nucleation是什么意思   nucleation怎么读

英式:[ˌnju:klɪ'eɪʃən]    美式:[ˌnju:klɪ'eɪʃən]


n.[物化]成核现象, 集结,人工造雨法



NucleationNucleation is the extremely localized budding of a distinct thermodynamic phase. Some examples of phases that may form by way of nucleation in liquids are gaseous bubbles, crystals or glassy regions.





Consequently, the Ca P supersaturation and the ion activity product of apatite increased and this stimulated the nucleation and growth of the apatite crystals and the formation of apatite coatings.

Ca2 + 离子又能使表面附近的pH值增大 ,Ca2 + 离子和HPO2 -4离子的活度积就增大 ,从而刺激了磷灰石晶体的成核与长大 ,最终形成表面磷灰石涂层

There is a transitional potential in nucleation frequency plots with increase of potential, when the concentration of Cl- is over 0.2 mol/L in NaHCO3 + Na2CO3 solutions.


Poly(butylene terephthalate)-layered silicate (LS) nanocomposites (NPBT) were prepared, and their crystallization, nucleation and their structure-properties were investigated.


The researoh on Pa12 effect of Polyformaldehyde nucleation[J], Plastic industry, 2000,28 (4): 34-36.


POE-g-MAH and talc were more favorable for the crystallization of PA6 than PE-g-GMA, which might be related to heterogenous nucleation or reactive compatibilization.


The nucleation mechanism arid geometry of crystal growth of PLA plasticized by PEG of different molecular weights were about the same.


Heterogeneous nucleation of bubbles on an advancing solidification front during freezing of water containing a dissolved gas has been experimentally and analytically studied.


The nucleation and growth mechanism and the effect of the different modificators on the morphology of primary faced crystal are introduced.


Theory of nucleation when the foam has nucleation additves is also offered.


The progress in the research of ultrasonic effect on the formation and decomposition of natural gas hydrates, on the nucleation of ice are presented.


The lastest shear energy nucleation theory during cell nucleation was recommended, which explained the process of cell nucleation in shear flow field perfectly.


Anything that creates nucleation sites for bubble formation will aid vacuum degassing, so I suspect that (gentle) use of a stir bar will be better than none.


However, oxygen precipitate nucleation and denuded zone of NCZ silicon in intrinsic gettering processes have been systematically investigated.


Can you think of another example of nucleation?


SEM was used to observe nucleation site of Co particles, and energy spectrum analysed phase composition of white matter in endosexine of mold.


Keywords: reactive-crystallization, calcium oxalate hydrates, induction time, nucleation, morphology.


It considers point, line and interfacial defects in the context of structural transformations including annealing, spinodal decomposition, nucleation, growth, and particle coarsening.


Their growth mechanism could be attributed to the substrate-induced oriental nucleation and fast growth under thermodynamic equilibrium state.


Ice nucleation active substance which was expected to be a high active freezing agent was applied in food freezing such as freeze concentration.


Meantime,the effects of pulse electric field on incubated nucleation of molten are posted by the cooling curves and the velocity of temperature change.


Influences of dynamic conditions on molecule chain relaxation during molecular orientation and extrudate swell and gas bubble nucleation were analyzed.


The reason of the pit reduced the nucleation energy is analyzed.


The relationship among polymerization methods, nucleation and growth mechanism of the particle, particle microstructure, properties of latex and films was ...


In collision nucleation process, the fracture mechanism plays a major role, the crystal fracture after collision has distributed continuously.


A great impact of surface diffusion on CVD diamond nucleation is discovered and investigated.


Meanwhile nanoparticles can significantly improve the nucleation and lower the devitrification temperatures of cryoprotectant solutions.


With the assumption that the sites of fracture nucleation are randomly distributed in the sample,we deduce out a set of enclosed equations for predicting the fragment number and size distribution.


Homogeneous nucleation is made possible by statistical fluctuations among molecular aggregates in the vapour.


The dynamics of intragranular nucleation of ferrite in the low carbon VN alloyed steel under the compact strip production (CSP) is a new research field.

在CSP(Compact Strip Production)工艺条件下低碳钢中铁素体的晶内异质形核动力学是一个新的研究领域。

Compared to study on PP composite filled with modified acerate Wollastonite and granular CaCO3, talc has better strengthened and toughened effect to PP composite, because of its Lamellar structure and high nucleation.


On this context, a nucleation mechanism was developed, attempting to explain the origin of martensitic nucleation in iron based alloys.


Based on this, the research purports and methods of supersaturated water vapor nucleation and condensation on the surface of PM2.5 from combustion are presented.


The influence of bias enhanced nucleation(BEN) to the adhesion between diamond coating and WC-6%Co carbide cutting tool is researched with the microwave plasma (CVD) instrument.

在微波等离子体化学气相沉积装置中 ,研究了负偏压形核对金刚石薄膜与WC 6%硬质合金刀具附着力的影响。

Under DC condition the nucleation rate of recrystallization is much higher than that without current and is slightly higher than that annealed with AC current.


In the condition of high combustion temperature, coal minerals are first decomposed and gasified, and when plume is cooling, they can form lots of submicron particles though nucleation, condensation and agglomeration.


Diamond nucleation on ferrous substrate was realized with the inducement of diamond nucleation on silicon substrate in the hot-filament CVD system.


With ultrasound excitations, the solution experiences cavitation, first nucleation, second nucleation, crystal growth, fragmentation, etc.


The water transportation and ice nucleation parameters were used in the coupled water nucleation model to predict the probability of IIF over a wide range ...


