mandated是什么意思   mandated怎么读

英式:[ˈmændeɪtɪd]    美式:[ˈmændeɪtɪd]


adj. 委托统治的


名词: mandator | 动词过去式: mandated | 动词过去分词: mandated | 动词现在分词: mandating | 动词第三人称单数: mandates |


动词 mandate:

assign under a mandate


make mandatory


assign authority to


mandate[ mæn'deitid ]n.a document giving an official instruction or command


a territory surrendered by Turkey or Germany after World War I and put under the tutelage of some other European power until they are able to stand by themselves


the commission that is given to a government and its policies through an electoral victoryv.assign under a mandate

"mandate a colony"

make mandatory

"the new director of the school board mandated regular tests"

assign authority to




"The cumulative effect," Medicare concluded, "resulted in failure of the center to deliver statutorily mandated services and comply with federal requirements.

" 联邦医疗与补助中心总结说,“最后积累的结果是凯泽中心未能为患者提供法定的规范的服务,未能遵守联邦法律法规。”

The total discharge of 12 industrial pollutants in China by the end of 2000 shall not exceed the total amount mandated by the central government.


"It was mandated that phone companies have to have location in phones to find 911 callers.


Expresses the wish that all the parties continue to strive to achieve an agreement on the objectives, specific scope and object of protection, as mandated by the General Assembly.


Laws such as the Fair Labor Standards Act, enacted in 1938, mandated worker protections, including the maximun 8-hour workday and 40-hour workweek.


In 1988, they mandated the destruction of stricken cows and halted the use of cows, sheep and other ruminant animals in cattle feed


1 4.The term "preshipment inspection entity" is any entity contracted or mandated by a Member to carry out preshipment inspection activities.


The ACCZ is mandated to deal with economic crimes as prescribed in a number of stipulated Acts.


The EAFR has data-link recording as mandated by the FAA, and a crash survivable memory which meets environmental requirements.


H. control parameters mandated open to facilitate system debug and optimization.

h. 控制参数授权开放,方便系统调试与优化。

mandated area

[法] 委托统治地

“They are mandated to check it at 200%,” says David Perlis, chief operating officer for proof-reading software developer Global Vision Inc.

“他们的任务是检查在200 % , ”大卫说,玻璃市,首席运营官校对软件开发公司全球视野 因此,系统开发,可以比较多个文件类型。

"Do the same mail-order business DHC has not mandated the purchase.


"a congressionally mandated process that will gradually strip these institutions of a cocoon of regulations" (Edward Meadows)


"A new World Bank, a new International Monetary Fund, a reformed and renewed United Nations, mandated and resourced that can now be greater than the sum of its parts .


Network Manager meets industry mandated NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection Standards and National Grid cyber security requirements.


21. 4. The term "preshipment inspection entity" is any entity contracted or mandated by a Member to carry out preshipment inspection activities.


We are constitutionally mandated to act as the directing and coordinating authority on health.


A congressionally mandated panel concluded in September that Bush is seen in the Arab world as a greater threat than Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden.


In general, courts have faithfully adhered to Vermont Yankee's admonition against imposing rulemaking procedures beyond those mandated by statute.


The shipment can not be done by sea as mandated regular postal?, Is that in this way is cheaper.


To rescue the banks, the government stripped out their bad assets, mandated wide lending margins for them to earn their way back, and floated them in Hong Kong for recapitalisation.


The buyer must pay the costs of any pre shipment inspection except when such inspection is mandated by the authorities of the country of export.


The buyer must pay the costs of any pre shipment inspection, including inspection mandated by the authorities of the country of export.


The buyer must pay the costs of any pre-shipment inspection except when such inspection is mandated by the authorities of the country of export.


passed the test for the associated person of a securities firm held by SFI which is mandated by SDA.


The delegates are mandated to vote on behalf of their membership.


Do you agree that buildings of a certain age or above should be mandated to undertake building inspections?


According to the policy mandated yesterday, low-income families with children can get up to $400 in tax rebates.


And if adoption of a price mandated by the government or based on government issued pricing guidelines is required by law, such requirement applies


Promote stress-reducing policies such as implementing mandated breaks every two hours and regularly scheduled wellness campaigns that focus on stress-reducing help from outside professionals.


In the months that followed, the FAA beefed up communication and mandated swifter reporting of any suspicious activity by aircraft.


Public schools have been mandated to leave religion out of the classroom and, as stated earlier, the environment provided by private schools has not proven to be a panacea.


