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英式:['bə]    美式:['bə]






BerBer is a tropical fruit tree species belonging to the family Rhamnaceae.





Jeff Zeleny,"For Democrats,Time to Savor Victory at Last," The New York Times,Novem ber 8,2006.


After excluding inconformity of installation to requirements in 8.26% (10/121), insufficient num ber of lamps in 8.26% (10/121) and both inconformit...


The optical signals are strong enough to have power margin of several dB (Maximum one can be up to 12 dB for the 1535nm) for BER of 10-9 after they are transmitted through 102km.


In addition, the B3G Test Platform supports the Bits Error Ratio (BER) test.


BER is typically expressed as a negative power of 10.


HR can repair the DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) which is the most severe damage of DNA. It is not known whether Hp induce the occurrence of GCa by inhibiting the functions of BER genes and HR genes?

HR是真核细胞修复DNA双链断裂(DNA double strand breaks, DSBs)的一个重要途径, HR相关基因的缺陷可引起DSBs修复减少,肿瘤发生率显著增加。

The degradation of Idsatcan be ex- pressed as a function of the product of the gate current( Ig) and the num ber of charges injected into the gate oxide ( Qinj) in a simple power law.

Idsat的退化可以用函数栅电流 ( Ig)乘以注入的栅氧化层电荷数 ( Qinj)的幂函数表达 .

TCP-Westwood(TCPW) is shown to provide significant performance improvement in the case of high BER.


TPKI is described based on Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN. 1) and encoded using the Basic Encoding Rules(BER) and the Distinguished Encoding Rules(DER).

TPKI基于抽象语法符号ASN. 1描述、采用BER/DER进行编码。

Deutschland ber Alles!


A shiny fossil "stone" called...ber is in a beautiful box.


Ju-ly and Au- gust, Sep-tem-ber and Oc- to- ber,


U:ber Sternen muss er wohnen.


The proposed SDC-based system with lower BER can significantly strengthen the capability to combat multi-path interference and multi-access interference (MAI).


This article provides an intuitionistic validation method for the research of BER analysis and interference analysis of WCDMA signal.


Design criteria for such signal source are derived, upon which one can choose the PLL loop bandwidth by trade-off considerations, to get a relatively low BER, simultaneously obtain low spurious output and fast frequency hopping as well.


BER and common properties of smooth muscle should be known, and different contractile types such as receptive relaxation in stomach, sengamentation contraction in small intestine also need know.


The accident took place before ber eyes.


H ndels Messias ist sein gr tes und ber hmtestes St ck, es war nicht nur seine Sternstunde, sondern auch eine Sternstunde fr die Menschheit.


The mechanism of biofilm-electrode reactor(BER), a new process for denitrification was introduced. The effect factors on BER was reviewed and the aspects needed to further study was proposed.


This paper researches howto improve performances and reduce production costs of the air-duct composite whic h is com-pounded by aluminum foil and glass fi ber.


What he thinks is support makes ber feel minimized, unloved, and ignored.


As an example, we calculate the Euclidean distance spectrum of error paths under viterbi decoding and BER upper bound for four-state Trellis-coded 8 PSK.

以四状态网格编码8 PSK系统为例,计算了维特比译码时错误路径的欧氏距离谱及由此得到的误比特率上限。

Bussiness Environment Risk Index, BER


The optimized GLS also can be used in the LAS-CDMA system, and the system BER can been reduced too, just as QS-CDMA situation.


However, the high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of MC-CDMA signals results in nonlinear distortion and degradation of bit error ratio (BER) performance, which is the obstacle of utilities of MC-CDMA.


We use the QSZ24 2Mbit/s digital transmit integrate test instrument to test the BER, in the laboratory condition, the BER is equal to zero after a long time testing.

使用QSZ24 2Mbit/s数字传输综合测试仪进行系统自环、对接误码率测试,在实验室条件下,经长时间误码测试,误码率为0。

And for the BER performance dbN and coifN are better and the Meyer is worse than the Gaussian pulse.


