们好好住下 我上我的私酿酒