mobiles是什么意思   mobiles怎么读

英式:['məʊbaɪlz]    美式:['məʊbaɪlz]


abbr.motion sculptures (plastic forms in motion) 运动雕塑(运动造型)n.风铃,(可随风摆动的)悬挂饰物( mobile的名词复数 )

abbr.motion sculptures (plastic forms in motion) 运动雕塑(运动造型);



名词 mobile:

a river in southwestern Alabama; flows into Mobile Bay

同义词:Mobile, Mobile River

a port in southwestern Alabama on Mobile Bay


sculpture suspended in midair whose delicately balanced parts can be set in motion by air currents


mobilen.a river in southwestern Alabama; flows into Mobile Bay

同义词:Mobile River

a port in southwestern Alabama on Mobile Baysculpture suspended in midair whose delicately balanced parts can be set in motion by air currentsadj.moving or capable of moving readily (especially from place to place)

"a mobile missile system"; "the tongue is...the most mobile articulator"

(of groups of people) tending to travel and change settlements frequently

"a restless mobile society"


having transportation availablecapable of changing quickly from one state or condition to another

"a highly mobile face"

affording change (especially in social status)

"upwardly mobile"





In 1999, he became president and general manager of Mobil Oil Canada.


From 2006, SAGEM Mobiles Ningbo Co., Ltd began manufacturing mobile phones for Sony Ericsson.


Formula One also provides an opportunity to test and develop other Mobil 1 products supplied to Team McLaren Mercedes, such as gearbox oil and greases.


ILI, you probably know it as a fashion and accessories brand!This is the official ILI game for mobiles.


Mobil DTE 700 meets or exceeds 19 major industry and OEM's specifications for gas and steam turbine oils, including those of Alstom, GE, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) and Siemens.

Mobil DTE 700产品达到或超过了燃气及蒸汽轮机油的19项主要工业和OEM技术规范的要求,其中包括阿尔斯通、通用电气、三菱重工、西门子的技术规范。

Formulated with carefully selected basestocks and additives, Mobil DTE 700 is designed for use in light- and moderate-duty gas turbines, as well as steam turbines.

Mobil DTE 700配制时采用精选的基础油和添加剂,适合中、低负荷的燃气轮机和蒸汽轮机使用。

Mobil, Connect Austria and Tele.


The precision with which we can develop Mobil 1 lubricants to anticipate an engine's needs is the key," comments Tony Harlow.

Tony Harlow说:“开发美孚1号润滑油使之满足发动机需要的关键是精度。

Paccyman, a PacMan style game to suit most mobiles.


Men have swopped places with women as the family chatterbox, a survey has found. They dominate the house phone as well as constantly chatting on their mobiles.


Les deux batteries 12v sous le chariot mobil.


China Mobile currently sells a range of 40 TD-SCDMA handsets but Mr Wang said “several hundred” mobiles were required.


General Manager Zhu delivered a welcome for VIP clients of Shanghai Mobil.


English: "The [Franco-Prussian] War: French National Guards, Gardes Mobiles, Pompiers, and Volunteers.

中文(简体): 1870年普法战争期间法国的国民卫队、别动队、消防队员和志愿兵。

Specialize in : Mobil Crane Service, Forklift, Transport Agent And Machinery Movers.


The merriest “walker” for mobiles will let you get absorbed into the struggle with the treacherous dictator.

为可动装置的最快乐的 " 徒步者 " 将会进入和叛逆的命令者的竞争之内让你变全神贯注.

The decision came in response to a petition, seeking to criminalize the carrying of mobiles at funerals and temples.


At first glance, the nine-millimeter-thick phone looks much like other mobiles, except with fewer keys and no wording.


It's also why Mobil 1 is the exclusive factory fill, and recommended service fill, for all off-track Porsche engines.


The book features new chapters from Chevron, Mobil, Shell, Exxon, UOP, and Texaco which define technology, pollution-control, and economic aspects of 60 petroleum refining processes.

书以新章从确定技术的雪佛龙,美孚石油公司,壳牌公司,埃克森,UOP,和德士古那里为特色,污染控制, 以及60石油精炼过程的经济方面。

Their influence may, in fact, be undercounted: telephone surveys call fixed-line phones, and younger people tend to own only mobiles.


Indeed, Exxon Mobil may pounce again.


Alexander Calder made mobiles that were motor-driven and some that moved with a breeze.


Today, Socony Mobil (ExxonMobil), ChevronTexaco, Shell (ConcocoPhilips and Chevron) are some of the companies whose roots go back to the breakup of the Standard Oil.


Earlier this year, Exxon Mobil broke the record for this sort of long-distance drilling with a well over 11km (7 miles) long.


They dominate the house phone as well as constantly chatting on their mobiles.


He denied a report early published on the Nihon Kenzei News, which reports that the Sharp company had received order form from Fudefeng Group to purchase 1 million camera mobiles.


He told his soldiers to stop using their mobiles and go back to walkie-talkies.


Acting Mobil Esso lubricants, hydraulic oil, gear oil products, price concessions.


An Iraqi oil industry insider, Exxon Mobil and British Petroleum of the most interested in the technical services contract, ready to submit a new proposal.


Unfortunately, amateur mobiles have to manually turn off the tone to monitor the channel in the carrier squelch mode.


Dr Banavar, however, thinks mobiles could be made to work much harder.


But it's purely precautionary, because no one is sure yet what effect mobiles have on health.


You want a fight, President Bush? Let's fight to wean ourselves off Middle East oil through an energy policy that doesn't simply serve the interests of Exxon and Mobil.