The 601-member special assembly is mandated to write a new constitution. The assembly is expected to formally put an end to the world's last Hindu monarchy, making Nepal a republic.


The MOEA will appoint a specific agency to carry out mandated matters of standardization.


A large chunk will be carried out by local government and state-owned enterprises.It will be mandated by the government, but financed by their own revenue, corporate bonds or bank lending.


Others object, saying mandated accines should be limited to those preenting diseases caused by casual, not sexual, contact.


Second, when an official delegates a task mandated by an environmental regulation, he or she is advised to accompany that delegation with strict supervision to be sure that compliance occurs.


Interest and Risk Preference Difference: an Economics Analysis on Mandated Financing and its Solution of Listed Companies


WIPO had been mandated by the millennium development goals to effect development with equity and rapid amelioration of poverty around the world.


The engine, meanwhile, needed to be tuned to work with mandated air restrictors and last 24 hours at Le Mans.


Requests for a change can be direct or indirect,externally or internally initiated,and can be optional or legally/contractually mandated.


At the same time, all foodstuff departments in Sichuan Province are mandated to appropriately purchase and reserve wheat, coleseed and other produce in the quake-hit area.


Mandated desegregation of public schools


Oh yeah, this must be the first time I've seen Yao out at a party that wasn't mandated by the team.


Therefore, the title insurance company will take all necessary steps to clear up any "clouds" on title within the time frame mandated by the contract for the sale of the property.


Consequently, Vedic learning by rote was encouraged and prized, particularly among Brahmins, where learning of one's own Vedic texts was a mandated duty.


a congressionally mandated process that will gradually strip these institutions of a cocoon of regulations&b{Edward Meadows)

国会委任程序将逐渐层层剥去这些机关规章的外壳(爱德华 梅多斯)

Congressionally Mandated Mobility Study


The state-run1) Taiwan Sugar Corporation yesterday launched a three-in-one2) DIY rice wine kit as an expedient way to avoid the high taxes levied on rice wine in Taiwan, as mandated by the WTO.


During his tenure, Krieg played a central role in implementing institutional and governance reforms mandated by the 2005 Quadrennial Defense Review.


The assembly was mandated to draft a constitution.


Most States or Provinces do not have mandated Tester programs;therefore, you will find that different areas may have very different requirements.


And if NASA meets the search goals mandated by Congress, it will locate 98 percent of these objects and calculate 100-year projections of their orbits by 2020.


Any vehicles sold in the US have to comply with the FMVSS mandated by the government.


mandated financing


mandated state


Learning Standards are the goals by which states and school districts must meet adequate yearly progress (AYP) as mandated by No Child Left Behind.

学习标准是国家和学校的目标,必须符合适当的年度进展( AYP )的规定不让一个孩子掉队。

It took note of the decision of the Ninth Session of the IGC to continue its work until 2007 as mandated by the Assembly.


Object services are mandated by CORBA.


Does the factory pay employee mandated withholdings to the appropriate government agency?


Canton Salt Company is the enactment of laws and regulations in the form of mandated Food salt monopoly enterprises, Canton region bear salt packaging production and market supply functions.


Summary We have discovered remotely-exploitable vulnerabilities in Green Dam, the censorship software reportedly mandated by the Chinese government.


The UNIDO, headquartered in Vienna, is a specialized United Nations agency mandated to promote industrial development and international industrial cooperation.


I created quality teams and mandated training, turning around a department that was losing money and had the highest turnover in the company.


I demonstrated to his satisfaction that had he followed both the signals and the strategy mandated by the system, he would have been down by only 20 percent.


I am not mandated to tell you about it.


Designation means that the IMF has mandated certain member countries to receive SDR's and to exchange them for free usable currencies.


mandated territory


mandated territories


the mandated territories


Where a contract is to be implemented at a price mandated by the government or based on government issued pricing guidelines


Technology: No specific tools, methods, or technologies are mandated by the CMM.


The government has been mandated to revise the tax system .


The government has recently been running a budget deficitof around 1% of GDP, well below the legally mandated limit of 3%.


” Such a warning was mandated for SSRI antidepressants before passage of the FDA Amendments Act.


NIEs; Newly Mandated and Expanded United Nations Programme on Space Applications;


Efficient policies can be adopted as a result of interregional treaties or mandated by a central government.


Others lower themselves from the upper strata of society to slum it with the colorful locals, tossing aside socially mandated inhibitions and gathering a story or two.


This course is mandated to train future sales manager.


Britain was mandated to govern the former colony of German East Africa.