During the BPSE process, a high-speed special mode frame is sent, bit error rate (BER) is fed back to the sender, as well as signal to noise (SNR) and BERs for each rate are obtained by looking up the empirical BER/SNR curve.

其中,BPSE先通过发送高速特征序列串来测量比特误码率(Bit ErrorRate),然后根据BER/SNR(Signal to Noise Ratio)经验曲线,查表得出当前信道的SNR以及当前SNR下各个速率的BER。

Secondly, the changed creating purposes and significance of cy ber literature resulted in the changes of the subjects' view about the form and content of literature.


The num ber of theoretical trays can reach to 5 .8. It is equal to 48.3theoretical trays per m eter.

分离效果最高能达到5 .8块理论塔板 ,相当于每米 48.3块理论塔板。

Don t forget to post my letter . Please rem 绷ber .


By the sec ond quarter of2002,the num ber of cdma20001x customers in South Ko -rea has reached1031thousand.


No-vem- ber and De- cem- ber.


In addition, we derive a scheme to determine the number of subcarriers to be retained when the acceptable BER is specified.


Hi Mate, I'm Ber, a Chinese guy (mandarin speaker) who's currently working in UK.Welcome anyone who is interested in learning Mandrin and willing to help me improve my English skills.Cheers!


EFEC would adjust the additional length of data according to the BER of wireless networks.


Get a high school diplomaat least.whithout that you are occupationally deadunless your name happens to be George Ber ...

呵呵!)。书展除了很多人和很多书以外貌似没什么可以更多提了。不过至少可以庆幸一下买到了两本 ...

Mom called me at school on a blustery Octo ­ber day to tell me Grandpa had died.


Realizing positive justification and simple BER tester with a FPGA individually .

在FPGA 上分别设计实现了正码速调整和简单误码率测试仪,并连接成功。

In wireless ATM networks,there are such problems as higher BER,longer delay and limited bandwidth associated with the wireless link compared with the fiber link in ATM.

在WATM(无线异步转移模式 )网络中 ,无线链路与ATM(异步转移模式 )的光纤链路相比存在着误码率高、时延长和带宽有限等问题。

Transmitted the same power,the way of sub-carrier selection have even better SNR and lower BER than using all sub-carrier.


The num ber of ASG in atrium and auricle increased with increasing gestational age.


In the SNMP-based network management system, the data of MIB are described by ASN.1 and encoded with BER, so the readability of them is not good.


If treated with the same concentrations of DCA and BER for the same times, the tendency in the proliferation of HT-29 cells and the expressions of AP-1 and COX-2 was almost the same.


The sensitivity of the single channel DR is less than 20mV with 10-12 BER.


The HPA input backoff decrease 6dB at a BER of 10-4.


In this paper we haveobtained a lower bownd of B. L. Van der Waerden num ber W(k,r).

在这篇文章中我们得到了B.L. Van der Waerden数W(k,r)的一个下界。

Blockboard gave the highest formaldehyde emission level in large cham ber test.Formaldehyde emission rate of the wood-bas...


Desires welled up in ber heart.


Without proper compensation for MAI and ISI, Bit Error Rate (BER) is generated highly.


If only one specim en is tested the life facto r is 8, if sixare tested the facto r is on the average 3. 5, andp ropo rt ionately fo ra lesser num ber of samp les.


The chapters in this book cover important topics such as jitter, eye diagrams, clock recovery, bit-error-rate (BER) testing, and stress testing for both electrical and optical communications links.


For the best compensation method, the system had both high transmitting power and low BER when the input was 6 dBm.


The MMP2/TIMP2 ratio was decreased; 5) the MMP2 mRNA/TIMP2 mRNA ratio was decreased by Ber.

小檗碱使PG细胞TIMP2 mRNA表达明显增加(P<0.05),而对MMP2 mRNA表达无影响,MMP2 mRNA/TIMP2 mRNA比值降低。

Some efforts show that, incorporations of space-time block codes (STBC) into UWB transmissions can enhance the performance in bit error rate (BER) and immunity against timing jitter significantly.