Mobil Gargoyle Arctic Oil Series are a group of oils that cover the entire range of refrigeration compressor requirements (except sulfur dioxide).


Applying that price to all of PetroChina's outstanding shares would give the company a market capitalization of around $1.08 trillion, twice that of industry giant Exxon Mobil Corp.


GSM Global System for Mobiles.


Position Summary As a member of SAGEM Mobiles supplier quality engineering team she/he will interface with suppl...... ...


ProfileMission-Your main responsibility will be to lead our development teams toward the completion of top mobil...... ...


FERGUS WALSH: Other research will examine the effects of mobiles on memory and reasoning.


Sir John Bond, formerly chairman of the HSBC banking group and now chairman of Vodafone, has long been convinced that payments and mobiles would somehow converge.


As a result, Exxon Mobil and U.S. steel plates led by futures-related.


It is only by collaborating with partners such as Mobil 1 that we can deliver peak performance on the track, race after race.


In extensive testing, Mobil DTE 700 demonstrated exceptional demulsibility retention, oxidation stability and deposit control, three of the most important performance characteristics for turbine oils.

各类测试的结果显示,Mobil DTE 700在反乳化度的保持力、氧化稳定性和沉淀控制方面具有优异的性能,而这三项都是汽轮机油最重要的性能特征。

At the same time, the 12th New York was once the international crude oil futures prices climbed to above 60 U.S. dollars a barrel, by the influence of Exxon Mobil and Chevron led energy shares higher.


Therefore, the world's largest oil company Exxon Mobil and the United States's second-largest oil company Chevron led energy plate.


Over the course of a season, many different blends of Mobil 1 will be tested, each one designed to maximize engine power.


In a motion ,they also warned that the system offers live tracking of mobiles through a website and called on Google to examine the service.


In the Stratospheric Telecommunication Platform, when the user equipment (UE) mobiles to another Platform, his IP address will change.


Following the ExxonMobil merger, he was appointed corporate production advisor, Exxon Mobil Corporation.


In Norway, subscribers to a cinema service can already find out what's showing on local screens and pay for their tickets using their mobiles.


This paper also details multi-modle communication by using CDMA and OFDM modulation connected with WLAN and mobil internet.


Send it a command via SMS and it will reply with a message like Parked, 0.25 km north of Mobil Pasir Panjang, Queenstown, Singapore.


And in schoolrooms, where mobiles are banned, the sound is a useful semi-private ringtone.


Exxon Mobil has seen healthy stock increases over the last 5 years so it is likely that its market cap will increase.


The nearest Mobil oil tank shall be emptied for the duration of the felling.


The processes on the Mobil and ESSO sites (all vessels and pipework) shall be fully isolated during initiation.


EXXON MOBIL is the world's most valuable listed company, with a market capitalisation of $412 billion.


Exxon Mobil Corp., the world's largest publicly traded oil company, reported third-quarter profit fell 10 percent because of lower refining and chemical margins.

埃克森美孚公司是世界上最大的公开交易的石油公司,其第三季度的利润下降了10 % ,因为较低的炼油和化工毛利。

Exxon Mobil and Chevron led the energy sector rose 6.1 percent.


Exxon Mobil is also significantly bigger than PetroChina.


Exxon Mobil will provide $600m over five years with half going to SGI.


Exxon Mobil has determined that if the buyer a reasonable offer, they sold shares.


Exxon Mobil Corp. added 0.5 percent to $70.26.


Exxon Mobil's shares fell 2.6%, energy stocks and the market weakness to form drag.


Foreigner:There is not much point in showing off when mobiles are so common now,is there?


Like all Vodafone mobiles, the Nokia 5110 is made to roam.


Applying that price to all of PetroChina's outstanding shares would give the company a market capitalization of around .08 trillion, twice that of industry giant Exxon Mobil Corp.


If PetroChina, now in fourth place, goes ahead with its plan to sell shares on the Chinese mainland, then it could soon eclipse Exxon Mobil as the world's largest company.


If the fees for using smart cards and mobiles were low enough, cash would be more expensive to take, so it might well attract a surcharge.


It needs an increase of just short of $900 a share so based on the 30 months it will take 54 months (or 4.5 years) for Google to pass Exxon Mobil based on XOM’s current cap.


Coupons or product information could be delivered directly to mobiles as consumers pay for items.


After much consulting of mobiles, the two men start to walk.


Despite this, Mobil Delvac heavy duty engine oil was able to provide the protection needed for Gaffiero to achieve his goal.

尽管如此,Mobil Delvac重型发动机油仍为Gaffiero实现目标提供了所需的保护。

Despite what Apple disparagingly called "small plastic keyboards" on other mobiles, they're way more likely to work reliably than a touch-screen.


If factor 1 picks up unexpected changes in oil prices, b1 will be higher for Exxon Mobil.


Exxon Mobil and Freeport-McMoRan Copper &Gold Inc. tumbled as crude fell below 67 U.S. dollars a barrel and copper price slid.


Neighbors include billionaire businessman T.Boone Pickens and recently retired Exxon Mobil CEO Lee Raymond.


And it's cheaper than using mobil phone , it's cost about 1/2 cent(au) per minute .Sara went back home at 12.30am after she finished her part-time job, and I gave Sara a small miro as a gift.


For the first time in France, France Telecom, Bouygues Telecom and SFR subscribers are able to cross over, meet and chat in groups on their mobiles using SMS thanks to Freever.
