modernizer是什么意思   modernizer怎么读

英式:[ˈmɒdənaɪzə]    美式:[ˈmɒdənaɪzə]


n. 实现现代化的人

n. One who modernizes.





Modern city urban planning is very similar to modern graphic design or modern industrial design, it's minimalist, very ordered, very rational, separate everything out.

现代城市规划 非常类似于现代平面设计 或者是现代工业设计 极简抽象 理性有序 摒弃冗余

Oh, a guitar modern band, a guitar modern band.

一支现代吉他乐队 一支现代吉他乐队啊

It combined my two favorite things: modern art and people talking about modern art.

它是我两项最爱的集合 现代艺术 以及别人评论现代艺术

But it is a force so powerful, it can trash billions of pounds' worth of modern technology in a split second, bringing our modern world crashing around our ears.

但这股力量十分强大 足以在刹那间令价值上百亿人民币的 现代科技作废 并且令现代社会在我们眼前崩塌

A modern supercar may be no faster than these monsters from the past, but a modern supercar makes the speed fun and easy, not terrifying and bathed in an unholy mix of sweat and faeces.

现代超跑也许没有这些 来自过去的怪物那么快 但是现代的超跑可以 让你轻松的体会到速度的乐趣 而不至于吓到半死 然后泡在汗液和粪便的混合物中

Tildy, this is how the moderns do it.

提尔蒂 这是现代人的处事方式

Not if living like this is being a modern.

如果这样就是新潮人士 我宁可不做

He's too crazy for their modern medicine.

他太疯狂了 现代医学束手无策

So I modernize the language at first.


And each of them has been hurt by modern times.