At last,the experimental results of data veloci ty,BER and the communication distance are presented.

并且对这两种方案加以对比 ,给出了查询式通信接口的输入数据速率、误码率和通信距离等参数的实验结果。

After building a model of this nonlinear pre-amplifier and assuming the equivalent input noise, the receiver's BER performance of the linear and nonlinear pre-amplifiers is calculated and compared.


At ISR = 10dB and BER (Bit Error Rate) = 10?


When transmitting signal is below 500 Kbps, increasing the system power can reduce the bit error rate (BER) for the signal suffering only flat fading.


When BER and constellation are same, the SNRs of coherent detection and differential detection decrease with the increase of the number of transmit antennas and receive antennas.


When the optimization parameter of PDR is used, the power of system transmission is the minimum but the same bit error rate (BER) is obtained.


BER testing is also essential for testing high-speed serial data communications equipment when you need to characterize datacom components and systems.


Moreover, we develop an uplink power control method which can decrease the uplink power than the traditional method by exploiting the property of low BER for MBER criterion.


First the average and worst Bit error rate(BER) expression of QS-CDMA system was deduced, when the synchronous error is uniformly distributed within the symmetrical area.


Anzi mi han dato del fiele per cibo, e, nella mia sete, m’han dato a ber dell’aceto.


I'd like to cancel my reservation for the flight on Septem ber 26, and book one on September 29 instead, please.


Thirdly, as the main performance of transmitter, the maximum data rate and Bit Error Rate (BER) have been analyzed.


Third, based on the hypothesis of Standard Gaussian Approximation (SGA) in the environment of multi-users, this paper derives the bit error rate (BER) expressions.

接着推导出在多用户环境下基于标准高斯近似(Standard Gaussian Approximation,SGA)假设的各种IR-UWB系统的误码率和MUI特征。

Following is an analytical expression to calculate the BER of M-QAM under Rayleigh channel when channel estimation error exists.


The union of the error correcting code and parameter-induced stochastic resonance (PSR) was proposed to reduce the bite error rate (BER) of the digital signal processing.


The mechanism of biofilm-electrode reactor (BER), a new process for denitrification was introduced. The effect factors on BER was reviewed and the aspects needed to further study was proposed.


The space-time cooperative diversity scheme based on liner dispersion codes outperforms in BER performance the traditional OSTBC cooperative diversity scheme in a high rate system.


The impulse noise is the greatest barrier existed in power line communication, which can lead to high bit error rate (BER).It is necessary to consider adopting complicated channel coding technology.


Numerical results show that the BER performances of ideal MRC are the lower bounds on the BER performances of non-ideal MRC and deteriorate as the maximum Doppler frequency increases or the SNR of channel estimate decreases.


It shows that VMSK/2 with SSB-SC can obtain 10-6 BER and band efficiency of 20 bits/sec/Hz with SNR values of 13 dB.

数值实验表明在保证 1.0× 10 -6误码率 (BER)的前提下 ,为实现 2 0bits/s/Hz的频带利用率 ,VMSK/ 2结合SSB SC无线传输系统所需的信噪比 (SNR)为 13分贝 (dB) .

Digital modulating has many advantages by comparison with the analog modulating,and has low bit error rate (BER)under the same SNR.


A design method of chaotic polyphase sequences and the mathematical formulae of BER is also given in this paper.


Methods The proliferation of HT-29 cells was induced by DCA in different concentrations for 6, 12, 24, 48 hours separately and then treated with BER in different concentrations simultaneously.

方法 不同浓度DCA作用6、12、24、48小时以诱导HT-29细胞增殖,同时以不同浓度BER作用相应时间进行干预。

In the last chapter of tbe article,BER that chaotic spread spectrum sequences apply in mobilesatellite spread spectrum communication system is studied.