Different carbon source, nitrogen source and inorganic salts in medium affected the cell growth, the ice nucleation activity and the xanthan gum ratio.


The cultivation condition affected the cell growth, the ice nucleation activity and the xanthan gum ratio.


Lots of experiment results showed that proper pretreatments could reduce the negative influences of Co binder phase in the substrates and improve the diamond nucleation and film adhesion, and this obtain ideal film quality.


In the case of hydriding with long induction time, reaction site is fewer, and nucleation distribution is asymmetrical that is apt to local corrossion.


Sun F Z, Zhao T C, Yang J M, Cao X Y, Tang C R, Meng Q R.Species of ice nucleation active bacteria on the apricot and the relationship between their activity and flower frost.


It can be concluded that the combined intensity between films and substrates is improved by ultrasonic pre-treating of substrates which also accelerates the nucleation of BN.


The result of experimental data analysis shows that the relationship between the nucleation site density and the minimum nucleation radius is fractal.


The results show that, core-shell impact modifier can act as nucleation agent, which can increase the crystallinity of nylon 11 blend alloy.


Experimental results indicate that a high reaction temperature and quickly ascending temperature speed apparently increase the nucleation number of monoclinic zirconia in the precursor solution.


Ultrasonic irradiation can also weaken negative effect of stirring, restrain heterogeneous nucleation and avoid agglomerating proved by test.


The experiment results of crystallinity in some organic solvents showed that there was a strong tendency to spontaneous nucleation in the solution of OGO.


The experimental results of crystallinity in some organic solvents show that there is a strong tendency of spontaneous nucleation in the solution.OSO appears a good crystalline in benzene and toluene.


The physical processes involved in the heterogeneous nucleation of supersaturation vapor on of charge particles are not fully understood.


In the paper, the enhancing process of diamond nucleation by negative substrate bias in hot filament CVD system was analyzed.


The results of investigation into nucleation show that temperature and time have little influence on tne amount of saturant acid crystallized.


The crystallography of fcc/bcc(bct) martensite transformation, including nucleation and growth, has been discussed from the viewpoint of invariant-line and O-lattice theory.

将不变线理论和O点阵理论应用于fcc/bcc(bct)马氏体相变的可滑移生长界面的设计,建立了马氏体形核与长大的 晶体学模型.

Nucleation mechanism of laser pyrolysis for preparing chain-of-spherical magnetic iron UFP and technology optimizing[J].

引用该论文 高晓云,陈伟雄,王伟杰,杨福明,罗河烈.

AFTER A BUBBLE is released from its nucleation site, it grows as it makes its way to the surface [see middle illustration at left].


When unstable thermal conditions are satisfied with the constituent fluctuations of "correct direction" and "degree", phase transformation driving force is raised and nucleation is promoted.


At the end of the nucleation process micellar soap should no longer be present in solution.


When the maximum radius approaches to the minimum,the active nucleation sites density decreases and the nucleation boiling is restrained.


When the particles become very large and are removed by gravitational settling, then another burst of nucleation can occur.


At the same time, the nucleation density affects the dendrite morphologies, especially the growth of secondary and tertiary dendrite arms.


The results show that Sm_2Co_(17) precipitates themselves are not nucleation centres for the formation of reverse domains.


The nucleation mechanisms and colloid stability are the key aspects of emulsifier-free emulsion polymerization.


The main evidence for the validity of nucleation theory rests on its ability to predict closely the critical supersaturation for most liquids in cloud chamber experiments.


Experiments were carried out with different powder composition to enhance ultrasonication nucleation and also studied the effects on the electric filed emission properties.


Determination has been made of the ice nucleation of AgI with rainmaing and hail suppression rocket JFJ.


The supersaturation used is too low to produce an appreciable rate of nucleation.


The results of SEMand EDAX indicated that, the crosssection shapes of SG had four, such as eitherradial, or with “bright nucleation”, or no “bright nucleation”, or caveme.


It can be presumed that the nucleation rate of HHM will increase with the rise of temperature and supersaturated ratio, when toluene used as dissolvent.


It can be presumed that the nucleation rate of HHM will increase with the rise of temperature and supersaturated ratio, when toluene used a...


The heat treatment process and effects of the nucleation agent on the nucleation and crystallization were explored.


A new batch transient method is developed for the determination of crystallization growth and nucleation kinetic parameters.


Introduce the application of the optical image technology in the study of formation of microcellular foams to observe the nucleation and growth of bubbles.


To unerstand precursory process before seismic fault slip, this work focuses on earthquake nucleation process on a fault plane through numerical simulation.


From the viewpoint of tectonic deformation and rupture nucleation, more anomalies of deformation should be found out near the source that easily accepted by many people, however, many measured data are not supported it.


In the paper, the effect of ion bombarding on nucleation of diamond by negative substrate bias-enhanced was investigated in theory, and some experimental phenomena were explained.


Ice nucleation bacteria are important factors causing and increasing plant frost and freezing injury, but treatments that reduce the numbers or activity of ice nucleation bacteria are effective on decreasing plant frost and freezing injury.


The ice nucleation activation bacterial canker disease decreased the content of mobile proline in poplar barks, while caused the content of bark pectin to increase a bit.


In this paper, the nucleation process of diamond by filament CVD was analyzed, and enhanced flux of ions by negative substrate bias was investigated in theory.


Lithographic printing aluminum plate was systematically ac electrograined to investigate the nucleation and growth of the etch pit and the formation of the etch film.



This equation covers nucleation on flat substrates.